Is the MMORPG genre dead?

According to this list Wildstar looks to be the last MMORPG that came out in 2014

What happened? 2000-2005 they just started catching on and then 2006-2010 there was like a huge burst of games in this genre but it looks like by 2012 it started to really cool down

Are there any big MMORPGs in the works to look out for or is this it?

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>Are there any big MMORPGs in the works to look out for or is this it?

Camelot Unchained.

Crowfall and Korean Bless Online.

You aren't looking hard enough or simply don't care anymore. Back in 2000-2010 there was a huge market for MMOs but with all the failing, copying, shit developers and going p2w most just don't care anymore.

Actually good, finished and RELEASED MMOs only apply bud. Crowfall and Camelot are both very much not released so it's up for grabs if they're gonna be shit or not.

Before 2005 or pre-WoW each MMO was fairly different and there wasn't a standard frame of an MMO out there yet. None of the games had become so big that they would've defined the genre. Until WoW. And that's when all the innovation died and the genre slowly followed.

We're currently living in this weird era where the western big publishers stopped making MMOs because they couldn't break through and Asia keeps making these rehashed unoriginal piles of shit to cash out every few months. All this while there's a couple potentially interesting titles in development by semi-indie devs that will probably fail horribly but we will see.

I still genuinely think that MMORPG is the "ultimate genre": being massively multiplayer can make a game much more immersive and fun. I still think sometimes about my perfect MMO, which has animation based combat (like MH) and where the levels give you more and more moves at your disposal. Also, it would have a complex monster spawning system (FFXI NMs...). But that's just dreaming now. Modern MMORPGs have too many common flaws which include:
- Being handholded and spoonfed throughout the game at ridiculous levels (maps that show you everything, quest markers, fast travel)
- Having little to no interaction with other players you don't know (dungeon finders etc)
- Having no immersive music or memorable landscapes
I would blame many of these shortcomings on the monopolization of the genre done by WoW, but that can't be the only cause. People get tired to play the same shit over and over again, especially if there is no real feel or progression. I guess that the generic MMO age is finally over, and that can only be good, because we MIGHT see something original coming in the next years. Still, I would not be too optimistic about that

>tfw nothing to do
>just sitting here waiting for nostalrius to announce something
>want to play vanilla WoW but don't want to waste time if nostalrius is just going to release a server
>look for other games
>still just want to play vanilla WoW

something about vanilla wow is just so fucking fun

Too many developers tried too hard to be better at being Warcraft than Warcraft.

Instead they just ended up making shittier, grindier wannabe WoW copies. Not one of them ever managed to catch that spark that Blizzard caught back in 2004.

And then market oversaturation hit. People kept seeing shitty attempt after shitty attempt at toppling WoW come up comedically short and finally just realized "alright, nobody's going to manage this better than Blizzard has. After 10 years if someone was able to, it would've happened by now." and stuck with WoW.

Then Warlords of Draenor happened and damn near sunk the ship. Legion corrected course a bit, but whether they capitalize off the goodwill they rebuilt with Legion or let it flounder and finally put Warcraft in the ground remains to be seen.

>MMO copies WoW
Wow this is some shit garbage!
>MMO doesn't copy WoW
The fuck is this!
>MMO isn't F2P
I'm not paying a fucking sub!

There's no winning.
And it's probably for the best, since 90% of MMOs that have any semblance of good gamplay would be better off as regular multiplayer games instead.

>game interface cluttered with unimportant information


> Is the MMORPG genre dead?

It's just that MMO is not really wondrous new technology anymore. Devs should be finding uses for it instead of just trying to fit into existing molds.

because the market has changed in the last 10+ years

MMO's today suck.

Everyone has to get everything easily. No more relevant PVP, GVG or RVR. No more fighting for actual resources. No drama, which was always, ALWAYS entertaining in MMOs. At least, no real drama, nothing that lead to feuds between guilds.

>ctrl + F my favourite MMORPG
>0 result

>fast travel
What the fuck is wrong with unlockable fast travel? Not everyone is a neet with a lot of free time to run back and forth for 12 hours.

There's dofus

This is absolutely true. What people perceive as "grind" these days is basically "investment" and is mandatory in some fashion so you get attached and care about shit.

Ankama is fucking dogshit at managing their games.
They could be fucking great but they have game breaking bugs, pointlessly segment the community in games where ping doesn't matter, grind of retarded proportions, etc etc.

if people fly from quest hub to quest hub or in WoWs case have flying mounts, it kills world PVP because nobody bumps into anyone

>you will never again be part of a group with 13 year old depressed edgelords out edging eachother and fighting over their online gfs
>you will never be harassed by filthy BRs into giving them money or they will report you
>you will never witness the shitstorm when a girl joins a guild again

Sad. I miss old Maplestory actually. Recently joined Mapleroyals in an attempt to scratch the itch but it's a bit empty at lower levels.

neverwinter online has a great levelling experience

im sure max level is pay to win hell, but if you just want to level up and have some fun its great

I used to shill for Dead Frontier, but the current state is so deplorable I regret doing so in the past.
>$500 usd gun everytime the admin feels an itch in his balls
>0 bugs fixed, 0 new features added in years
Fuck you, Neil.

What killed fucking mmo is the fetch quests mang lets not get this confused.

People literally mod the game to not go through that shit

Runescape It's not dead I think. At least the Oldschool version.

Imagine if i spent all these mmo hours trying to level up in real life

To be fair I always find it funny good Foundry quests put official quests to shame. Same thing happened in STO.

There's plenty of old mmos still kicking but there hasn't been any new interesting ones in years.

there are many things that need to be erased

That's why it shouldn't be accessible right from the start, and even then you can still bump into people while doing actual stuff (quests/resource gathering/exploration/whatever). World PvP sounds cool, but in reality it's ganking performed by overgeared kids with superiority complex.

There is literally nothing wrong with instances.

Pretty much all the playerbase for MMORPGs is held by either WoW or FFXIV, or the myriad of F2P ones that are still trucking along for poor people or Brazilians. There's just no worth in trying to put out a new MMORPG nowadays.

>playing mmo for gameplay
You can whine about handholding or casual features all you want but that isnt the reason why mmos are a fading genre

Social Media, voice chat and mobas made the main features of mmos outdated or redundant, mmos have worse gameplay than single player games, so what is left? Why should I play a mmo?

I remember the mmo gold rush of 2008-2012 and even if everything burned and crashed afterwards, atleast the genre was thriving and you had a semblance of a community, it was not uncommon to meet familiar faces wandering from mmo to mmo

>Social Media, voice chat and mobas made the main features of mmos outdated or redundant
You are the reason why MMOs are shit, thanks dude.

Yes. You have to make friends irl first to enjoy them.

No. MMOs are fun because you can actually make friends with people who share similar interest.

If by 'dead' you explicitly mean are there new worthwhile games coming out, then sure, it's dead.

But those old mmos still have substantial playerbases and many are still great games. They're not dead.

>mfw we could have so much gameplay variety if we didn't had cheaters/hackers
The ONE thing holding us back, even ping can be mitigated by offloading calculations client side and then hackers come and ruin everything. I'll never not be mad, never.

Getting angry over facts wont change the course that mmos are going
MMOs were built upon communities, not the "muh hardcore" features
Even grinding in mmos used to be social events when you had a party

They have no future
Hence they are dead

I have no future, but I'm technically alive.

In the past people met and talked to strangers much more often. The point of them is dying.

I enjoy it.

people like you killed mmo's.

Instances wouldn't be so shit if they weren't as streamlined as they are these days and if the games didn't have group finders.

>Getting angry over facts wont change the course that mmos are going
That's why I'm angry.

>MMOs were built upon communities, not the "muh hardcore" features
Things you mentioned only fragment communities.

>Even grinding in mmos used to be social events when you had a party
Sure, and things you mentioned only make it worse, because they encourage closed groups.

What about Tree of Savior and Black Desert Online?

Finally. The future is sexist vr and degenerate leftist raxw/lgbt bait shitpod racing wars Sup Forums is the only mmo worth shit

You know what to do

Many are still growing, still being updated, still proving that the value of a strong community is timeless. If you treat mmos like triple-A themeparks, to be replaced by the newer one the instant it appears, then you're missing the point.

>been playing vanilla servers since 2012
>Have yet to play on a server where i got to step foot into AQ40.
As much as i should dread progressing through MC and BWL for a 3rd time, i'm really looking forward to it. If nost and crestfal fail i guess i'l actually try and commit to K2.

Lost all hope in official legacy servers but will jump ship the second they come out unless we are progressing through Naxx.

>wow mmo's are dying
>let's go play WoW
>wew blizzdrones
>oh shit we still gotta pay 15/mo
>that's just fine it's the best mmo and the only one worht playing WEW

I suggest you reread my previous post
It seems like you have some interpretation issues

Yeah, someone had to say that. I'm not saying MMOs should be for everyone, but just running (not talking about doing things) through locations you already have seen million times doesn't make the game any better.

>What happened?
After a dozen failures they realized that WoW only got so successful because it found a market gap and that they could never cash in on it because that market gap was already filled by WoW.

So they fucked off to clone some other games.

World of Warcraft Legion topped Cataclysm to become their fastest selling expansion

Square Enix refers to Final Fantasy XIV as the cornerstone of their financial strategy

The only thing that is dead is the novelty. No one is gonna play a Starwars MMO or Elder Scrolls MMO for the license.

After many, many years of WoW and RuneScape (yes I know I'm a faggot), I finally put the nail in the coffin. I don't play MMOs anymore. It took ages though. I have so much more time.

Im mot missing the point, if there is no investment on a genre it WILL fade, just like the rts genre is on its last legs, and unless you are called blizzard good luck getting funded for anything other than an indie project.

And mmos are not growing, atleast population wise and that is the backbone of mmos.

>mmos have worse gameplay than single player games
Not all of them.
You have just been playing the shitty ones.

ToS is filled with hackers and bots. It was pushed out like a year too early and the devs cashed out hard because of that.

Black Desert was ruined by the devs because they were too big pussies to follow their original designs and tried to appeal to a larger crowd which fucked over everything that was interesting about the game.

TOR and ESO are actually doing really well right now

because everybody is busy making mobas
it is a simple cycle
before we had counterstrike and hundreds of clones
then we got more of less bf/cod clones
followed by wow and their clones
and now we are at the lol + counterstrike stage with clones and the mixture of shit like overwatch
just watch out for the next succesfull product and their following clones

I hope you wasnt trying to prove your point with that webm

>There's no winning.
because they are trying to appeal to the WoW market.
and WoW was a fluke. most people playing it aren't even interested in MMORPGs, which is why WoW itself hardly resembles one anymore.

essentially they tried to appeal to a market that was a one-time mystery and didn't really exist past this one single game

This looks cool, what is it?

I'd say there was an MMO bubble following WoW. As has been established, most MMOs since then have tried to bite into the WoW playerbase by mostly copying the game, and with most of them failing to succeed in the long run. There exists this huge crowd of MMO vagrants hopping to the newest meme game every year, from WoW to WH, from WH to AoC, from AoC to Aion, from Aion to Rift etc. that does keep these games from making a huge loss despite being mostly mediocre.

This crowd kept these WoW clones afloat for year, but recently the bubble has somewhat burst. Devs have come to realize that copying WoW is not a viable strategy as not even WoW itself is doing as well as it once was. At least recently the action MMOs like TERA have tried to do SOMETHING new by abolishing the tab target system to some extent and making the combat more engaging. We're still stuck with a lot of WoW elements, though, not that all of them are bad as such.

I've liked Blade & Soul when it comes to recent MMOs. The combat is great. I just wish the game would've come out in the west two years earlier but NCshit was stuck shelling all their western staff into Wildstar that crashed and burned spectacularly. Similarly, I wish more future MMOs would try something similar in terms of combat. The amazing combat alone makes up for some of the flaws the game has. Hopefully the devs will finally find the courage to move past copying WoW, having now come to realize it won't work.

Sadly I'm personally getting too old for MMOs, so I won't be able to enjoy anything new the devs finally have the courage to try. About to graduate and I don't see myself wanting to play MMOs with a full-time job, knowing I can never keep up with the NEETs unless the game is a shitty p2w fest.

Anyone else find MMO's intimidating? I first tried WoW during Cataclysm and when ever I ran an instance I felt like I was a retard holding everyone back. That was even while putting in effort and reading guides before doing dungeons. Joining a guild and doing end gmae stuff never even seemed viable to me.

I tried Final Fantasy XIV ARR when it first came out so maybe I could learn with everyone together. But I couldn't stay at pace and soon enough I just got told how shit my build was and how useless I am while trying to figure out what the abbreviations they were using meant.

I've never been able to learn anything about the story either. I'm not even sure why they put flavor text in instance quest.

Yeah, you are right.

>you wasnt

It's a shmup, shmup gameplay doesn't get much worse/better than that. You can ad more bullets, and have more skills and that's about it.

Steambirds alliance by Spryfox. Currently down as the devs keep working on it.

>But I couldn't stay at pace and soon enough I just got told how shit my build was
What? XIV doesn't have builds for that very reason.

The fact that the market isn't being flooded doesn't matter for games that take this much personal investment. People can't play more than a couple, if that. Even my own small mmo is still going with a devoted community after twenty years, and many of the younger ones will carry the same legacy.

Amazon's New World

Over the years, MMO communities have become all about minmaxing and generally tend to forget there are genuinely new players out there in every game, expecting everyone to have a long history of playing these games and always being up to date with the newest number-crunches.

I tend to know this feel when I pick up a new game and it's frustrating when you feel pressured in dungeons. I'm much more prone to screwing up when I'm feeling like I'm being judged in the first place. It gets better when you keep playing. There's a lot you can do to practice doing damage/whatever your role is outside dungeons, alone, by soloing stronger mobs or whatever.

I blame it on raiding. The heavy focus on it basically meant that everything pre max level was considered irrelevant and people would rush through it so they can kill the same 10 bosses once a week over and over again.

MMOs are ultimate neckbeard games. There was certain twisted charm to put all your time in one game and kinda shine in it, but nobody really wants to do that anymore. At least i don't, of course sometimes you kinda want to do it but in in the end you don't.

His build was a freeze mage

Then you literally don't have what it takes to play an MMO. In a better world you'd suck it up and move on, instead you get catered to and lower the quality of the game for everyone else.

You're not really to blame, the profit motive is. It is what it is.

There needs to be a game that somehow breaks this cycle of minmaxing and rush to the level cap. Something where everyone will fuck up in a way or another or you can't minmax in the first place. I'd love to see an MMO that's more about the journey than the end goal.

>MMOs are ultimate neckbeard games
No, they used to be. The modern MMOs require barely any fucking investment at all to play at a full capacity.

>There was certain twisted charm to put all your time in one game and kinda shine in it, but nobody really wants to do that anymore.
Exactly what kept me trying most of the big MMO releases since WoW.

I recently did it again and it was fun. I'm playing the game less now that I'm at the top but I don't see myself doing it again. After 9 months of playing nothing else but that game for 6-10 hours a day, as much as I could while having to finish my studies, I finally took a break of 3 weeks. Dropped off the top gear list off my class, and though I initially struggled with motivation to come back, I did, and have had more fun since then. Not quite at the very top anymore but very close anyway and now I don't feel stressed out about the fucking game anymore.

I like to think this is the last time I do this though. I can't see myself devoting another half a year of my life to one game.

I was a summoner.

Yeah but my point is even when I'm willing to put in the work, I get shat on. I can grind out fighting games, MOBAs, RTSs and other tough learning curve genres against computers.

The only way to git gud in MMOs is to waste 19 other peoples time and resources until you get it right.

The whole mmo genre is for neets who need to evade from reality as much as possible

>that pic
that was the main problem blizzard made
vanilla still forced you to actually talk to other people (even for irrelevant shit like beating hogger) and every now and then you'd add one of them to your friendlist

nowadays you can play the whole game (at least if you don't want to play the higher difficulty versions of the raids) without ever talking to another player. everything till max level can be done solo, and at max level you have the group finder that makes talking to people irrelevant

there's hardly a point in it being a multiplayer game for a lot of its content anymore

I hope the next fad picks a better genre than MOBAs

>Not everyone is a neet with a lot of free time to run back and forth for 12 hours.
Singleplayer games are that way, bud.

What open world games are you playing without fast travel?

Even Xenoblade Chronicles X has fast travel and that game is as close as you get to offline MMORPG.

dead on arrival

It's already moving on to FPS moba which is a lot better. I don't see this one lasting as long as the original moba spurt did so expect a new fad soon.

nobody wants to risk their time and money on a wow clone that has a high chance of dying within 2 months when they can just play a popular arena/moba game for their multiplayer fix without having to drop a dime.

if you want to break the rush to max level you either have to come up with a system that has no levels or implement a diminishing return so high that rushing towards the end is simply not rewarding

>I was a summoner.
Again, the game has no builds. The only thing that is different from you and another summoner is what summon you use. And if you are using something wrong like a tank summon for party content, then all it takes is 3 seconds to summon one of the better summons and that's it.

>the heavy focus on it basically meant that everything pre max level was considered irrelevant and people would rush through it

which is also kind of ironic, because every fucking addon for WoW has people praising the leveling phase and then shitting on the endgame content

>>that pic
this ones my favourite

Not dead, but in stasis. WoW kills competition, meaning things have to orbit around WoW to be relevant.

That's what I'm saying, you autistic turd. If you want that shit, fuck off and go play a singleplayer game where your casualness won't affect me.

>I'm so bad everyone wants to kick me during dungeons

>A bit empty at lower levels

This doesn't change. I don't know where it died off at, but I've played since beta essentially, and I quit in 2011 due to that massive amount of accounts that were taken from Nexon for one reason or another. I just started up last week for the first time in 5 years and everywhere seems kind of dead. I started up on Reboot because it seemed to be the most congested, and even so you hardly ever see anyone anywhere. No megaphone spamming, no KSers, no BR begging for money, no FM spam, no Henehoes. It's pretty barren and sad.

Yeah, i guess that's why the charm is fine, but it's understandable why devs don't want to make them anymore. WoW was forced to change to casual since neckbeards grew up and dedicated fanbase has been shrinking and shrinking.

>or implement a diminishing return so high that rushing towards the end is simply not rewarding

Rising Force online did this by the way. After level ~47 it became insanely time intensive to level up any further. Hitting 50 or later on even 55 was still a huge buff in character strengths, but since hardly anyone reached those levels it was also not all that mandatory to grind to it, too.
There were maybe a dozen players per faction on that level and when they showed up during RvRvR it could turn the tide, but that also made up a bit of the charm. Whenever you had some downtime you'd grab a couple of friends and farm some more exp to eventually get to the level where you dominate the battlefield, too. But it was a long term goal and not something you rushed towards from the beginning.

>tfw MMOs got you into monstergirls

Atlantica Online sequel not handled by nDoors/Nexon would probably be my dream mmo.

that combat (especially pvp) was legit