In what games can I play as glorious Prussia?

In what games can I play as glorious Prussia?

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Europa Universalis IV and Victoria 2 have them as a major power (or a major power you can create as Brandenburg.)


and don't come back

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Why so negative?

Bump. Any other games?

Napoleon: Total War

steamcord shitters mad that people like playing a man's country instead of shitholes like poland or france

Cossacks series

How's Cossacks 3?

>not playing the best WE WUZ DEUTSCHLAND mod out there instead

"A buggy HD remake of Cossacks 2"

Fuck Russia man

bunch of homophobes

"P"russia not Russia.


its a buggy remake of cossacks 1 though
dont spread lies

knee jerk reaction implanted by liberal dogma

I keep messing these two up. Sorry! :-)

Age of Empires 3

Isn't it Germany in AoE3?