Interview at GameStop in 45 minutes

>Interview at GameStop in 45 minutes

What do?


pack your spaghetti tight

Get a real job making more than a slave wage you waste of space.

"I have over 20,000 gamerscore."

Thank you for reminding me I need a job.

Is there anything an 18 year old can do that isn't a McJob or retail?

Posting on Sup Forums does not constitute work experience.

Been looking and this will at least give me something to do

It's firmly in my pocket

Got a hotel near you? Apply there.


Meant for

>have free time one semester
>decide to get seasonal job and some much needed money
>apply to gamestop because it's 3 minutes away from me
>get the job
>manager doesnt give me a schedule and just calls me in whenever he wants
>pays min wage with is 7.50/hr
>get called in to work for about 8 hours a month
>only calls me in on the holidays and doesnt even give me holiday pay
>quit that shit and get a job at an electronics store for 11.50/hr
>fucking gamestop

depends on if you want full time or part time. Could always work in a warehouse or something. UPS and FedEx hire part time loaders/unloaders, but they are probably only hiring seasonal workers right now.

McDonalds pays more than GameStop. People need to get over their hang ups like they're better than working at McDonald's, but someone whose unemployed, unskilled or uneducated can't really complain, it's not like they're stepping down from something fantastic.

Fill pockets with spaghetti

I'd they ask what you would do if someone steals something, always report them. Never confront them. Sounds obvious but this is an instant fail

>it's not a real job cause it's retail

Shitty (undoubtedly american) opinions like these are part of the reason why your country is infested with sjw's and the likes

GameStop is the bottom of the barrel, I literally could make more slinging fries at McDonald's or as a car wash attendant. I literally just passed one on the way to work that advertised $10/hr.

/biz/ here
Don't work there,
If you're a first time worker/millennial who's been NEET up until now, try to get a job at your closest bank.
Being a bank teller would be your best opportunity faggot

>implying a bank would hire a nobody

fuck mcdonalds, some of the worst working conditions i've ever seen

fuck that, if you want to do shitty customer service work, just find a call center. they pay more, and service work makes you want to kill yourself either way.

Are you a qt girl with fucking stupid coloured hair? Hope you are, because they will hire you and promote you just to keep you around

Tell him you really want to work at FUCKING GAMESTOP and that you have over 200 confirmed kills on battlefield 4. Also, that you REALLY likes games. Don't mention anything about working at all.


What do you guys wear at a job interview?

nothing at all

Look for work in a warehouse or distribution center.

I'm serious about this.

Its not nearly as degrading as retail, pays more, And often has more flexible hours.
On the flip side you will be working physically harder, but after the first month of running around you'll feel the mental and physical benefits.

Seriously, if you can avoid it, NEVER WORK IN RETAIL. ITS DEGRADING.

Because girls live easy life right?

five suits, or at least one.



it feels good knowing gamestop probably wont exist in 5 years

just the ambience of that place, the fake people who walk around in there like zombies. the personalityless whore who you know is there just to look at the smells.

i prefered gamecrazy just 2 dudes working the counter small place and we all know those certainly are going out of business

the world is one big corporate whore and we suck at the teet


Just blow something up. That's the only way to inspire change anymore.

They do. Modern Western women live the easiest lives of any group in history. It's what makes feminism so farcical.

Tank top and shorts with elegant sandals

Wow, did you just get done watching Fight Club for the first time?

Gamestop isn't even that bad. Yeah, their prices are shit and it's probably not worth going there, but once they go out of business it's pretty much guaranteed to be a nostalgia hot spot on Sup Forums.


The fact that your local GameStop has a new emplyee every month should tell you how terrible it is to work there.

Do yourself a favor and get into construction. If you're going to be a low-skill wagecuck, at least be a respectable one.

The gold standard is polo and trousers. Looks neat enough for a professional, casual enough to be comfortable.

Answer everything like you were Bane it helped the KFC guy


Have they brought in Gamestop+ where you live yet? Its fucking awful, they put all the vidya off to the side and just fill it with Minecraft tat and funkos

Nice looking polo shirt, khakis

I got my start working on a line in a factory, and it's actually pretty decent. Most places put training positions up and will pay for you to go management or engineering courses if you prove yourself.

If you have a clean record apply to work for your county online. I have an interview to work security for my county coming up, have no previous experience, just a clean record

Call centres are hell on earth.
Managemebt are always stat driven for the quickest adverage call time and most calls answered.

You say that like SJWs are bad (they are) while they're the ones calling for equal rights and equal respect. I'm confused.

It's fine if it's an internal helpdesk, but fuck dealing with customers. Doing first and some second level phone IT support and it's pretty chill for the most part.

Can't go wrong with a long sleeve button up shirt and slacks

Tell them you're good at KPIs, area managers love KPIs.

Yeah, the only reason anyone would work at FUCKING GAMESTOP is if they were all "I am totally a hardcore gamer! I platinumed Skyrim!"

>equal rights
We already achieved this ages ago


please nigga i got that shit back in 2008.


>tfw work in retail part time

Trust me avoid it at all costs

>the world is one big corporate whore and we suck at the teet
Are you fucking 12?

Ha haha try working retail full time.

Less than 40 hrs a week in retail is survivable

A full suit, but with the pants cut off at the knees and some shitty old tropical print sandals

I only do 8hrs on a sunday during term time but during summers i usually get 30-40 hours a week. Its the only thing keeping me motivated to finish uni

>shit pay
>menial tasks
>sale dependant
>Completely expendable
>No security if in shit area

If you're desperate or need job experience, then I won't stop you, but if you could work anywhere else, consider turning the fuck around.

>tfw barely any vidya stores in my country
I couldn't work at GameStop even if i wanted to, you lucky first world bastards

>tfw work in retail
>just got promoted
Is it possible to quit now?

Retail is like a 2/10 job but from my experience, it does pay well. Sort of. I make around $700-$800 per 2 week basis, get health insurance for $37 and get a discount on my phone bill to knock it down to $20 a month. Yes, customers are idiots and management will come down on you like Russia on the Germans after WWII but the benefits tend to outweigh the negatives. Also I get like 150 vacation hours a year.

This man knows what's up.

>400 bucks a week
>Pay well

>apply for an apprenticeship
>work comfy hours
>get $$$

don't go

damn Im too late.

I hope you convinced them youre a good salesman and dont play some games sometimes.

My implication was that quality doesn't matter compared to what sells, but I also knew this is Sup Forums and any attempt at sincerity is edge cringe shit because you're a discerning adult who has no time for dirty psudo-intellectuals and you want everyone to know your head is screwed on tight.

When my expenses are
>$37 for Health Insurance
>$20 for Phone
>$110 for Car Insurance
>$150 for Rent

that's a pretty decent net income. Monthly I'm earning a little over $1200 which for me is fine. Not sure why I'd need to kill myself over earning a ton more busting my ass twice as hard. I'm still in my early twenties so I can change career paths if I absolutely wanted to. I have management experience and engineering so it's not like I can't find something better; I just choose not to.

I usually wear a dress shirt, pants and a pair of dress shoes, don't bother with a blazer unless its an interview for something related to my field.

Formal interview wear is usually the best way to show the HR person that you give enough shits to come prepared along with a copy of your resume and that you have responses for typical pre-loaded responses like "tell me about yourself? what challenges have you faced at work/school before and how did you address them? what is your greatest trait/flaw? tell about good/bad workplaces and good/bad management." As long as you can do that and actually explain the scenarios and then package it all up to conclude like an essay/paragraph you'll get any job unless you don't fit the requirements or they find someone who interviews as good but has more experience or family connections.

I got into a 15 per hour unionized job at 19 with those skills and I'm only doing part time. Personally Id advise against Gamestop unless you really need the job (and can't get factory or distribution center work) because their sales strategy is fucking terrible and the people you'll likely work with are guaranteed to include at least one insufferable cunt who thinks that high pressure sales tactics actually fucking work.

Im guessing youre living at home and "rent" is "rent for my bedroom"?

because you forgot food, internet, electricity, water, etc.

It's almost like you can share rent with roomates or something. Weird huh?

Utilities are part of the rent.

Jesus fucking christ... how old are you?

OP here

Interview went well. Should hear back today or tomorrow morning

factory work

>Didn't give you the job on the spot
user, I've got some bad news

If you get hired can I get a discount

Tell them that you come from the 'chan

It worked for me

Only if you get a Power Up Rewards card :^)

Eh, I've had two positions before and I didn't hear immediately if I got it so I'm not too worried

Fair enough. Just my personal experience I've only ever gotten the job at the end of the interview. Every one where they say I'd hear back I never did

Godspeed OP
I could never work at GameStop, I'm the worst at upselling. I work next to one and the general customer service stuff I could do (I have a good few years of pure customer service experience), but pushing GameStop Pro memberships and whatnot would be too much.
Everywhere I've worked with rewards cards, we're real noncommittal about it.

If mindless wasn't the word you were looking for you could have cracked open a thesaurus.

>look at the smells
What the fuck are you talking about?

I understand your point tho, other stuff I've done told me I'd hear back in a week and then rejected. At least with this, it'll be less than a day for a response

Good luck!

Thank you! :)

I don't think I'm the best at it either but it doesn't sound too bad. I used to have one and it's alright and came with some cool stuff

Just say you like games and that you you're pretty good at being on time and speaking politely to people.

The last one is not even required, but will make you a valued employee.

Good luck cunt, hope you get it

Tech support.

I hit 149k the other night. Does that mean I can apply to be a manager?


Sell Drugs

Make sure to fill your pockets with tactical spaghetti

Get ready to get 3 hours a week and then be let go after the holidays. This company is going out of business.

t. GameStop employee

>Working at gamestop

Have some dignity man.

You're gonna get pressured to sign costumers for their shitty discount card.

Every time you answer the phone you're required to say like a 10 second speech on used games which is annoying as all fuck.

get dubs like me :))))

>You're gonna get pressured to sign costumers for their shitty discount card.

Any large retailer has some kind of thing going like that user. Shit, the company I work for even has their own credit card line.

>Tfw worked for a grocery store that had their own credit card line
>Spent half a shift trying to get customers to sign up for a fucking credit card at a grocery store
>Manager fucking surprised when I got zero people to sign up and put a cute girl on it instead
Who the fuck wants this shit? I've fucking laughed at a girl at gamestop who asked me to sign up for a gamestop credit card. The idea was just so fucking ridiculous.

tfw work at Walmart and have a bad back. Any ideas for other jobs?

Enjoy your less then 24 hours an week job. Aleast more time for you to play games and shitposting on Sup Forums.

Are you a duck? I think it would be funny if a duck tried working for FUCKING gamestop LOL xD