Who was right?

Who was right?

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alphacentauri2.info/official/Profile Sister Miriam Godwinson.htm

>Risks of Flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure?

Xenos are embargoed from interloping upon human affairs.

now that i look closely at Sheng-Ji Yang's quote, isnt that like pseudo-buddhism? Gnarly.

Mbubu Morgan is the only serious person in that mess.

Nwabu-king morgan

>you found out years later that Cha Dawn was male

>defining feature of a character isn't their race or gender but their ethos and ideology

What fucking barbarians we were in the 90's.

God the expansion factions are so fucking shit

Pirates and hackers? Really? The cybernetics are the only decent one

Surprisingly the game had a Japanese dub.

Where were you when you realized Miriam was right all along?

Childhood is when you idolize Zakharov. Adulthood is when you realize Miriam makes more sense.

>implying Morgan wasn't a badass motherfucker
>implying all others aren't utopian retards

Part of the point was that arguably NONE of them were. All of them took things to at least mild extremes, though it was the expansions that truly dialed it up to maximum extreme. On balance Dierdre and Lal would probably represent the most balanced, mild and generally pleasant approach for the common pleb over the long term. Still a solid amount of tech advancement and ultimately ascension/immortality, likely to maintain a pretty decent environment without truly horrible amounts of pollution or fighting the planet, etc. Still have flaws of course, but on average ok.

Others would be ok if you were upper tier, or you personally liked to live by their ideology yourself. And some were just fucking horror shows outside of "my cheap worthless life for the cause!!!XD" extremists.

>panopticon theocracy
>making sense
Fuck off.

>utopian retards
It's only retarded if it doesn't WORK user. Since the others can win and make their utopias (or dystopias as the case may be) real it's not retarded, it's genius. Morgan replaying the same old shitty inefficient strip mining and fedoratarian capitalism again in a world of massive new possibilities is what's retarded.

>bin laden is the democratic leader

>Dierdre and Lal
>mindworm rape and opportunist arab who clones people to get them to stay on his side
Literally extremist dystopias.

What game is this?

I never understood why people would willingly join Yang.

Miriam Godwinson

She's a horrible cunt when it comes to leadership, but her writings are pretty fair and even-handed when it comes to her predictions for the future.

> It was never the streets that were evil.

People who value their safety and security over any sort of freedom or ideology. You see people reveal this side of their character whenever a big tragedy happens on the news and they begin to obsess over it in all sorts of weird ways.

>Agenda: Pillage and burn

How would some of these combinations work in practice?
Like free market fundamentalists or green police state.

Not Yang or Le Pirate Man. Anyone else you could make an argument for.

tfw cant decide on which faction and just join pravin lal because +2 hab limit conforms to my preference for building tall

>The entire character of a base and its inhabitants can be absorbed in a quick trip to the Rec Commons.
>The sweaty arenas of Fort Legion, the glittering gambling halls of Morgan Bank, the sunny lovers’ trysts in Gaia’s High Garden, or the somber reading rooms of U.N. Headquarters.
>Even the feeding bay at the Hive gives stark insight into the sleeping demons of Yang’s communal utopia.

People who appreciate the simple things in life.

>feeding bay


probably something like this

>Free market fundamentalist

Jihading Ferengi

>Green police state
>Accidentally forget to compost my dead child and bury them.
>Oh fuck its the Terrangendarme
>"we'll need to inspect your mandatory hemp field"
>"what the fuck"
>"Are your growing non-coppicable hardwoods?"
>"Base this is a 10-17, we've got an unsustainable resource here, prepare the nerve staples"

He must be very fond of pigs.

the university was always the correct choice

There is only one right answer.

I don't care if they are not in the game.

>Jihadi Ferengi


>islam spreads to new york, hilarity ensues

Why does Foreman Domai look exactly like John Cena with a bad wig?

The first and most important thing is to completely dismiss any similarity to a traditional Western government.

Free market fundamentalism sounds like a more extreme version of the European trading companies from several centuries ago, controlling so much wealth and trade that they often had massive influence over politicians and legislation. If you completely remove any sort of central government that would regulate these corporations, it's almost like a futuristic version of feudalism. If their leaders can afford to provide all the services that the government provides, there's no superficial difference to the average citizen.

A green police state isn't as implausible as you might think. There are tons of stories where dictatorships in Eastern Europe and Asia tried to control the local environment by forcing their citizens to kill "pests" like rats, snakes, certain birds, etc. that were "disrupting" local agriculture. The policies were sometimes so effective that they caused some minor environmental catastrophes by throwing off the food chain.A heavy handed isolationist government has an incentive to create a sustainable economy if they want to divorce themselves from foreign trade and dependency, police state or not.

Also the best quote. I'll never forget "Human behaviour is economic behaviour." and I'll never not hear it in his voice.

Brain worm kid and filthy proles are pretty cool.

I really love these designs and the setups for each of the things going on here, because there is no blatantly good one. They're all a different flavor of fuckups, and that's how it should be.

Miriam is right though. She was, in all honesty, the only one who could really see how morally bankrupt the other factions had become in their attempts to enforce their ideology through technological advancement.
>The Virtual World puts all drones into a brain in a vat Matrix delusion
>Recycling Tanks breaks down everyone into raw materials for future use
>Dream Twister induces complete, horrifying madness
>Bulk Matter Transmitter teleports people but who's to say whether it's the same person or a perfect copy created from transmitted data?
>The Bioenhancement Center:
"We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?

Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7 Activity Recorded M.Y. 2302.22467

Fuck I wish the UI wasn't absolute unfiltered dogshit.

I want to go back and play this game, but it's just so clunky and shit.

Yang does take a lot from buddhism also creepy when his quotes hit so close to transcendence

One thing I don't get is why isn't Miriam's society self-destructing because apparently she got all the Muslims and packed them into a sardine can with Christians and Jews?

Lal shows that even the UN holds them in contempt.

>tfw our son shared his candy with his little brother

So she's the future version of Hillary?

>"Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill. "




The Free Drones guy looks like John Cena with hair

>Posting your sob-story for free
>Not selling it for a profit to some blackmailers and then asset-stripping your own children because they're now an economic liability before selling them both to the labour farms, thus ridding yourself of the always-bear market of children.

Please note I have retroactively charged you for reading this advice, my rate is 45$ per hour (rounded up) plus a $500 introduction fee.

They probably rolled all into a super religion due to pure necesity
>b-but they hate each other
Perspective change when you are in an alien world full of giant worms who want to put eggs in your brain

It's explained in the RPG manual, tbqh.

You realise that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are essentially exactly the same faith but with a few arguments about the main character, right?

I'm not saying this to be edgy, the Abrahamic faiths all have the same common root god and I doubt you could find a fundamentalist crazy enough to dispute that. They may all argue about the fine print of who was the messiah and what rules are most important, but its the same omnipresent deity for all three.

It wouldn't be all that hard in a world of absolute fear and terror to meld the three pillars of Abrahamic faith back together.

Totally militarized tree huggers would be something.
Going to war to stop the polluters, running the most efficient and environmentally friendly war industry ever seen.

alphacentauri2.info/official/Profile Sister Miriam Godwinson.htm
"Abundant charisma led her to position as ranking Psych Priest of Heavenly Diocese; later appointed U.N. Honorary Psych Chaplain for Re-integration Forces sent to countries decimated in Crusader Wars. Reassigned stateside when native populations elevated her to a cultlike religious figure (the 'Prophet Phenomenon' often coinciding with post-nuclear madness)."

>giant worms who want to put eggs in your brain
Why isn't there a faction that revolves around Earth's fetishes? I just want to fuck and be fucked by Planet.


Your best bet is probably Skye's fucking hippies or weird chinese alium cult in the expansion.

Either way you're gonna fucking burn.

All of them were both right and wrong
Yang may sound like a very horrible human being, but his ideas are pretty close to how ascension works
Morgan may say "fuck the future generations" but is stupid to let yourself die just for the chance of future generations
Lal may stick to rules made by a organism that doesn't exist, but is better than descending to barbarism
Spartan sounds like the barbarism Lal fear, but is not that crazy for the strong to rule the weak in a world like Chiron
Miriam may sound like the generic fanatic, but some technologies are really very fucking amoral
Talking about amoral, Zakharov is not over unit731 level shenanings for SCIENCE, but much like the Spartans, some times the situation is that desesperated
Dreide is a crazy fuck who will throw mindrape worms into cities, but he wants to avoid the destruction of the ecosystem that happen on Earth and may know the planet is sentient

I didnt play the expansion so i can't comment on them

>You realise that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are essentially exactly the same faith but with a few arguments about the main character, right?
That's pop history bullshit. Their theologies are mutually incompatible, their characteristics wholly different and their holy texts and supplementary texts spell out their enmity in plaintext.
Just to make a simple comparison, Christianity is universalist, judaism is tribalist and Sunni/Shia is tribalist (they disagree on which tribe) with cribbed universalist bits.

What is "People of the Book"?

Clearly the Drones and Pravin.

>Totally militarized tree huggers would be something.
Play Call to Power

Oh dear.

A liberal fiction.

Gaia is probably full of "it's natural maan!" types constantly high on fungus extract and only miracles of scfi medical science is preventing them from having every STD known to man.


>a religious fanatic
>right about anything

user, pls.

Deirdre is the only correct answer. Everyone else (except the aliums, perhaps, but I never played the expansion) will either repeat the same mistakes humanity made back on Earth or turn the planet into an ever worse shithole.

Yeah, the fact that they're different completely invalidates the claim that they have a common root. Glad you cleared that up. Especially with the incredibly weak argument that two of them are exactly the same and one of them is different at a social-level. This is especially impressive when that's completely wrong.

A notion in Judaism that refers solely to the jews, explicitly rejected by Christianity for it's non-universal nature and adopted by the syncretist muslims to describe the former two.

It's about the same lite of thinking as calling new age fusion cults the same as buddhism because they picked up on their jargon and re-defined it to mean something else for them.

Well I mean Religion is a cultural phenomenon. Anyone that says the Abrahamic religions are the same shit is lazy. It's like saying Indo European languages are the same shit.

Christianity is a counter culture movement combining Hellenic, Neo-Platonic, and Augustan philosophies and systems of cult and worship with a Semitic background.

Islam is the same but with dirty Arab tribes.

Having the same mythology doesn't mean shit. Religious ideas always translate into other religions. The flood, the virgin birth, man being born from the Earth, all that shit follows travels up from Semitic religions into Egypt and then into the Hellenic world.


fuck relgioin..

Indo European languages are the same shit, mate

lay off the glue, m8

No thanks. The USSR showed the world what a society with state atheism is like. It's unpleasant to say the least.

Are you trying to trick me again?

All of the above represent radical ideologues untempered by any sort of empathy or morality. One of the neat things about Alpha Centauri is that how long-term "end justifies the means" tendencies results in a slippery slope that just leads to everyone being varying brands of cunts.

Miriam was the only one who kinda got this, but she had other problems, such as being retarded.

>Christianity is universalist
Catholicism is, Christianity is not.

they had a religion though and that was communism.

any state-religion or non-religion is inherently invasive. secularism is the only moral religious doctrine a state should follow

Catholicism is Christianity.

Pravin Lal

>not picking eudaimonic ever
You literally have the choice of two dystopian horror stories or the realisation of virtue and non-hedonistic happiness, come the fuck on how is it even a contest

Any State is inherently invasive.
Unless you're arguing against states themselves that's not much of an argument.

Fuck off, corrupt Papist

Miriam, of course.
Why was the expansion stuff so fucking shit? From what i heard it mostly consisted of stuff that was cut from the original game due to being unfinished or just poorly conceived.

This, its pretty cool.

Christianity is not Catholicism.

How would have an An-Cap faction functioned in SMAC?

The leader would have been deposed by Morgan at some point

stefan is really getting popular on Sup Forums
I give it another 3 months before everyone hate him like they do with sargon now

enemy doomstack shows up at your capital
>violating the NAP
they all die

enemy declares war on you
>not an argument
they surrender and relinquish complete control to you

Once Trump loses he'll got back to being a normal an-cap and Sup Forums will start hating him again.

>Once Trump loses

Watched the news lately, buddy?

So far the only option I see that can't really work is a Democratic Thought Control state

>Once Trump loses

it was like they incorporated RPG elements in the development of each faction


Jesus fuck don't refresh the page.

WOAH fuck I did not expect that lmao