Emily Rogers confirms, Switch only has 4gb ram

Emily Rogers is the person who leaked paper mario color splash way before its reveal and has been right about multiple Switch things. How does it feel to know the Switch won't be able to keep up with modern multiplats?

It's to be expected at this point. Nintendo will never have on-par hardware.

For tablets/handhelds, it's above the norm.
Hell the Vita only has 512.
But that's the issue, it's only an expensive Vita at this point.

Ram is cheap.
Fuck Nintendo, you had one job.

That's still an upgrade over the 3DS, right?

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH SHIT EMIILY ROGERS SAID THAT!?!?!?!?!!
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH SHIT EMIILY ROGERS SAID THAT!?!?!?!?!!
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>6mb vram


emily rogers is the nintendo nostradamus of our time

Well it doesn't need that much ram anyway. After all it can only do 720p.

>Emily Rogers

Now go and have a look at how much RAM in the XBone and PS4 is reserved for the OS and its task switching garbage. Go on. I'll fucking wait.

>last "totally reliable" data was 3
she's making shit up as it goes as usual. She will hint everything from 2 to 8 then claim to be right when someone else post the actual data.

Can't wait when social media makes this girl kill herself.

>all the assravaged nintendopes in the thread

>reliable leaker posts something that should be obvious to everyone anyway
>nintendrones: "s-she's a woman therefore wrong! the switch is not going fail!!!"

Pathetic, it's the wiiu all over again.

ITT: Sup Forums, regardless of platform allegience, doesn't actually know what RAM is used for.

>Emily Rogers

No seriously, when is North America getting Mother 3? 2016 is almost over.

Also, she was wrong about being able to choose a gender for Link in BotW.

Xbox 360 only had 512MB shared total
PS3 was only 256+256MB
WiiU only had 1+1GB

So compared to the last generation of systems and Nintendo's previous system its a lot better. Once again Nintendo's handheld strategy seems to be to make something much better than a previous system, not necessarily to match the current systems.

It could even see it being ok vs the current generation systems as its games are on solid state storage meaning that disc cache wouldn't be as important.

>It's ok when Nintendo does it


Emily Rogers is only ever right when she's right


She gets like 8/10 things wrong. People choose to only remember the 2/10.

I'm not saying she is wrong about this, but she isn't reliable outside of the shotgun approach of something she says sometimes is kind of right.

No leaker has a perfect track record you idiot

I don't even own a nintendo system other than a gbc which is locked away in an old storage container.

>as its games are on solid state storage meaning that disc cache wouldn't be as important.
This is an important point people are overlooking, plus the possibility of extra RAM in the dock.

Although realistically it will have ports to begin with, they wont well great as everyone will have played then already, publishers will give up and we'll be left with Nintendo games, although at an increased output to normal.

What? If anything it's very good for a handeld.
Also the WiiU had like 2gb and half of it was for system functions alone, so you had like 1 shitty gb free for games.

nope. 3. % is available for games to use. So already the "news" that the Switch has "half" the RAM is wrong.

But its ok, you can't go around letting facts get in the way of clickbait.

This motherfucker right here:
understands critical thinking


>Although realistically it will have ports to begin with, they wont well great as everyone will have played then already,

That's debatable. The CPU may be weaker and it may have less RAM than the other current generation systems, but its GPU is more modern by several years and its using the same style of low level graphics API as the other current generation systems.

Considering what we know on the PC looking at SI vs Pascal Nintendo could push developers to use effects like tessellation more to augment or cover up what may be lower resolution textures. Or the textures may not need to be modified at all as developers on the PS4 when presented with ample storage and video memory may not be using compression.

>emily rogers
Fuck outta here.

>Pathetic, it's the wiiu all over again.
Oh is she saying that soul calibur 6 is on the NS?

Did he ever come back and do a Switch one?

so Nintendo has a console which is underpowered compared to other consoles. Is anyone shocked? Did anyone expect otherwise? This is what Nintendo has been doing for years, this is really not something new.

>Emily Rogers
Stopped reading right there

4Gb is a fair amount to run games on sure, especially when it's on a light weight dedicated OS and doesn't have to process junk services.
But I'd like to be able to keep other things running in the background. dedicated chat client, media etc.

In your Nintendo console?

Not that bad considering that the system is most likely not going to have to reserve ram for streaming and all that shit.

Doubling what Wii U had on a portable platform sounds like good news to me.

>dedicated chat client, media etc.
get a phone you triple nigger.

Unless you have a PC, this is false and a non-argument. No one buys consoles because they care about tech or game quality. Its main selling points are casual fun and exclusives, and Nintendo will likely have both.
Other then that the consoles out now are basically worse steamboxes, they are fucking awful.

did he ever come back for the scorpio and pro? I haven't seen new content in ages

>dedicated chat client
dude a chat client take 5 megs at best. Same for a video player. Stop using Flash you mongoloid brand slave.

>a handheld isn't as powerful as a dedicated console

Hell no it's not
OnePlus 3 is smartphone and has 6gigganiggas of dedodated wam .
Switch would need atleast 8GB LPDDR4 to be competent at running games

>Stylish Nintendo games
>It's shit because it isn't oozing with tech for monster graphic bullshit

People like you remind me the real reason games suck nowadays.

Didn' she also say Mother 3 would be at E3

More like "it's shit because I'm not playing music in the background, while streaming to twitch, while skyping, while downloading a movie in the background all on my console"

This is why the UI for my XB1 feels like shit. I just want to play games. I'm not even sure what the positive aspect of using consoles is anymore. I still have to install games, download updates, sign in, stay connected to a service, manage HDD space. What the fuck?

>6gigganiggas of dedodated wam .
talking like a retard, only make you sound like a retard.

Hurrrr durrr

>Consolefags still think RAM is some mystical boon that magically makes a console 10x more powerful if they have another couple of gigs

reminder that Nintendo is shit at making modern multimedia OS, the WiiU uses 1 gb of the 2gb ram and still as slow as the PS3 OS

Here, user - you know what Nintendo did do better than the PS3?

released games

and that Color Splash wouldn't be another Sticker Star

I don't own a XB1 but PS4 is shit at multimedia as well. Even wired, my PS4 gets shitty internet speed. I just got a Roku and said fuck it.

yup, you are just a retard in the end.

She has an awful track record you white knight autist.

Nintendo and Sony don't have to make anything when it comes to their operating systems.

WiiU, PS3, PS4 they all run BSD based OSes using some kind of thin minimal graphical UI.

(I doubt they're running X.org)

Hurrrrrrr Durrrrrr

When Sup Forums was decently run. shill threads like this made by that faggot Emily Rogers. Who is a guy because there are no girls on the internet. Would be derailed by a combination of doubles and spamming of reaction images.

Sadly those days are long gone where we can't get repeating integers and the only reaction images people have are of a fucking degenerate frog and beta faggot from kraut chan.

ITT: idiots think consoles use as much RAM as their desktop computers

I don't know either. Honestly, the multiple servies part of it is cool, but the older consoles did pretty much the same shit without being a pain in the ass because I have to download everything. And what's the point? Even if I download it, I still can't play the game if the disc gets fucked. Console gaming nowadays is so fucking retarded and misses the point of getting a console over a fucking PC.

And Link would be a girl.

Fun fact, she was so confident you could play as a girl in Zelda is was the one 'leak' she said was a stone cold lock. And it all blew up in her face.

4GB is decent for an android tablet, which is basically all it is.
For perspective the Nvidia Shield which also uses a Tegra processor is very good for emulation, even Dolphin can run some games decently on it, everything under Gamecube is a piece of cake.

It definitely won't be pushing boundaries, but that's more than enough to run the latest Animal Crossing and Pokemon at 720p, which is all Nintendo fans really want after being stuck with the 3DS's shitty screen.

What kind of fucking bloated, unoptimized game uses more than 4GB of ram? let alone 3.

Same as it felt with the previous two consoles and previous two handhelds from Nintendo.

Don't care, as long as it has GAMES.

Oneplus 3 is a piece of shit and is hilariously over-priced.
They added that much RAM to make headlines and make idiots like you think it's impressive.
3-4GB android phones and tablets have more than enough.
>b-but everyone always says they have plenty of RAM but we keep needing more and more!
by the time 6GB of ram on android becomes useful the processor and official support of the Oneplus 3 will be outdated.

>Don't care, as long as it has GAMES.

user, this is modern Nintendo we're talking about here look how much they halfassed the 3DS and Wii U

Just Cause 3

It still hurts, they fucked that up so hard.

>emily rogers

How much does the ps4 uses for its games?

The point is that now Nintendo's attention won't be divided. They can dedicate everything to building a single incredible library instead of a great library and an average library.

lel my $60 phone has 8gb ram. nintendo is cheap as fuck.

>using your Nintendo console for Grinder

I'm not sure about the point you're making

5.5 GB, the rest is for OS

3DS had a pretty good library though.

WiiU was definitely a mess.

>Emily Rogers
Mother 3 sometime this year guys I swear

but we wanted a rea
you are sacrificing quality for this stupid gim
ill just wait to be able to emulate it. wii u is stronger and yet it's emulation is thriving. port or die nintendo

uh no, Switch is stronger than Wii U

>port or die

more like:

>port or I wont give you my money

Noone gives a fuck about you, user. Not you as part of a collective, you understand: just you as a person.

I don't care? Modern Nintendo has never made their success off of multiplats so this doesn't bother me. I'm just hoping this new tech can inspire first party devs to make better games.

>surely they were lying to us when they said they weren't going to compete directly with sony and ms
How dense are you people? Why do you keep holding out for something that will never happen

>wii u is stronger
it's not.

>look how much they halfassed the 3DS and Wii U
by having more good relevant games than both competition put together? Sign me in
>in before a list of soul rehashes and games that aren't out.

wondering how long a retard like you will continue being retarded just to get "the last post".

Relevant games on irrelevant hardware.

>that time when Nintendo was powerful

>emily rogers is the nintendo nostradamus of our time

the "nintendostradamus," if you will

>Nintendo releases hardware more powerful than their previous consoles
>people complain

Of course.


>Emily Rogers

Who the hell is this anyway? Her name sounds like someone who owns a family restaurant branch or something.

But user it's not fair. I want the Switch to be a literal clone of the PS4 and XBone. People shouldn't be allowed to have a unique console. I want the only difference between the three heavy hitters to be exclusives.

>Nintendo releases a more powerful Vita
>People complain

Yep and after that came the Gamecube which was even more powerful and intended specifically to address the issues developers and gamers had with the N64.

>optical media
>dual analog
>most modern gpu of its generation

But developers chose to target the weakest system of the generation instead.

So after that Nintendo stopped trying and made the Wii which was a huge success due to its lower price in the first half of the generation.

If the WiiU has any issue its that due to their use of discrete cpu and gpu hardware the price was too high initially and they weren't able to aggressively drop the price in response to the PS4 and Xbone. If the WiiU had been built around a Tegra SOC like the Switch is they would have been much more able to drop the price to $249 and $199. Too many people think its the gamepads fault when the reality is that its only a dollar or two more than a conventional gamepad.

So you admit the brand of your paperweight is the only thing you care about?

all of the day, retard.

So that's why the Zelda previews have zero draw distance

