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We've come to the point, where people brag about multi-platform titles instead of exclusives.
Who the fuck can we blame for this?
Normie casuals.
>We can play Skyrim Remaster on the go.
It makes me sad that this shit is what actually sold kids and normies on the Switch.
>Skyrim remastered on the go
Yes, what a treat
>rpg with kanye
steel jaw to op, pls nerf
>that image
normies are such fucking subhuman scum
Its main selling point made you sad?
My sister said Loki is cute.
I felt happy because I thought women only found Thor cute.
Posting pictures from facebook should get you banned.
What a truly disgusting image.
Your sister's taste is shit. The only real choice is CAP'N.
Ah yes, playing on a tablet screen will be a much more immersive experience
>I thought women only found Thor cute.
What rock have you been living under these past 5 years?
how hard switch will bomb when all the normies find out there wont be skyrim on it?
I know is shit but I wasn't expecting that.
Somehow I was convinced blondes were the cute boys.
Retarded millennial teenagers are attracted to the non-threatening and slightly effeminate british men like him and Dr Who, whereas adult women want to brutally fuck Thor.
Woah...its like I'm really on 9gag right now!
Just like DQXI wasn't coming to NX because Square Enix retracted the statement right?
Dude was in talks to play James Bond. He's not too shabby looking.
>nintendrones brag about playing a 6 year old shitty game
>but portable!
I don't get it.
Eh, Vita can run Skyrim in 2011
But skyrim being on the switch isn't even true
Wasn't Skyrim confirmed for not being on Switch ?
Or is this some bad bait again ?
I don't know anymore, I'm too old for this.
it wont be able to run it
People don't care about old crap.
Looks like he was playing Skyrim on a PS3 in 2011. So that helps us understand his low standards and why playing Skyrim on a tablet is something exciting to him.
PS4 doesn't even have 4k
Why are Sony fans so fucking dumb that they think the PS4 Pro can do 4k? Did they all drop out of middle school? Were they dropped on the head as babies? Do they simply suffer from mental disabilities?
Can somebody explain to me why Sony fans are as dumb as they are?
>yfw Switch is too weak for Skyrim to realistically being ported over to it because it's just a tablet and Bethesda is full of incompetence
>Normies won't hear this news
>They all get butthurt against Nintendo instead of Bethesda
Will it be NMS levels of asshurt?
Considering the Switch can't even play Skyrim, yes.
Epic thread, bro.
It has to do with their skin color I was told.
They have friends and social lives
>We've come to the point, where people brag about multi-platform titles instead of exclusives.
>Who the fuck can we blame for this?
Sonyggers who since TLoU Remaster have stated "It's okay, not everyone had a PS3."
But fuck the moment Nintendo does a remaster, it's the end of the fucking world.
>Skyrim Remastered on the go
I've had that for years on my laptop. Its called Skyrim through steam with an ENB.
>he thinks Normies and kids will buy a Switch
>we have 4K
I knew people who play fighting games are all faggots and niggers
Sounds gay
TLoU is still an exclusive, you fuck.
A bland, generic one, but still one.
Just buy a PC lol
Why do people have console wars
Unless you're a pro fighting game player why would you ever want a ps4
I can't tell if that's Leonardo Dicaprio or a young Kurt Russel.
How do people enjoy Skyrim?
It has little personality, depth or even decent writing.
It feels like playing a single-player version of a Korean MMO.
Choose 1.
>How do people enjoy Skyrim?
The average consumer still believes building a PC takes too much time and effort and prebuilts are retardly expensive.
Which, they have a point, unfortunately.
See, they don't give a shit about video games like people on Sup Forums do.
>Can only be played on Sony shit
It's still by many means, an exclusive.
Why is Skyrim put on such a pedestal?
Just like DQXI since it's coming for PS4 too?
Not everybody is an overcompensating try-hard faggot with an inferiority complex desperately clinging to what platform they play video games on to feel better about themselves where their personality, looks, and intelligence fail them. lol
But the average person played it on console.
It's a hugely popular game with mainstrream success, you naive little retard
This, i literally feel sick.
TLoU is on both PS3 and PS4, correct?
Then it's multiplatform.
What are you doing here?
Obviously most people are or they wouldn't flock to the Sony Dudebrostation
My vision is augmented
>tfw never played almost any big multiplat from the 7th gen
>Might be able to play them on the go
Call me a fag but this is going to be fun.
What the fuck is it hard for you to get over the term "exclusive"?
If you can only play it off brand-specific equipment how is it still not an exclusive?
im a tech retard and i built my own pc
it was actually fun
Posts like these make me think consolefags are underage. Holy shit.
If you can play it on more than one platform it's not an exclusive.
What's the hype about? The Vita had ports and nobody cared. Not to mention the Switch is going to be less powerful than the other leading consoles and have a miserable battery life, so chances are your portable experience will be shitty and unfulfilling.
I'm more than happy to be proven wrong, though it's unlikely.
You're assuming that any of the games the Switch gets will be multiplats just because third parties are taking interest.
Bethesda publishes other devs games and so do a lot of those other third party companies with the Switch.
Hell, Fromsoft have released 3DS games.
There is nothing to suggest its getting Xbone and PS4 games.
I think you need to reread my post. I said 7th not 8th gen.
For like 2 hours until the battery dies
>portable Skyrim
Fuck. You have all of my money for that alone.
Welp, good bye another 800+ hours of my life.
What the fuck is wrong with you,
You can only play it off Sony Platforms, meaning it's still a Sony Exclusive title.
PlatformS. Hence not an exclusive.
>playing Skyrim without mods
No thanks.
So you think that the Switch is going to get previous gen multiplats?
Are you retarded?
Todd os someone said that it was not confimed.
So buy my game now and again on the switch in 6 months.
Please don't associate Bloodborne with your fucking posts anymore.
I can't remember if I ever played Skyrim or if I just played Morrowind. I just recall an intense boredom that would not subside until I stopped playing. This reaction may have repeated itself upon playing Skyrim and it just blurs together in my mind. I can't be sure.
Why not?
Loki is the hero of tumblr girls, beware
What the hell do you think "exclusive" means, lad?
Unlike PCfags, we consolefags actually have girlfriends so we don't need waifumods.
That you can only play it on one platform.
This movie wasn't funny and all variations and dialogue changes made to this scene weren't funny. Fucking normalfag tumblr tier humor.
Two different hardware, means it's multiplatform.
So it suddenly doesn't count to you if it's still only available to one brand name?
Holy shit, you are one pedantic retard.
Neck yourself.
I assume you haven't played Skyrim before because there are plenty of things that mods fix about Skyrim like its hideously drab graphics, its poor variance of enemies, weapons, armors, etc... as well as glitches that Bethesda have been too lazy to fix in the, what, five years that the game has been out?
I choose number 2, 3 and 8, please,
4 and 7 if they can moan like actual girls.
For an intellectually challenged baby boy zilch such as yourself, I'm afraid I can't do that. Kill yourself.
It's not an exclusive, no. I'm sorry that your definition of exclusive is different from literally everyone else's.
But It has native 4k games but Indies, remasters and games that only a 30 fps cap doesn't seem count for your preferences. it's not that hard to Google. Native 4k is easy not even hard to achieve.
normies don't care about DQ, Skyrim was the best game ever
>hideously drab graphics
I assume the Switch version is the remastered edition. It looks amazing.
>its poor variance of enemies, weapons, armors, etc.
If by poor you mean the best variance in any RPG ever made, then yes, it's extremely poor.
No glitches in my game, then again I don't have mods which is the primary cause for glitches and bugs.
I like that someone else jumped in the conversation.
>available on 1 platform
Bloodborne, for example.
>available on more than 1 platform
It's not that hard to understand. Is it a Sony exclusive? Yes, but it's still multiplatform.
the point
your post
>I assume the Switch version is the remastered edition
There is no Switch version.
>No glitches in my game, then again I don't have mods which is the primary cause for glitches and bugs.
You're b8ing
Fuck off
Get out Todd
The game is exclusive to Sony platforms, meaning its only on those platforms, retard. Its an exclusive no matter what you say.
Did Bethesda really confirmed that it have skyrim remastered? or they going get just the vanilla version?
Glad to help.