You thought you were using push to talk

>you thought you were using push to talk
>you were using voice activation

>mutual friend joins Mumble server
>server is already established as strictly P2T
>he's on voice activity
>didn't even bother with the audio wizard
>to top it all off he uses speakers
>crazy echo/breathing/blue switches
>we tell him to fuck off or switch to P2T
>He gets upset and tells us Discord is better anyway because it has an "anti-echo" feature or some shit
>Left and hasn't been on since

Good, fuck non P2T niggers.

Mines set to voice activity, then again im not sing a shitty headset mic system

>Take your finger off the PTT button for a second to express your frustration with a bad player in your group
>"What? Was that directed at me?"

I once managed to set up push-to-mute instead of push-to-talk. Every time someone would ask me something the background noise would stop for a few seconds.

>skype call
>8 people sitting it it
>9th guy joins
>he doesn't have PTT enabled
>his "wacky" brother is doing some shit in the background and generally being annoying
>people ask him to switch to PTT, since he also has the input to max volume and it is almost impossible to have a conversation
>he just keeps talking about how funny his brother is until everyone but him dropped the call

Every time I find a decent community that ONE shithead who ruins everything has to join shortly after. It's amazing how groups of one or two dozen people can be easily ruined by a single person.

>not having the admin just kick his ass

voice activity with friends, push to talk in game

The admin added him because the guy was some Sup Forums popular musicfag and he adored him.

>being so insecure you need to use push to talk


See, if you were using a voice program that wasn't utter dogshit you could just reduce his volume or mute just him
Never use Skype

I've masturbated on Skype before unknowingly.

>its a "nice discord server starts circlejerking about voice chat and stops using typing" episode
truly the death of a nice thing

fuck voice chat and fuck voice idling

t. DSP

That's not an inherent problem of voice chat, it happens when you have so many text channels that you only follow a couple of them, too.

The problem is rather that they get pissy when someone doesn't get their inside jokes because he wasn't there to see them - and for voice that is a bit more likely because you cannot experience them afterwards.

>be in a channel with a bunch of guys from my guild
>someone leaves the channel
>one guy starts talking shit about some member who though has left
>he is still in the room
>"You talking about me dude?!"

That was so painfully awkward

theres only basically 1 general chat tab and its now filled with bot command spam

im bugged to go on voice and i dont want to hear or speak to any of these fucks

the inside jokes too re gonna be a thing

>Uses an anti echo feature
your friend is full of shit
Its not about being insecure its about seting your shit up so everyone else doesn't have to put up with hearing tvs and screaming family members from your end.

the worst is when the ones they are talking shit about develop some kind of stockholm syndrome

>this one guy always talks shot about another guy as soon as he leaves the call
>goes on for weeks
>tell the other guy after a while because it's not even regular shittalking anymore but getting pretty severe
>get kicked from the server
>later hear that the shittalker is still doing it every single day

>and its now filled with bot command spam
oh fuck, that is the absolute worst.

>lets spam this same command in chat a hundred times and then laugh in voice how hilarious it is

makes the chat basically unusable

>Group has 30 text channels
>Half are barely even used
>If you dont put the post in the right one the admins bitch at you
Shit was easier when it was skype or irc.

So what is push to talk exactly? You literally have to press a button to talk? How is that going to work in fast paced games?

>pressing push to talk is so ingrained into you that when you need to talk to someone irl while playing a game you press your push to talk button and broadcast whatever you say to the mumble.

>>If you dont put the post in the right one the admins bitch at you

>mod makes another channel
>don't realize it because there are already tons I'm not checking
>make a post that would have belonged there
>mod gets pissy, tells me there's a channel for that
>ask him which one
>instead of just linking the channel he goes on a rant about how I have to read the server rules

Fuck you nigga, I am not going to read the shitty rules every single day just because you had a new autism attack and decided you need something new to harass people over.
The worst thing is how schizophrenic the guy is. Fucking whiny bitch who constantly moans about his depression and how no one likes him and then he flips over to his "I am the greatest!" behavior when there is anything involving his mod rights.

And he's not even underage.

>Draw a pic for some autist and live stream it to make sure I do it
>finish for the night and go to bed
>bust open the nastiest doujin I have and spank to that shit
>turns out I left the livestream broadcaster running

Forgot to add this was the next morning.

You had your mic on as well? That would have been gnarly.