Vidya clothes you would actually wear in public
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If you don't know it's Undermeme-related it looks like a completely normal shirt
I'm wearing this right now
Why would I want to look like Chris Chan in public?
Looks autistic and or like the bisexual flag colors (so basically tumblr).
okay I'm lost.
what does Undertale even have to do with tumblr other than some people over there liking it?
Undertale was a great game
Why do you even know how the bisexual flag looks like
It's the fanbase, and hating on the game is a meme now
>A shirt looks autistic
Wow, I can tell by this statement alone that you have a very extensive vocabulary, and that you are definitely a very intelligent person.
>Why do you even know how the bisexual flag looks like
That one image of all the degenerate sexualities that used to be posted all the time with the stick figures.
I have this shirt, styled after the bar from "Catherine". It's pretty sweet
Autistic people like striped shirts.
I saw it too, but I never cared to remember any of them even though I'm bi myself, why would I need a fucking flag for my orientation
Catherine has some nice-ass shirt designs, too bad everyone reads this as "rape" nowadays
>parappa shirt
i think you mean "based as holy fuck", not autistic
I couldn't wear this shirt out of fear of someone saying it say rape and then having to try and explain what the fuck it was.
Id wear it just to say something like, "Its rave, but sometimes you see what you want to see"
Same here, I only wear when I'm at home
cringe af
youd never say this
>bisexual flag colors
No it doesn't.
>"Its rave, but sometimes you see what you want to see"
If you think CWC is based that's a big red flag that no one should take you seriously
Niga that sounds like a threat
>-why does your shirt say "rape"
>-because you want it
you took him seriously?
Well its more like, people wanting to see some shirt with something outrageous because they want to be offended.
No you wouldnt
Youd be suprised. If there is one thing im good at, its stupid statements with terrible consequences.
>hes actually still in this thread defending his autistic comeback
eat my eggs duder
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald you underaged faggot
what do the numbers mean below the names?
wtf is this from?
Please tell me the CWC adult chronicles is finally getting released
>Its rave, but sometimes you see what you want to see
Its from the CWCki page about his clothing, its years old now though.
>Skyrim was a bad game
Trying too hard to be edgy or contrarian, son
>Breaks every rule of subtle
>Is essentially a "black shirt with flames" tier of video game apparel
>I would still fucking wear it.
Goddamn why?
because it's fucking Doom
you're a big guy
>bisexual flag colors (so basically tumblr).
How do you even know bisexual flag colors
The only reason I know that rainbow is gay is because they plaster it all around
Wow, you really need to get over yourself, because with that attitude, you'll never go anywhere in life.
I love you Barneyfag
>$500 shoes
They'd better fuck me for that kind of money.
Do people really spend this much on clothes?
It wasn't really anything to write home about. Kind of like Undertale, except that game is so much worse
Those who spend this much don't care how much they cost
>wrong fucking belt
>wrong shoes
>no watch accessory listed
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught!
>no green socks
You're a rich guy.
It's fucking Doom.
Doom is never out of fashion
She is the reason I only wear long sleeves.
If I could find some long enough to cover my hands I would take them.
Is Doom the only game universally loved by the whole gaming community
I seriously haven't seen one person who dislikes it
Seen plenty of people here
I'd rock this outfit
I'm sorry?
i hope you get kicked right in the dick
Nope, sorry.
Literally Chris-chan tier.
This is in my regular tie rotation for meetings and presentations
>Sup Forums keeps circlejerking about the MC scores of games that aren't considered shit
>Post the MC score of a game they don't like
>hurr metameme
I assume you've never been to /fa/.
This is a really nice tie, where'd you get it?
Fucking love this shirt
it's not the original jacket, but vidya enough
I wear this in public all the time
You'd wear a leather coat and ayylien shirt?
I got the assassins creed white hoodie as a present a few years back
It was too big for me but now that I got /fit/ it fits me really well
It's fucking comfy too and doesn't scream vidya because it's just white with an eagle on the back
And M-16.
oh christ here we go again
looks like a band shirt, that's why
Been wearinga turquoise shirt with this on it every now and then for the past couple years.
People always compliment it. Hopefully not because they feel bad for me.
that's the joke
Welovefine . Com
It's a standard length/width men's tie.
>striped clothing
only autists wear those
at what point do you hand them the bowl of eggs?
I know a lot of christian gamers who absolutely despise Doom.
If you're on the go, your pocket egg holsters should have supply
Why in the world would anyone ever go there.
Those who have played it and disliked it are old and don't play games so you don't speak with them.
Those who have played it and liked it either game to this day so they tell you they like it or don't play games at all anymore so you don't speak with them.
Then there's people like me who've never played it and thus never chime in on whether they like it or not.
>pic related
After 3 weeks of waiting it finally shipped from America. I've been wearing this thing for a while and no one has noticed it's from New Vegas.
Thanks user
>tie is 15$
>shipping is 10$
God damnit
That's because it's not, that's the regular California flag, the Fallout version has 2 heads on the bear.
A pink one with this pic printed on because I'm such an alpha.
>Believing rewiews sites.
But a Lucas t-shirt looks nice.
Please tell me this is bait, nobody can be this retarded.
Same, it's so comfy
I got this awhile ago.
Yes, it's a running gag in these threads.