RE6 comes out

RE6 comes out.
Sells millions.
Butthurt fanboys.
RE7 is announced.
OMG, Capcom are listening to us! Fuck RE6, right? Muh survival horror, right? Muh roots of the series, right?
Capcom announces RE: Vendetta.
Chris is even chunkier than usual.
Leon is even more of a pretty boy.
The trailer is literally full of things exploding.

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no one cares


RE 7 brings this series back to its roots, as a FPS youtube outlast game. Makes me feel like it's 1996 all over again.

Resident Evil 4-6 were a complete utter mess.

Especially in 5 where it was basically a glorified anime show with guys wearing scary black trench coats and sun glasses. And people call that part of the lore? The RE fanbase are seriously mindfucking retarded, i'm glad RE7 is taking it back to the creepy mansion vibes.

They're satisfying different parts of the fanbase.

What's wrong with that? Also, RE6 was actually a financial disappointment, not even 4 years later has it reached its 7 million goal.

>They're satisfying different parts of the fanbase.
>What's wrong with that?
Some "classic" RE fans want Capcom to completely retcon RE4-6. But that is never, ever happening.

They said RE7 was a straight up sequel right out of the gate so I don't get where they got that idea.

It's called Resident Evil Seven for christ sake.

Resident Evil was always anime.

What is the point of this thread?

RE6 was fun for a tps/action game

>What is the point of this thread?
Resident Evil: Vendetta is gonna be so badass, and it's gonna cause so much salt when saves the day in RE7.

I stopped caring after RE5, because it became obvious after that and leading up to RE6 anything new in the series is catered to newgen ADHD faggots. Anything remake style is catered to the old fans, so I can sorta live with that and the hybrids like revelations.

The old fans like me will never get BRAND NEW RE games in their style because they're harder to cater to, the newgen fans swallow any load capcrud shits out. If RE2 remake sucks, I'm done.

I'm not gonna complain or bitch because it does nothing against a corporation that doesnt care. I'm just never giving the franchise money again, simple as that.

I enjoyed 4 and even 5, as it just felt like a refinement and streamlining of 4s gameplay.

Then 6 happened. I'm not even sure what was so bad about it. The level design felt wonky, the graphics seemed downgraded compared to 5, the story was all over the fucking place. Even though 5 had some pretty wild bosses like giant sea cratures and flying bugs, stuff like the bossfight on the train with the mutated leopard zombie thing in 6 just felt way too over the top, and then the final boss with like 6 different forms... I just couldn't take anything seriously. My friend and I who had platinumed 5 didn't even bother finishing all the stories because we just stopped caring.
Hell we even replayed 5 recently and had just as much fun as we remembered.

>we want the outlast/unfinished early access/youtuber audience

kill yourself today

>play resident evil
>move analog stick towards me as the character is facing me
>go backwards

>Killing yourself over video games
>Being this mad about people enjoying entertainment products

You need to get laid, son.

You know what i dont get? Why capcom dont remake either of the outbreak games. With a little refinement theyd be perfect, and they clearly want to make a multiplayer RE game given shit like umbrella corps and operation raccoon city.

So why keep funding failure instead of gambling on a semi niche remake?

Resident Evil 2 N64 introduced the new control system that has become the standard on all the HD versions of RE games, and if RE2 Remake has fixed camera angles, it will have it, too.

This year's shitstorm hasn't had many good videos, that one was alright tho.

>fixed in subsequent releases
Though it kind of exposes that most of the tension in early RE games came with fighting the controller. Having better controls makes everything piss easy. Didn't die once when I played the HD rerelease on PS4.

Why the fuck is chris so fucking fat.... he gainz 20 pounds every fucking game.

Because Umbrella Corps has sold a SHITLOAD of copies. I mean, Umbrella Corps sold 5-6x times better than Outbreak 2. It still sells hundreds of thousands of copies ever few months somehow.

headbutt the nearest moving vehicle

Tank controls were cancer.
re5, re6, rer, and rer2 were the only good resident evil games. Suck my fucking chode if you disagree.

It's a movie. Not a game.

Wasn't he a raging alcoholic in 6?
Beer is mostly empty calories. A guy that was already as big as Chris could have packed on a lot of weight in that time.

You forget to greentext.

>Chris is even chunkier than usual.

He looks the same.

he was pounding a few at the start of the game iirc, but I dont think he was a alcho

How did we go from this...

to this...

>the shitty broken controls is what made it great

>i was 13 years old

>Chad Redfield

>Especially in 5 where it was basically a glorified anime show with guys wearing scary black trench coats and sun glasses
>What is Code Veronica

RE setting and story was always b-movie schlock

Didn't say the broken controls made it great at all.

Are you autistic?

I think the only thing I hated about re6 was the bullet impact was shit, and the blood was dark red. The rest was fine