So, what's the best element in terms of fun and creativity in any video game and why is it Fire?

So, what's the best element in terms of fun and creativity in any video game and why is it Fire?

>can buff my weapon with fire
>can control the temperature of my body
>free smithing

How can the other elements even compete?

Name three (3) games where fire is viable entire game.

>can manipulate air around fire to go away so fire can't keep burning without air, therefore nullifying fire
>taking the oxygen out of enemy's body so they can't breathe and die in a few minutes
>one of the most abundant elements on earth

lightning is best element

>can fly
>now I don't care about anything else anymore because I can fly

all of 'em

wind magic > air magic

>God tier
Dimensional shit (Time, space, gravity, etc)

>High tier

>Good tier

>Low tier

>Shit tier

you can fly with any of those elements

Water, obviously.
>never go thirsty again
>has different forms which can all be molded to do different things (hot vapor to blind and burn niggas, solid to crush/stab niggas, etc.)
>clean any nasty shit off of you at any time
>buff friendly plantlads/destroy enemy earthfags
>completely trivialize firefags and then use their salty tears to fuel your wetwork
The choice is clear if you ask me. Air being the second best choice because lightning is fucking cool.

I always thought it was stupid how fire and air bending could do whatever while water and earth bending needed it to be there. I guess that's why they introduced blood and metal bending so they aren't entire useless

>buff friendly plantlads/destroy enemy earthfags
plants fall under Earth magic and is one of the reasons why Earth is the best one

I chose to specify it because usually people relate earth magic to shit like earthbenders and stuff, which use stone, dirt, and sand exclusively.

>meta magic
>golem construction
>mind control
>instant death
>control over stellar bodies

>Not Earth

>can create giant impenetrable stone golems
>erect walls of granite to block incoming attacks
>throw fuckhuge boulders at people
>control magma and melt people's faces off with liqufied rock
>terraform the earth at will
>create armor made up of the hardest minerals in the planet
>be a god amongst men
And don't give me "lava is hot, therefore only fire users can control it". Earth magic is based

Poison is shit because you can only Kill/harm with it

What about muh VOID?

>use water magic to suck all moisture out of the ground
there goes your plants

I'd say lava falls under Earth.
Fire is for basic bitches anyway.
>hurr durr i like da fire
That said

>Good Tier

You forgot cauterising wounds to heal.

I don't think plants created by magic need water and besides it would be pretty tough to do while being impaled by a crystal or getting burned by lava

>fire, water, earth, air

Nigga do you even periodic table?

I hate when people refer to this shit as elements.

>not Earth

Reminder that your elemental talent is determined on which date you were born.

>aquarius is somehow not water


>doesn't realize classical elements came way before the chemical elements


Virgo proving once again that it's the best one

Void would be with gravity/time/space

Poison is as much healing as it is harming if you are precisie enough with what you target and how much poison to use/what to mix

Pretty much all medicine is just poison in particular doses

Brought to each of their fullest potential, control over water would be the most versatile.
There's water in the air, so you can actually control "air" as well
There's water in people, so you can move people, meaning you have basically already won a fight with any of the other elements
and then of course there's more obvious things that come with fiction that lets an elemental mage simply create their given element, such as drowning people or tidal waves
And then another common thing is healing, but I never saw the direct connection to water since earth and air could also be healing with the right justification

>There's water in people, so you can move people, meaning you have basically already won a fight with any of the other elements
there are minerals in them too meaning Earth can do the same

DivOS water/air combo was best

>game has elements
>endgame enemies end up resisting all of them anyway

but all I'm saying is that water is versatile, not necessarily the most effective.

Also forgot to mention ice, which opens a lot of things earth can do offensively

You sound like a homeopath.

if you want to be pedantic then everything ever is a poison
water will kill you if you drink enough of it

your not beating Earth in versatility but I will say that ice is definitely the best about water

>tfw Sagittarius
>tfw Pyrophilic
Makes sense.

Airbenders can be brutal but in canon were pussies

Then there was one who didn't want to fuck around.

If we're talking gay Avatar stuff it's blood bending


> Water constructs out ice
> Can change the state of the water to turn it into solid, liquid or vapor
> Free weapons and shields
> Mix of offense and defense
> Can develop simple healing powers like closing wounds or stop bleeding (full regeneration is retarded)
> Can create explosions but sudden transformation of water into vapor
> Can control the pressure of water and crush your enemies with water bubbles alone
> Can drown people by trapping them in water

No body water manipulation, tho. That's also a retarded and cheap, unless it can be a very limited manipulation that takes a toll on the caster.

I would like earth simply due to to the sheer versatility. It has so much it can do

>Earth Bending
>Sand Bending, which is a lot like air bending
>Mud Bending, which is basically water bending
>Lava bending, which is more dangerous than fire bending
>Metal Bending

And this is just regular canon. There's also the possibility that people like Toph could focus well enough to control the iron in your body and blah blah blah


Pretty much, yeah, that's my point.

If a ficgtional setting gives you arbitary powers over poison or toxcitiy as an element then that has a huge amount of utility.

>target bacteria/viruses to prevent sicknesses/infections
>get rid of lactic acid buildup in muscles so you don't get sore and tired out in fights
>spread epidemics amongst your enemies

> high fantasy, WoW-level of retarded elements lile space, shadow, poison, gravity or light/death

Please, go duck yourself.

Where is Lightning?

In Paris.

Fire tends to be underpowered in games but i still like it alot. Personally i always go with ice, throwing ice spears at enemies is just too good.


>not in fire

>being an avatarfag

pretty sure the reason is because it's weather related and how it uses charged particles in the air


>giving an already broken element even more power
>not giving an underpowered element a crutch
Learn to balance retard.

>doesn't realize that what came before chemical elements is irrelevant
>being this stupid

I don't know about best but earth is hands-down the shittiest.

NO debate.

what was the avatar explanation for lightning being a fire bending thing?

was it just 'hurr lightning mek fire'?

lightning was "raw energy"
fire was "raw energy"

Dark Souls (I won't list them separately cause that would be cheating)
Final Fantasy (see Dark Souls)
Dragon's Dogma (the only place fire struggles with is the few dragon's themselves and even then you can just beat on their weakpoints and they still die)

Not even an earthfag but lesbihonest what can the other elements even do to solid rock, besides erosion which takes years to do a bit of damage


>erode/cut/smash (all you have to do is up the pressure)

>erode (again increase pressure to off-world storm speeds)

Solid rock is static, and it just takes that shit like a bitch.

>only my definition of something counts
>not realizing said chemical elements wouldn't be even be called that if the classical ones didn't happen first

I know some people who would love to disagree.

Only Lightlings are cool.
and also flamethrowers

I once had an idea for a fps with wizards where you control magic akin to the gravity gun in half life, but I'm no programmer, so it's never prospered, it's cool as fuck as an idea, feel free to steal it todd, I know you come here.

Yeah but under that Air gets lightning AND rain but almost every game water magic summons rain

Light crusader

>game has elemental magic
>want to commit to a single element exclusively
>can't because some enemies in the game are completely resistant to said element with no way to bypass their defenses and are therefore forced to dabble into the other trees if I want to beat the game
Just make it so I can overpower the foe's resistances if my elemental power is greater than theirs goddamnit. A tough piece of armor can still be penetrated with a pointy enough blade, and they're both made of metal. So why not apply the same logic to magic? Pisses me off.

It could be worse. Lightning is where it is.

I know air is superior, but earth is still my pick
>floating because of sand manipulation
>sand/metal armor
>throwing rocka in the air
>covering myself up in a shell of rocks then disappearing underground and exploding the rock shell into a hundred sharp rocks that hit everythjng at every angle


>not mastering all of them
>not using earth and water to leach stuff from the ground and spray the nastiest shit at your enemy
>not mixing fire and water to make steam explosions
>not mixing fire and air for firenados or air and water for instant freezing
>not using earth to pull up a large amount of aluminum dust from the ground, mixing it with air for optimal mixture and then apply a flame to create a instant fuckoff thermobaric bomb

>Control over gas state of matter

>Control over liquid state of matter

>Control over solid state of matter

>Control over plasma state of matter

Fire is the worst.

Frost can create constructs and physical objects, freeze people and if you go into physics - burn stuff by making something have negative Kelvin temperature.(Google it, it is hotter than +infinity Kelvin). It also can keep you warm(just redirect coldness from your body). Also freezing blood.

Air is strong, can literally create explosions, cut things, and manipulate physical objects. Accelerate and manipulate sound. And create vacuum as a both defensive and offensive measure(Implosion).

Earth is weaker air.

Water is equal to air, because air is partially compromised of water vapor, and water has air in it. Plus you can easier affect physical world.(controlling someone by water inside their bodies)

Lightning is very strong offensive power, and has more utility than fire - it also can power machines easily.

If we go into weeb elements:
Time is goat tier
Physical elemental forces(even one of them) is on par with time. Esp with gravity.
Both enable ftl travel.

Light is shit tier
Darkness is slightly better than light. Slightly.

D-damn, I like air more.

>Earth is weaker air
Don't think I'm going to let that one slide motherfucker. I'd like to see you manipulate the tectonic forces of the whole fucking planet using some dinky little gusts of wind.

Earth is the only one that lets you create life at will too