What went wrong?
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no sense of progression in anything
back to pol, racist
It is pretty fun desu however a few things annoy me.
>The run and gun class is also the one with the best anti tank
Every cod-kiddie plays this fucking class which means that they also have loads of anti tank grenades that fuck your shit up
>Mortars are literally just point and click instead of actually requiring skill like in rising storm
What's the fucking point, they are slow as shit.
It's as if they replaced everything with the F35 from BF4.
>rising storm
Terrible, ugly and unoptimized clunky game.
There's no skill involved, just take cover and shoot blindly in the hopes of killing someone.
>why are there no jets in WW I
fuck off retard, planes in bf1 are great, I've been waiting for a bf game with no lock on and other stupid bullshit
Terrible bait
No, my question is why not remove them if they are going to be that clunky?
>Every cod-kiddie plays this fucking class
I rarely see more than a few (as in 3 - 6) people play assault per team. It's fucking grating because they only sometimes do their job as anti-tank. Then again, all I play is Operations so I guess it might be diffrent in Rush and TDM game modes.
>why not remove them if they are going to be that clunky
because they're fun to use and generally great and in the right hands can do shitloads of damage
or in other words git gud
>pretty decent BF game
>utter shit WW1 game
What they released is not what they advertised
as usual for EA
Literally just a modern military shooter with a WW1 coat of paint.
This. I bought this game to kill Germans subhumans, not exploited colonials.
Elite classes (flamethrower, armored MG dude...), it's like they took the heroes from SW Battlefront and converted it to WW1.
>not what they advertised
You fucking what? There was an open beta and everything, we all saw how non-WW1 the game was going to be well in advance. You're one thick-headed moran.
in the end nobody wanted to play it
yeah i hated when this flamethrower guy force pushed my entire squad and then killed everyone with his lightsaber it was so stupid
Basically this and Biggest mistake was using a WW1 setting because they took a huge shit on historical accuracy. I know a lot of people don't care about that, but they should have just done WW2 if they wanted a historical setting with varied weapons instead of coming up with some science fiction WW1 Frankenstein mess of a game. For example, trenches were so vital in WW1 yet they barely have any use in this game.
Also, I know this is nothing new, but it would have been better if they slowed things down instead of trying to appeal to the fast CoD style gameplay of "run and gun" and constantly dying. Being tactical and careful wont make you much better than anyone else.
Can somebody tell me if there is a way to customise the online player or if they put more white people in the online british teams?
also fixed OP for you
>trenches were so vital in WW1 yet they barely have any use in this game.
>varied weapons instead of coming up with some science fiction WW1 Frankenstein mess
every gun in bf1 existed by the time ww1 ended. they didn't see much use in combat? sure, but literally every battlefield game had experimental weapons that were never used
>Being tactical and careful wont make you much better than anyone else.
wrong, you should try actually playing the game
got a song for u guys
Barely anything, it's great
blacks and spics need to hang from trees
>can't even use their own voices
lmao beta faggots
>Barely anything, it's great
>horses that can take a artillery shell and still keep running
>tanks that are nearly indestructible and can be fixed from the inside
>classes that are barely customizable
>armored trains that basically win the game on their own
Arhcduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination.
>>horses that can take a artillery shell and still keep running
>>tanks that are nearly indestructible and can be fixed from the inside
Acquire teamwork, they go down really quickly if 3-4 people focus fire it for a few seconds
>>classes that are barely customizable
This game has an appropriate amout of weapons and gadgets. Most are a situationally useful, there's no gadget overflow like in BF4, nor are there too little
>>armored trains that basically win the game on their own
The train is like the shittiest of the behemoths
>tanks that are nearly indestructible and can be fixed from the inside
Tanks are literally paper tigers in that if people actually focus them they die in seconds.
Assault and Scout being way too OP. Automatic weapons everywhere.
Shotguns actually being a little too strong as well on smaller map gamemodes.
>mfw some shitter tells me Supports Mortar is OP
>mfw someone tells me planes and tanks are OP
Mortars have been point and click for the past 2 gays.
Nothing new. Atleast they don't have unlimited ammo readily avaliable. (you have to wait a couple minutes.
Nerf flak a little
Buff bombers a little
Buff support guns a little
I think that is all
oh yeah, boycott EA, they'll surely go bankrupt because 10 fat neckbeards boycott their games on Sup Forums
Should have been WWII
Ive payed more money for games Ive liked less, its a typical modern BF game. I really like Operations mode, a shame it will die really quick in favor of more death match orientated modes when custom servers come out. Operations is literally the only defining thing about this game and its going to die on its ass when the custom 24/7 Argonne 1000 tickets maps pollute the browser.
I'm not saying they'll go bankrupt you dumb cunt, it's for our own safety. Same as not buying into Starbound or DayZ or Star Citizen
I original typed "Ive played games I liked less that cost more money" and didnt fix it, dont get too excited.
>Automatic weapons everywhere.
This. It would actually be neat to play an FPS that wasn just callofduty kiddies running around praying and spraying everything
Hahahahahaahahahahahahahaaha, its fucking not buddy.
>"I didn't fix it" is somehow an excuse for having shit grammar and spelling
I had a gut feeling this works of be the first reply and what do you know
>BF1 was a complete success
>Sup Forums was wrong like usual
Do you want an apology?
They made it Cottonfield1 instead of Battlefield1.
Player numbers arent great for a AAA launch.
they need to make bombers less clunky on turns though shits boring trying to get them lined up right to do your damage
and give us a fucking timers on when vehicles in general willl become avaliable im sure they did this in a previous title
g u d
>It would actually be neat to play an FPS that wasn just callofduty kiddies running around praying and spraying everything
it still need quite a lot of polishing
and it's fucking unforgiving as hell
almost no unlocks, guns, progression or customization in general
Stop fucking pushing this game it is garbage. People keep entering BF1 games and saying to play this, it is fucking dead as doornails and boring as shit as a shooter, and I use to play Red Orchestra religiously and am saying this, Verdun is not the fucking answer.
>people laughed it out when it launched because its so clunky and lame, feels like a game you come across in a bargain bin
>now people say its good now that BF1 is out
No, it doesnt work like that, a bad game isnt good because something else bad came out. I honestly believe that its a developer trying to peddle this shit, because noone is actually playing it.
nice meme
back to /r/eddit,
nigger loving cuck
Swedish company
>niggers as snipers even on germany team
>awful optimization drops to 30-55 even on lowest
>still horrible netcode even tho 60hz, you will get hit behind cover all the time, it's easy to abuse just shoot for 1 more sec after enemy run behind cover and he will be dead 90% of the time
>broken cover system with broken invisible walls - you will either shoot yourself in face with at-rifle since every wall/fence/grass/ground has invisible walls, also if you don't use rmb to lean out of cover you won't see shit
>broken parkour system, you will get teleported back after you try jump through window/obstacle
>horrible balance - sniper 1hk everyone while being unkillable unless other sniper kills him, medic can heal himself forever while spam you to death - but is worthless in close range, assault 1hk you with shotgun, he also has 2 most op low-mid range guns in a game, mp18 optical is pretty good too, support is total dogshit only bar and madsen can do any damage to kill someone, and you will die to other clases at close/mid/long range 24/7
>crates drop rate is so fucking rare, and most of the time you will get commons, i got 10-12 of same shitty lmg skin
>Why there only 1-2 tanks on map? If you won't spawn heavy tank you will be useless and die instantly. Fuckers should do it like in bf4 where there will be 2 main tanks and 2-3 of other vehicles.
>being on def in operation is not fun at all, getting spawn killed 10 times in row by zeppelin is so fun - EA
>most guns are the same with scope/accuracy/aim recover/mag bonus
>bomber hp is like 4x of normal plane wtf?
>no soldier customization
>intresting and entertaining game
pick one, verdun is garbage you only camp there for 30min without doing anything except spotting pixels to shoot at or die from pixels in other side of trench. Played 4h of that shit and it's already too much.
If you want trenches you play operation user, please stop lying
>automatic weapons everywhere
This meme is getting stale. Only 3/6 of the assault class are automatic and the rest are from the support class, which also happen to be the shittiest weapons in the game.
there's a lot of driver problems now not limited to frames, crashes too especially with kepler cards. it's typical launch problems, give it time
didn't experience dying behind cover whatsoever
vaulting has been shit since bf3, i hate it either and wish dice would remove it
tldr support is shit. and it's really not other than the 7btk guns. they also have infinite grenades and mortars are amazing for operations, killing guys hiding in a house or behind cover and scouting flags because of the overhead view. he mortar is one of the best way to kill the armored train
no comment about crates and skins since i don't give a shit about them and you get mud coating your weapon so often that skins are irrelevant anyway
because it isn't as easy to take down armor as it was in bf3/4 with at rockets, lockons, the attack jet, c4 jeeps and whatnot. but i agree that the tank balance is bad, the light tank is useless as fuck and has nowhere near the potential of heavy tank
this is only a problem on ballroom blitz because the attackers can spawn the airship during a sector with no aa guns so you have no choice but to fall back. it will probably get fixed soon
that's probably the worst part of the game other than the bugs, weapon variety is limited and you feel like you're using the same shit all the time
bomber is slow and fat, it dies easily to aa guns and the trench variant of the fighter can drop darts on it to oneshot it easily
don't care about that either, i mean in bf3/4 it was literally having a different shade of fabric on your uniform, no one cared about it
> join Operations on that one Italian map attacking the fortress by the sea
> join a squad
> SL is on comms and giving orders, everyone working together and playing their roles
> follow SL to a back route into the fortress I didn't know about
> take out a few Germans and secure the highest tower, trying to cap flag
> take the AA gun outside and burst down a passing bomber
> enemy reinforcements arrive and are fucking pissed, spamming grenades and gas up the spiral staircase and charging the tower
> go on slaughter spree thanks to shotgun and our squad medic
> tickets going low, looks like we might lose after all, struggling to keep squad alive
> big dick sentry is stomping up the stairs and mowing us down
> chuck a gas nade, throw on mask, go for the bayo charge and skewer him to the ground
> tickets hit zero
> just barely cap and "WE WON"
> everyone excited and SL compliments us all
> 7 K/D
It was fun, like a movie
In my experience everyone is playing medic actually, to my surprise. On PS4
Everyone is medic, no syringe
if you don't care about your teammates or points, the rifle grenade is the obvioud selfish idiot's pick for medic gadgets
Grenade launcher is stupidly tied to the medic class again, so when given the choice rambos opt for combat ability rather than team ability. You cant revive yourself, but you can heal yourself and shoot grenades. It should be an entirely different class for fuck sake, so when someone is playing a medic, you know its not because of the fucking weapons, they are a dedicated medic.
So it basically will boil down to spray and pray assault kiddies and riflenades, just like WAW.
The spray and pray weapons have piss poor range and the riflenades arent amazing at least, people just see "more weapons!" and use it, not even aware that they are actively going against their own team when they play for themselves.
Sorely wished support had something other than LMGs, anything, they dont get very good pistols either compared to other classes.
But DICE is the biggest most correct answer.
It's shit compared to Titanfall 2, a fun game nobody bought.
>But muh epic, beautiful three hour campaign and 60 dollar season pass.
Fuck off DICE.
Nothing, its pretty good