Sup Forums Halloween Costumes

Did Sup Forums dress up for Halloween? How does Sup Forums like my costume?

wearing this to work

That's not you and also this looks like he just stepped out from the 80's.

>Hotline Miami

Shit fucking taste my dude.

It is me, user.

wrong game, you dandy FUCK.


Even worse taste. Only reason anyone even knows about this game is because it retroactively got some publicity for being similar to Undertale, which isn't a good thing.


Yes, I have a boytoy. However, I'm here to discuss video game related costumes.

Needs a chain and cigar


LISA was better than Undertale.

fucking kill yourself immediately you meme loving fuck

You look like a principal from the 80's.

>non virgin even if you're gay
>old man

Nah dawg.

>I have a boytoy

is awful :/

That's what my boyfriend and I roleplay.

I'm not that old.


timestamp or gtfo

What is this hairstyle called?

Receeding hairline

Just cucks.

you and your boyfriend are cute

Close but no cigar

Thank you. I bet you're cute too :3

My boyfriend likes it.

I'm at the gym, I can't.

Keep lifting to make up for that face and that hairline mate.

post feet


You look 60 years old. Shave that shitty hair off, it looks awful.

Good body though

any nudes? You have a hot body

That's awesome but I'll guarantee no one will know what you are.

you don't get a you.

How old are you user? You look old as fuck in this picture but relatively young in the others