Scorpio Vs PS4 Pro

What the fuck is Microsoft doing?

>already lost this generation, sold half of what Sony did
>no exclusives anymore
>releases Scorpio one year after the PS4 Pro
>ONE fucking year
>will probably cost 500 dollaroos
>by this time the Pro will cost 300-350
>both do "4K" which is a fucking meme anyway

What is Phil thinking?
Just sold my Xbone for 200 bucks and will buy a Pro soon so I can finally play Bloodborne

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Scorpio and Neo sound like 16bit console names

>Instead of Neo we got "Pro"

I miss original console names.

At least nigtendo for better or worse is keeping it alive.

>Just sold my Xbone for 200 bucks and will buy a Pro soon so I can finally play Bloodborne
t. NeoGAF
Seriously, what do you consolewarring retards lose if someone else spends their money differently? Competition is good for the industry, you tepid cocksnot.

I assume they're done with the chintzy 360 style of business and are just going back to outmuscling Sony like they did with the original Xbox. I suppose they're aiming for the "wants the best version of multiplats but is too lazy or dumb to deal with building a PC" audience.

>sold a piece of shit to buy a more expensive piece of shit

>I suppose they're aiming for the "wants the best version of multiplats but is too lazy or dumb to deal with building a PC" audience.

This, and it will work because people NEED the newest and best version of something.

I had a dream that I bought an xbone slim last night
But I plan on buying a ps4 pro
I want one for vr, sony exclusives, and just so I can have somethibg from this gen that isn't expensive like building a pc would be.
Seriously I've tried to find a build under 400 that would do vr and play the vidya I want but I can't do it. It all ends up 600 or above.

>This, and it will work because people NEED the newest and best version of something.
Well, no, not anymore than it worked for the OG Xbox against the PS2. But crucially it will draw a bigger marketshare than they're getting now.

Hell, they might even get me. The Big Black Cadillac was by far my favorite console that gen.

Scorpio was a mistake, instead the only smart thing Microsoft has done was the cheap as fuck Xbone Slim.

Although it is still redundant since they backtracked on their promise of full Windows 10 integration to make their consoles relevant for purchase.

Multiplats to PC, yet PS4 still favours all Fighting games and weeb stuff for half the time being a year or more earlier.

I shouldn't be surprised since this board is filled with PCtendo shits, but mostly sony haters, so no one is making your point - instead everyone mentions that the SCORPIO IS 6 TFLOPS, IT'LL CHANGE EVERYTHING AND BTFO SONY!!!!

-no one talks about its pricepoint and how it will be $100 to $200 more expensive
-no one seems to care about the 1 year delay, as if it wasn't a big deal at all (it is)
-no one seems to care that is literally changes nothing when it comes to exclusives or 3rd party support, it'll be the same dead Xbone platform, except it runs shit at 4k, nothing more, nothing less

Xbone gets essentially the same third party support as the PS4. The only one really left out in the cold is the Wii U.

Both Oculus and Vive cost double of PSVR (once you add Oculus's controller costs) so even if you did manage to build a VR ready $400 machine, you'd still spend $400 more on a PC VR headset, that's $400 extra you'd have to spend on PS4 and PSVR games.

Also you'd face bottlenecks after a year, have to spend even more money upgrading your PC (decently this time) to a $1000-$1200 machine (this price braket is ALWAYS the sweet spot for price-to-performance ratio on PCs with good future-proofing, ignore everyone who spouts the "console killer" $400 PC, they are lying meme-ing shits and don't care about you owning an actual good machine, always, ALWAYS aim for 1000-1200$)

Agreed, no one who decides on PC gets a fucking chump version of it for pure gaming needs, defeats the entire point.

I'm still waiting for VR 2nd wave to hit before jumping on a huge PC upgrade bandwagon. Right now consoles do what they intend to do, and that is the gap closer between techs.

No reason to have upgraded my PC, even now. Games like Bannerlord will take time for interesting mods, etc as well / get better after 1/2 year of release.

FPS on console dies so fucking fast it's not funny unless it's mind retarded shit like Overwatch, COD, Battlefield, CS:GO.

>What is Phil thinking?

They know they can't compete with Sony.

PS4 still is superior in 2 ways.

1) It's the 360 of this gen, meaning that it gets timed exclusives like CoD DLC, Destiny stuff (some items won't be on Xbone's version until Destiny2 comes out, so in practical terms they are permanently exclusive to PS4) and whichever other games.

2) It has much, much more japanese support and gets PS3/Vita games. Xbox360 is long dead and there is no MS portable system, so Xbone only gets Xbone/PC games. While PS3 and vita are still somewhat alive and nearly all of their releases also come out on PS4. Stuff like GrandKingdom, Persona5, Digimon Cybersleuth, Odin Sphere remake, Gravity Rush, StarOcean5, World of FinalFantasy, SAO games, etc

If anyone is a fan of japanese games, or simply wants to have the choice, PS4 is a better multiplat machine than Xbone (however weird this statement sounds). It also has a dozen or so of odd PC/PS4 only games, like StreetFighter5 or FinalFantasy14

So it's like this.

Unless you're a weebfag there is no reason to own a PS4.

Unless you're a poorfag there's no reason to own an xbone.

Otherwise just get a PC.

Thing is, multiplats have always run like shit on Playstation machines. If you want a console for multiplats you're probably better off getting a Scorpio.

Bloodborne, Nioh, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Days Gone and God of War. What does PC offer?

>get a PC

haha no

Console online community > PC online community

The only game I'm interested in is Nioh, but 1 game doesn't warrant a console buy.

I might get one in a few years when it can actually do 60 fps and when it has more games to play.

Everything else? From the last 20 years.

20. fucking. years.

Mario 64 came out 20 years ago.....

>this shit meme every fucking time

You can play games from 20 years ago with input laag wew.

PC has broken ports and MOBA games.

the PS4 has like 2 worthwhile exclusives 3 years into the circle, its not like any console is worth it

Will shit like Arkham Knight run better on the Scorpio or the Pro, or will it just be games released from that point forward?

>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Open-world Tomb raider clone
>Days Gone
Generic zombie game #7586
Looks cool but fuck getting a console for 1 game.

Most of the best games in the last years have been multiplats anyway.

>calls out a meme
>LITERALLY calls out a meme

input lag on PCs. Jesus Christ, user.

CoD dlc is buggy as fuck when it comes out on the Ps4 and people struggle to even enjoy it. Its literally fucking beta testing. And Destiny is dying and the items they get are like a mission and a weapon here and there.

>Agreed, no one who decides on PC gets a fucking chump version of it for pure gaming needs, defeats the entire point.
Holy fuck I get triggered whenever I read "hey bruv, get an i3, it's good enough for gaming and fucking shits all over Xbox xDDDD U can do it for $250, the whole thing. So worth it!"
It's almost like the masterrace wants to gimp newcommers just so they can win a silly argument.

I have my doubts that anyone in the world has ever built a $300 "console-killer" PC - outside of Youtubers who make it for views and money. It's in no way a good overall machine and wouldn't last you 2 years. Rather than being $700-worth of savings over a $1000 PC, it's a $300 waste of money.

>No reason to have upgraded my PC, even now.
My 860 is still doing wonders and I have a 3K monitor (although I play games at 1080p). Really, only unoptimized earlyAccess games, which I never touched, and really shit ports like Batman (at launch) kill your PC, but 95% of all PC games run fine even when you are 2 GPU gens behind.

even if you are a westernfag I don't see a reason to pick Xbone over PS4. Of course this is coming from someone who can play Halo5, ForzaHorizon3 and Gears4 on PC. I guess if you don't have a PC at all and like those 3 games specifically then you can get an Xbone.

>Thing is, multiplats have always run like shit on Playstation machines.
That only applied to last gen (and I guess PS2 era? With stuff like RE4 being better on gamecube,) But when it comes to PS4/Xbone the PS4 runs the majority of multiplats better, usually with the Xbone version being a "braket" of resolution down (if PS4 renders at 1080p, Xbone does it at 900p - if PS4 does it at 900p, Xbone does it at 720p, you get the idea)

>If you want a console for multiplats you're probably better off getting a Scorpio.
If you want native 4K over getting more games, and you don't mind waiting 1 year and a month for it, then sure.

... you keep using that word.

>What does PC offer?
Games that are actually released already. What's the point of getting a console for games that aren't even out? You could just wait until the PS4 Pro gets more games and then get it when it has more than 5 games released that are worth playing and running better than with the PS4

This hasn't been true for a long time now. Even the PS3 caught up towards the end of last gen and even had some multiplats that performed better

Bugs and crashes
Its all they're good for

>Mario 64 came out 20 years ago.....

Yeah and N64 emulation is still shit, good job mustards

PC offers wonderful games like "There's Poop in My Soup!" Or the amazing "Undertail"
Don't forget you can run these at 5000 fps :D

ironic you mention Nioh and then complain about the lack of 60fps games, considering NioH runs at 60fps.

FYI don't count on consoles ever having a 60fps standard for all games. Next gen they will be much better but devs mostly aim for graphics, then IQ, then framerate. So they'll use the new hardware for graphics and IQ first and foremost, and leave the game running at 28-30fps.

If you skip this gen for this reason you'll also skip the next and the one after that and so on.

I don't play CoD so I wouldn't know about it.
Destiny isn't dying in any way that affects you - in fact it's one of the most popular shooters in both systems for 2 years straight. There are no long matchmaking times for any activity, so even if there aren't 2 million people playing anymore and only 500k, it doesn't affect you in-game

>and the items they get are like a mission and a weapon here and there.
-multiple Strikes (full dungeons)
-30 armor pieces, 6 armor sets
-multiple exotic weapons
-multiple PvP maps
-Misc stuff like ships, skins, etc
That's not really "here and there" stuff, that's quite a lot of content for a game where you repeat the same things over and over again for loot - having less things to repeat and less loot to pick is kind of a bummer on the Xbox side.

well, you know this is the time of rehashing 90s shit

How's 64 emulation on your PS4, user?

PC offers you to play with people who downloaded game for free and use hacks
It offers bad unplayable ports because developers could give two shits about making a game for the least popular platform(known for pirating)
It offers the shittiest, bottom of the barrel type of community
And dude! Don't forget VR! The biggest money sink hole for gullible retards!
All this for the low low price of $1200
But hey, don't forget I can run Undertail and Bloodlines at 1000 fps

The PC versions are still better mein friend

For tech illiterates, yes.

>ironic you mention Nioh and then complain about the lack of 60fps games, considering NioH runs at 60fps.

I'm aware it has a graphics setting which allows you to choose to run the game at 60 fps or with prettier graphics on. Problem is this is the only PS4 game that does this. So yes there is still a huge lack of games that do this, instead opting for prettier graphics and dynamic resolution downscaling to keep acceptable playable framerates.
It's disgusting.

PSPRO will be a massive flop for Sony. Nobody wants their $400 waste on a gimmick. Sony is so fucking poor they cant even build a decent nextgen console and resort to upscailing shit.

>looks cool

I'm vomiting thinking about your life.

>tech illterates
Oh PC gaymers, such memespouting retards.

Scorpio will be a huge seller. NeoGAF has been wrong on everything the past few months. When they announced Scorpio immediately after Xbox One S they said no one would buy the S. Yet it's been outselling the PS4 consistently. Same will happen with Scorpio. It will be marketed as the TRUE 4K console at the time when 4K TV's really start taking off.

>calls others retards
>can't even format a Sup Forums post

>That only applied to last gen (and I guess PS2 era? With stuff like RE4 being better on gamecube,)
RE4 was never released in xbox so no, the xbox had better multiplats being more powerful than the GC

>Most of the best games in the last years have been multiplats anyway.
Can you name one (1)?

There are more 60fps games on PS4 that you might think, you only need to look outside of AAA gaming (although most shooters are 60fps and do use dynamic rez, CoD, DICE shooters and Overwatch being some of them) and there is the odd exception here and there like MGS5 that runs at 1080p60fps.

Most AA games are 60fps, all Vita/PS3/PS4 releases run at 60fps. I happen to love those types of games so I might have a skewed perspective with the majority of my PS4 library running at 1080p60fps

Of course on the other hand there are games you should completely avoid on consoles. Every TeS/Fallout games for example, they run like absolute shit and modding is their only saving grace so it's only worth picking them up on PC (I'm aware Xbone has mods but only a small selection of them and they can't alter the game nearly as much as PC - for instance in Skyrim I had a 10x more enemies mod and a "world-factions" mod where you'd see a ~50 NPC from different factions randomly fighting in the open world - this would crash the Xbone)

In fact when it comes to most western AAA's like Mafia3, etc. Console versions truly do suck.

Looking at the games I played this year on PS4:
14 run at 60fps (all of them at 1080p too, I think)
4 run at 30fps

>vita are still somewhat alive

Well it just got World of FF, DragonQuest Builders and Exist Archive this month alone.

so yes, still somewhat alive. I don't own one, but I enjoy its ports.

Enjoy your shovelware, my friend.

I am, shitposter-kun. Thanks.

I'll enjoy all those games on my new Switch, I'm glad Vita was such a flop.

They're on the Switch?

Devs gotta make money, with the Vita dead in the water they'll come to Switch.

>I'll enjoy all those games on my new Switch

heh, we'll see. You'll enjoy 10% of them, maybe.

You keep telling yourself that

sure, Switch will run Battlefield1 full map 64 players servers just fine.
It'll also get ALL multiplats that have a chance of running on it, foooor suuure.

I got a PC, I don't care about Battlefield. What I want is the other third party titles that will come to the Switch.

rather than speculating over which third party games will and will not come to switch, why not just buy a PS4 where it's completely guaranteed they'll come and get over it?

Why pray for something that may or may not happen in the future instead of just buying something that does all you want right now?

I don't get it, truly I don't.

pc offers the ability to create all those games you mentioned

Why waste money on a shitty console? No exclusives, no reason to buy it


>Why waste money on a shitty console?
>posts a vita screenshot
>of a game that is also on PS4 and is unquestionably best played there

I mean, why don't you ask that question to yourself?

>Just sold my Xbone for 200 bucks and will buy a Pro soon so I can finally play Bloodborne

I don't get console warriors, does anyone actually believe posts like this?

I only buy a gaming device if it has actual games, user. PS4 has no games. It's not hard to understand.

>says this while he has 5 tabs open with PS4 games let's play

>I only buy a gaming device if it has actual games
>he got a Vita

For the 3rd time, you only have to look at your own self. Maybe talk to the mirror and ask the same questions.

And those 5 PS4 games are?I don't have a Vita, I have a 3DS.

>I don't have a Vita
then posting a vita screenshot of World of FF was quite random

I run a youtube channel that's focused on gaming news, meaning I cover news for the Vita and so on.

oh, another autistic nintendo youtuber. no wonder.

Nobody is buying the Pro anyway. All the retards out there already got a console already. They should be wary of the Switch instead.

Same here. Only reason to get a ps4 would be nioh. But for just one decent game i wont get this loud, spam infested ugly block of a low spec living room pc. Besides i dont like to feed sony money since tgey only grow fatter and more obnoxious.

Nah, not really. I don't create any clickbait or reaction videos. Only facts and real gaming news. It's going pretty well so far, I have 5000 subs already.

No one is buying a Switch. More people will buy a Scorpio/Pro, whichever sells LESS, than a switch.

Nintendo fucked up. Again.

I'll see your tears in March.

>They should be wary of the Switch instead.
Why? By that ime PS4 will have a 50-55 million headstart and Xbone a ~25 million headstart

what's to be worried about? The successor to a console that sold just as well as the Dreamcast?

Why would I care either way? I don't carry stock in any of these companies or own any of these machines. But Nintendo is definitely fucked again, they just can't overcome their idiotic gimmicklust.

The 3DS sold 60 million units, you know? Even thought it has a toaster inside of it and it's main feature is a completely useless gimmick that only serves to underpower the system and to increase its price.
The Switch will sell like hotcakes. Prepare your anus.

Completely depends on how people will look at the switch. No one (outside of the 12million nintendocore fans who got a WiiU) will get a Switch as their main system, it's only a secondary or tertiary option.

As for handhelds, 3DS is also lacking comparing to its previous gen. if we go by trends, Switch will sell worse than 3DS even if the mass market looks at it like a handheld.

>it's main feature is a completely useless gimmick that only serves to underpower the system and to increase its price.
That also goes for the Switch. As a homeconsole its smal formfactor and cartridges oonly increase the price for no reason. As a handheld it doesn't need to be as powerful as it is.

3DS sold like absolute shit at its launch price, it only recovered after the MASSIVE pricedrop (and finally getting games). Switch will be more expensive than the 3DS at launch, and will have to compete with (the superior) Xbones/PS4's $299 price, with a probable $50 pricedrop later that year down to $250.

So no, it's not as simple as "If you count it as a handheld it'll sell like hotcakes!!!"

>here's my opinion with no facts whatsoever
How adorable

>here's my opinion with no facts whatsoever
*one post before*
>The Switch will sell like hotcakes. Prepare your anus.

Nintendo has good PR right now, Pokemon and SMR will generate more news. Nothing trolls have said makes any sense. Only reaction images and reddit responses. The reason why the 3DS never sold as much was because of cellphones, but the NS is much more practical for the average person if it can do both. That and it's much more powerful, which also matters to most people. So yeah, it will probably sell a lot.

>No one
Except for the aforementioned 60 million people that bought a 3DS and all the newcomers.

>if we go by trends
We don't, don't be retarded.

>That also goes for the Switch.
Nope, it's a console you can play however and wherever you want to play it, that level of freedom is really damn useful and unique.

>FPS on console dies so fucking fast it's not funny unless it's mind retarded shit like Overwatch, COD, Battlefield, CS:GO.
Man, that's not really true. There are a bunch of bandwagoners who just hop game from game, but you can usually get a complete game unless it's niche as all hell. I was still getting full games of Resistance 2 co-op as an example a year before the servers closed, and even the Assassin's Creed games have a popular multiplayer mode on consoles. You'd be harder pressed to find a random game on PC you can just jump in and play whenever you want. Take the Assassin's Creed games as an example, you'd be lucky to get a few people to play you in Brotherhood on PC whereas you could easily get matches at any time of day before the servers closed.

fine, be delusional all you want.

This is all sales talk anyway. I already own 3 systems will full 3rd party support and their own exclusives. I don't need to pray that the next nintendo console will succeed or sell well, you do.
I'm comfy af already

>not being an idort

II'm sad what I said was fact and not speculation. The response has been extremely positive. Check out SMR and S&M when it's released and try to tell me Nintendo doesn't generate hype.

>missing out on all the future Gundam and SRW games for the Switch
>games you'll be able to buy this time around, cause the thing is supposed to be region free