This took me some time to make so please comment on it.
How wrong is it?
This took me some time to make so please comment on it.
How wrong is it?
TTK seems like a weird measurement of skill ceiling outside FPSs. Also what the hell does "stuns that require high skill to keep locked" mean? Am I stupid?
Lengthy stun locks in fighting games require the concatenation of multiple moves with extremely high precision.
Now that I think of it, in some fighting games there's also another kind of stun in which you just stand still for a few seconds, that is moba-like and sucks.
I think TTK is relevant in most action games because it is in some way linked to stuns. If the TTK is low, stuns have no reason to exist. If the TTK is higher, then there are several ways in which you can implement (or not) stuns. For a reference, there were a LoL and MLP fighting games being made that had moba-like stuns.
You are fucking retarded. The lower TTK, the higher the skill needed to win CONSISTENTLY, because even a shitty scrub can get lucky and kill your ass dead, but that same shitty scrub will never be consistently good, until he actually gets good.
This is probably the most embarrassingly retarded thing I've seen here in a while. All I can say is thank god you don't make video games
Why would you put fighting games and FPS onto the same chart?
Might aswell chart pineapples and motorbikes together or something, since they are so related.
Didn't think someone stupider than OP would enter the thread, but it took just 3 posts.
Shit i miss saeurbraten
Where would you put World of Tanks both on X/Y? top right?
>This took me some time to make
Spend your efforts elsewhere.
Going by that chart a hypothetical game which the players were locked to dealing 1 damage a time with no stuns would be the highest skilled game.
but of course we need another thread for fan of dead FPS games to feel relevant again
High time to kill does not equal higher skill. Being able to run away and heal does not equal higher skill. There is a sweet spot where you have enough time to react strategically but not so much that you just fuck about without caring.
You shouldn't have used a line graph for this
It would depend on how many health points players have.
I picked all the action game genres with competitive scenes. If racing games had a scene, they would be there.
So, instagib?
Chaining stuns isn't an indicator of skill, for example in mobas it's more about being efficient with your time, you may only have 1 or 2 hard stuns on team.
Same goes for modern shoot games and good shoot games.
Good effort but there is no link between ttk and skill.
It goes without saying that a slow moving game in which you push a button and other players have their inputs disabled for several seconds is not a game with a high skill ceiling.
>efficient with your time
so, strategy?
Sonds about right.
>Going by that chart a hypothetical game which the players were locked to dealing 1 damage a time with no stuns would be the highest skilled game.
The chart also admits there are other factors to consider. Your post is a prime example of that.
This isn't how graphs work fuckhead
It is, though
So BF4 with Sniper from one side of the map to another has the highest skill ceiling?
Got it!
you are confused
>Good effort but there is no link between ttk and skill.
Low TTK:
Only one lucky bullet to win.
Shot enemy in back to win.
Movement is not that important.
The one who shoots first wins most of the times.
High TTK:
You need many hits on the enemy to win. One lucky hit wont change much.
Movement gets muc hmore important because the battle is longer.
Shooting enemy in back isnt auto win because he has enough time to retaliate.
Shooting first and hitting first isnt as important because the battle can be switched if the other is more skillful.
you're retarded, leave this thread
You should rename vertical axis to "Amount of autism required to play"
Comparing apples and oranges with huge simplifications and neglecting of tons of factors, which you mentioned but still invalidate the whole thing
I thought insta-gib servers on ut were the pinnacle of skill
Instagib server were the only ones where my cheats pack would do me any good thanks to autoshot. On regular Q3 servers nerds would just laugh at me.
I think something that's absolutely vital for a high skill game is the inclusion of varied weapons with different levels of risk and reward.
Not a fucking sidearm you switch to in a pinch, or a melee button, but something like Quake's system.
You've got basic hitscan weapons that do fairly low damage but require constant aim, or high damage but are very slow to shoot and require precision timing. And you've got projectiles that do massive damage but are risky to use, because if you miss a rocket in mid air, you're dead. Some work well as openers, some are great if the opponent has 5hp left and you don't want to risk another rail shot.
What is important is that game should have different rewards for different types of players. If everything boils down to who gets more frags i.e. negative sum gameplay there will be servers with 0 players and rambling on sperg sites about "muh skill"
Instagib CTF was fun as fuck though.
Insta-gib is popular because any shitter can score frags. It's not skill in the slightest.
Nailing good combos with the shock rifle takes skill imo
>negative sum
How come
To you factor in suicides?
When one person who won the session (one who got most frags), and people who didn't (everyone else). In CoD, more or less everyone achieves something during a game, even if it's merely XP for next rank.
Isn't that korean mmo mentality?
It doesn't matter if you are good or no, here's a number that will increase the more times you play?
I won't deny it may make people feel satisfied, but not sure it is good game design.
It may be not good game design, but it's the only one sustainable.
take a lap.
What's terrible about it?
Stun in most fighting games isn't very relevant, it's only there to show when you get steamrolled. It only factors when stun levels are high and visibly displayed a la SFV or 3S. Also TTK is a weird comparison in fighting games, since TTK is literally how long the match takes, which varies.
Yet another classic "Fighting games vs. Arena shooters vs RTS" thread.
>This took me some time to make
Did it have high TTM or are you just low skill?
>video game