What is the most heterosexual game?

What is the most heterosexual game?
I'm really tired of all these fucking gay threads

Madden I guess.




Dude Sex

You're damn right

No OPs Allowed

There's usually more hetshit threads than gay ones. And even then the gay threads are always full of bigoted posters or get deleted by mods. Also you could just hide those threads, closeted OP. Also before you say anything. I'm a girl, so that's why those those threads interest me.

So you are tired of threads about you?

Lmao look at this fag "i-im a girl" sure you fairy

Taki is delicious, fuck

Someone I play street fighter with told me that the Soul Calibur 2 scene was literally 90% traps

I thought that was relevant in a thread with taki regarding heterosexuality

I don't know but your imagine reminds me of how much I used to jack it to the SC2 art gallery
>this was 12 years ago
Where does the time go

Just because you put a skirt on doesn't make you a girl, faglord

Sorry to disappoint you since you like that sort of stuff. But I am an actual one with real boobs and can actually bare children. Surprising, I know!

8th post best post lol

put me in teh screencap gais xD


yoshi is a heterosexual female. she lays eggs, you cant get more heterosexual than that

mortal kombat


Duke Nukem.



There are tons of games with hot babes. Especially from Japan. Fighting games always have manly dudes and hot chicks.


I fucking destroyed my cock to this picture and her unlockable costume.

Just play japanese games.

>tfw no good rule 34 of taki


>when the bait's so obviousy you have to give yourself some (You)'s

Remember when western games could have sexy characters even in a kid's game and not trigger the thought police?

Her official art is better than any shitty mspaint tier fanart you'd find on that site.

She's a Christmas Cake, she's like in her late 30s and never had a kid.


Show of hands. Who paused the game on Taki in training mode?

That and the hate-lust for Talim.

I remember my favorite feature of soul calibur IIII was the breast slider

I do not understand why it is so hard to understand that a real girl can visit Sup Forums? Is their a testosterone check that I need to permit before entering?

She was 22 in Soul Edge.
But in V she would have been around 50.

I don't know why Sup Forums thinks women don't exist. There a shittone of autistic girls all over Sup Forums. Especially on /soc/, /cgl/, and /d/.


I can tell that she a girl with her style of posting. You wouldn't know that since you never had a girl in your life that wasn't your mother.

>But in V she would have been around 50.

Exactly, and the only "kid" she had was adopted.

I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing, really. Ivy already scratches my pregnancy itch because she's desperate for babies, and just because Taki don't got any kids does not mean she isn't getting fucked.

>Is their a testosterone check that I need to permit before entering?

If that were true, then 99.99% of posters would never be able to post on Sup Forums.

More Taki please.

I always had a chub for Xianghua and Ivy when I got older.
I didn't really care for Taki, despite her being practically naked, until she got the aerial grabs.

there should be

They exist on Sup Forums as well. Too bad they are tumblr as fuck and the males are that of the "nu" variety.



Then none of the average users would be able to post on here.

yes, its called dont be a left-wing attention whore.
Nobody gives a shit if (You) are a faggot, nigger, transfag, retard, whatever. We are all anonymous here so the moment (You) jump up and become a special snowlfake, we will shit on (You)

I can' tell she's a girl because she pointed out to everyone that she's a girl.

Anyone can type anything in this input box.

>it's the "you don't like gay stuff so you're actually gay but you don't know it" post
Sup Forums truly is awful.

Seong Mina > Taki > Sophitia > Tira > the Voldo power gap > everyone else

Poory Ivy never really had a romantic interest, but I wouldn't put it past Cervantes to be a creep. I always though her arcade ending in II was a bit lonely but her sitting there in that sexy little gown looked pretty comfy.

Anyone can type anything but over the long years of writing filthy romantic fan-fiction with women on ERP sites I know what the feminine touch can do to a sentence.

I don't think Ivy *wants* a romantic interest, because if she started fucking some schmuck than odds are the Curse will make damn sure she gets knocked up..

This is arguably why she wears the sexy armor and does the vague BDSM crap, it's a way for her to get a "release" without a dick pumping into her.

Sure there's anal, but who the fuck knows what will happen if she starts doing that, curses are weird.

tits or gtfo

I know. threads like OP's are truly awful. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Cho Aniki

You don't need years of experience to spot a post written by a woman. It's too distinct.

You can't really blame that on Sup Forums. Most gays do that anywhere.

You talking about characters that make you hard or a skill tier? Because it's different for each game.

Damn, you just might be a George Foreman grill. You're sanctimonious, whiny, bitchy, and are behaving like the type of hairy twat men avoid like the plague unless all they want is an easy fuck!

>You talking about characters that make you hard
That much should've been obvious.

>tired of gay threads
>is on /v

pick one

Fuck Talim.
She's not even cute for a loli. Just an irritating little girl who needs to go back to training on her windmill. I always loved slamming the fuck out of her with Astaroth.

She must be hurtin' for a squirtin' something fierce.

Are you me?

has anyone ever samefagged this hard?

>You're sanctimonious, whiny, bitchy, and are behaving like the type of hairy twat men avoid like the plague

Don't make assumptions. I still don't know why you guys hate women so much. Do you ever think that catching an attitude like that is not the sole reason you don't have a girlfriend?

I think it's a natural conclusion given they're the largest and smallest characters respectively.
>Daijoubu, Tarimu...

>Ivy already scratches my pregnancy itch because she's desperate for babies
Actually, she doesn't want any baby so her cursed bloodline dies with her.

I have no idea why the thought that only men can only post on Sup Forums. I'm not some white knight for females or anything but god, you are irritating. And that's why you are a female repellent. I just want to talk about vidya females and here you are going full MRA on some girl for no reason.

Wow look at this queerbos what can't appreciate little bouncy brown girls. No wonder you play (((astaroth)))

Ivy wants to lift the curse and has in fact artificially preserved herself at peak-fertility just so she can pop out some babies when she fixes the problem.

That's kind of her thing, lifting the curse.

t. angry brown girl

No wonder you are upset at the men in this thread. Every girl in SC is superior to MUH WIND.

Actually Ivy is my main. But a low T lolicon like you probably couldn't handle anybody over 14.

So you don't have the balls to be special and try to pursuit others out of the boredom eh


But she's fun to play. She's like a really heavy character with the slow beefy attacks, but she's 15.

I used Taki to do certain grabs on Seong Mina with her "hakama" costume.

It's about respecting board culture. This shit aint tumblr where being the most special is important, nor is it reddit where you need the most upvotes or something. So don't be a god damned tool.

That's a hefty claim to make considering Tira the edge lord is in that cast

I'd rather a girl that could take my dick without liberal use of WD-40


There is absolutely nothing wrong with Tira.

>heavy character
>slow attacks
Have you ever played a Soul Calibur game?

Fuck you both, Talim is best girl, ill wreck your shit 1v1 m8

Taki's outfit may as well be painted on.

What's wrong with being nude?

>Traps aren't gay
Go back to 55

>wanting to be special on an anonymous imageboard
tumblr's down the road to the left, friendo

No you wont. Talim is a low tier character. All I have to do is pick a character with even medium range and you wont come close enough to start a combo.


Soul Calibur II's breast physics are still amazing. Even their butts and thighs jiggle. Thought their butts jiggle a little too much at times.

>a game about hugging and jumping on top of a bunch of niggers

I'll now explain why football is the gayest sport. It's a bunch of big, sweaty guys chasing and dog pilling each other for their chance to get their hands on some balls and after the 30 seconds of play and 40 minutes of commercials they shower off together.



She looked the best in III. Still fun in IV but her outfit wasn't as good. I don't know how she played in V.

>2 had her cameltoe modeled.
How that game got a T rating I will never know.