The one scam you fell for
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Completley fell for Inafune. Thought he was the Miyamoto of Mega Man. Thought Mighty Number 9 would be Mega Man's return to glory. Thought it would be like Mega Man 9, but in 3D. Thought that Capcom was holding the series back.
can I have fun with this if I pirate it? how's it?
Cube world, spore, minecraft(kinda) and MN9.
Actually hes still working on the game but hasn't updated it. Follow his twitter.
It's better than nothing
Dragon Quest builders has been released now. He should just give up, there's no point anymore.
The niche he could've filled that Minecraft left has been filled.
First and last.
Might as well not exist if he doesn't upload it.
Also, since he got the millions FIRST there is no incentive for him to finish the game on time. Effectively his deadlines have been removed. It's already been 3 years since the last update. When will he finish this game? 10 years?
>Under the Ocean
This. What wasted potential.
No idea when he will finish the game. I didn't buy it the first time because the shops were down and I heard it was barebones as fuck. But from his twitter he is still actively working on the game.
>I'm not hyped or anything just stating information
>Long version
Wollay has idea for a videogame. Guy already makes mad dosh with his job so this game is completly a hobby he makes on his spare time because he wants. Says there will be no beta, alpha or anything as he wants to relase the game fully. People demands to be able to preorder and play the alpha.Wollay refuses as this is a hobby and can't promise it will be fully released. People insists. After some time Wollay accepts and releases an alpha but warns people that he won't update the alpha.
Shit happens and Wollay has marriage problems with her wife, who was also a devoloper in the game. Game is stopped for some time, then 16 months later Wollay updates again from his twitter, and he's been showing things from time to time.
Guy has idea for a game. Says game may not be finished. People still buys and demands the game to be updated. People gets mad when guy does what he said he'd do.
Sup Forums
If it's done in 10 years then it might as well not even exist since everyone will have moved on. Games will have improved. It will be a "wow it's fucking nothing" thing. Sort of like how it will take 10 years to perfect N64 emulation, but will anyone give a shit about these ugly clunky games by then?
Scam Citizen
Cube World
Goldeneye 007
>That poor poor millionaire. Won't someone think of his feelings?! ;_;
None of them partially because I didn't have money for shit like Brink at the time
I did buy the Destiny PS4 bundle and Destiny ended up being a pile of shit, but I wanted a PS4 anyway so I guess that'd be the closest thing to a scam.
single handedly ruined my faith in the industry.
I found it good to chill out to, stick on a podcast and just run in one direction. There are a handful of landmarks that make exploring almost interesting but the way you move between the landmarks with the hang glider really sold it for me. Although my opinion might be a bit off cus i haven't played Cube World in two years and when I did I was pirating it
>falling for the block world meme after Minecraft
Literally all of them are scams
The only one that was ever worth it is Terraria, and that lacks a whole fucking dimension
just play trove
4 fucking years of nothing. It took Terraria's life cycle to "finish" it. And there's jack fucking shit exept aweful forced story and mediocre bosses.
he clearly said it was just a pet project and that he had no intention of completing it. But people kept pestering him for it so he put it up on a store
don't blame a guy because you're a retard
Can someone post the picture of the launcher saying the last patch was in 2013
>he clearly said it was just a pet project and that he had no intention of completing it.
Then why the hell did he sell it then? Could have released it for free.
>But people kept pestering him for it so he put it up on a store
>don't blame a guy because you're a retard
D'aww the poor guy. He only mae 3 million dollars in sales. He's such a victim.
rainbow six siege
>no one here fell for no man's lie
Yeah.... yeah.
Maybe one day Rock will come back. When Capcom has ruined all other franchises and loyalty. Or perhaps when they must sell the rights to Nintendo to keep afloat.
I would have Said Starbound, at one point, when they had that 10 month gap without any updates. But then they finally released it proper, and they actually did good work.
Pillars of Eternity I backed, and it ended up complete. I even liked it well enough, though it's hardly Obsidian's best work.
With that out of the way, the only unreleased thing I bought is Project Zomboid, and, really, it may not be feature complete (as far as what they promised), but if you released it as it is now, with no prior promises, I really wouldn't know it to be anything other than a complete game. Whether what it is . . . is enjoyable . . . to you or anyone else? I feel like that's a taste issue.
I haven't bought early access since Starbound, and I've not pre-ordered anything since Watchdogs. Watchdogs was my one big disappointment. I really wanted a fun open world hacking game, but it was just a fucking mess.
I almost backed Hero-U back in the day because I'm a big quest for glory fan, but I didn't do that. If I had, after the combat and stealth demos, I'd probably be pretty disappointed.
>Then why the hell did he sell it then? Could have released it for free.
Why the hell wouldn't he charge?
>D'aww the poor guy. He only mae 3 million dollars in sales. He's such a victim.
I'm not saying he's a victim, I'm saying you're a dumbass for throwing money around
>Could have released it for free.
Because why give it away for free if people are willing to give you money for it, that'd be dumb
He made his intentions clear and you either walked right into it without informing yourself, in which case you're dumb, or you knew what you were getting into, paid up, and then realized what it actually means, in which case you're also dumb
I don't pity anyone who actually bought this game instead of pirating it like a sensible person
Surprised no one said Day Z.
>mfw I paid full price for No Man's Sky
sounds fun user
what is a podcast?
Oh fuck. I feel so sorry.
At most it's a 5-10 dollar indie game. I think if they sold it for 5 dollars no one would be mad and the expectations would be much lower.
Oh, the opposite. It's quite Notorious Wollay doesn't give two flying fucks about what some internet manchildren spout about him.
I just find stupid to complain about something you all were warned about. He even said that the price of the game wouldn't change on relase, there was no fucking point on buying it before it.
>pledge because I loved War of the Monsters and Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters
>game gets hijacked by furries
>devs are hacks who released a barely functioning gmae
That thing looks like utter shit. Why are furfags so uncreative?
>You will never kick the shit out of this furfag abomination with based Solomon
He's like a Toady that doesn't have to rely on donations to survive
The way this anime ended was just amazingly bad. Cool premise, and interesting how the branching story worked, but as soon as the white whale shit came in, it became typical shounen shit. I was disappointed. It was trial and error the entire time, but he was practically save scumming to optimize the outcome in the last half of the anime instead of actually fucking up and learning from it.
Its kind of like eavesdropping people on the bus while you play your Nintendo Switch, but from the comfort of your own home
>it's an user types out a reply asking a question then presumably does a captcha instead of just fucking searching the word "podcast" episode
The signals were there, but people was too stupid to realize. People blames bussinessmen for turning this industry into the shti it is nowdays,. but it has always been a consumers problem.
It's an adaptation of an ongoing LN so of course the ending will be shit. What surprises me is how stupid Subaru is on wanting Emilia over Rem, not abusing his savescumming powers and how some character like Felix or the cats in general were shoehorned in there.
At least Betelguese was great.
Can't leave it to just one, and I am sure there are even more shitty games but these are the ones that stand out to me right now
Guild Wars 2 full price
Resident Evil Racoon City full price
MGS V full price
The War Z
DayZ Standalone
Mad Max
>full price
>full price
>full price
That's your mistake. Never pre-order, never buy at full price. Wait 6 months and get a sale.
thanks user
anti thanks user
stop falling for memes
fuck you and die
Duncan was especially shitty, though. He wanted his kangaroo monster to act silly and cartoony, and to never lose, then when the devs told him it wouldn't work he threatened to throw a tantrum and get all his other furfag friends to pull their pledges too. Speaking of, those other monsters were a fat fetish t-rex and a muscle fetish dragon.
The poor bastards were at the whim of a bunch of manchildren who get off to giant monsters fucking buildings.
want to die with me you pozy ass fag?
I preordered it
hey it's by those guys who made opposing force, gotta be decent at least
IHE actually does a set of bretty gud videos on these.
>what is a podcast?
Where have you been the last 6 years?
>tfw Sup Forums snibeti snab crab monster didn't get in
>preordered Brink Steelbook Edition
>90 Ausbucks
>could barely run it on my PC because the AI tanked my CPU
>horrible lag online since no-one else in Aus bought the fucking thing
>all the game mechanic issues with that game too
Mad Max was so padded, holy fuck. The actual story is super fucking brief, and then takes a massive dump over all you worked for and leaves you feeling frustrated at the devs and not wanting to even finish the game at one point.
There really needs to be a certain rule when taking donation requests. NO autistic and retarded Donut steel characters to appease your disgusting fetish. Same thing happened in Undertale with that autist and his butterdragon.
Don't forget to buy Wolly's new game
>open world
When will this fad end
>It literally tells you not to buy it as there's no guarantee it'll ever get finished in huge fucking letters at the page you buy the game
No user, this is a clear case of you being fucking retarded, stop blaming people for your mistakes.
>releases an alpha but warns people that he won't update the alpha.
i see you like making things up.
>The alpha is available for a lower price than the beta version and the final version. We're planning to release updates regularly. Updates are free.
right on the picromas site
Also wollay never 'warned' about anything ever.
Stop making shit up you stupid nigger
far from cancerous e-celeb threads
Yea no I decided not to buy it because I'm just smarter than y'all, not because of this huge fucking warning on the buy page :^)
It's comical to see whiny children try to justify their mistakes with blatant lies, get the fuck over it you retard.
Podcasts are far more than an e-celeb thing, you drongo cunt.
You HAD to remind me, didn't you?
That you were too retarded to heed a simple warning? Yea.
the first one wasnt so bad
the rest tho
one of my friends fell for that real bad, bought a copy for him, me and two other friends, the game didn't run on my shit box and the two other dudes stopped playing after an hour.
Ye I fell for the Cube World scam, I do hope he continues but I'll probably forget about it by the time its done, first and last EA scam I fall for, even shit like Trove took less time to develop than this.
damn I'm gonna buy cube world for free and give it a try to see how's it now
Didn't Wolly just abandon it?
Or do the toby way and trick your customer into a hidden character you can only see once a year.
Never Again
>that fucking launch
>that everything past the tutorial island
>that balance
>that inferno in the forums
Was a harsh lesson to not to trust what devs say before their game is out.
Every time I've bought a game for more than 5 or 10 dollars.
Game pricing is a scam, especially when the quality of games is almost universally so low.
Witcher 3 has so far been the only exception.
>Witcher 3
Why out yourself as having garbage taste? It's literally only good when you're easily distracted by shiny objects.
I bet you've bought games for more than 10 dollars and actually enjoyed them within the past 4 years.
That alone proves to the world your garbage taste.
Witcher 3 is like a shining beacon in a sea of shit right now.
NEET sensibilities achieved
Nobody scammed you, I bet you preordered that shit.
I paid Kyrieru 5 bucks for his next game. That was 3 years ago or something like that, got nothing but "I'm not dead yet" updates since.
Fuck you, Rocket.
This was the first time I ever felt disgust while playing a game, not even the Fable ruse cruise got me this bad, at least they were somewhat serviceable, but Brink just felt dirty to play, and you could feel that everyone felt the same too, theyd been had, and were still trying to play the game like it wasnt that bad and that it was fun.
Updates and fixes came way too late and the damage was done, the new map and customization options, shockingly, were going to cost money, they rushed them out for free as an apology. Fucking deplorable. A shame because the setting was neat, but it did absolutely nothing with it, I couldve seen a good singleplayer game just around that concept.
at least i got it for 30% off @ launch. The fucking performance BARELY improved, it still stutters like ass
Brink is such a goddamn shame. Neat setting, and a class-based multiplayer shooter with heavy parkour and mobility? Sounds fucking rad.
They just did EVERYTHING wrong with executing it.
I got it on PS4, was there ever any issues with the load times on PC? Its upwards of 2 minutes on PS4, dont know if thats the PS4 or the game because all I heard about the game at launch was how bad it ran. Framerate eats shit too when there is too many fire effects on screen. i
Is an otherwise decent game but it pales in comparison to the previous ones, and doesnt even scratch the originals, Im intereted to see how they do with Terror from the Deep, and hopefully they dont dumb it down even more than 2.
PC had terrible load times but you could skip them by pressing caps lock.
(I'm serious)
How does that even work?
Always this.
And I guess I'm quite dismayed about Heart Machine backing out of gettin gHyperlight Drifter on Wii U.
That's what I backed for, you pimplefaced metal heads.
No, I can't have as much fun playing it on PC.
Also fell for Cube World...
I think Starbound wasn't such a huge disappointment tho.