Why aren't there any other good games with Werewolves in them?

Why aren't there any other good games with Werewolves in them?

i actually liked altered beast on ps2 and the first form you get is a werewolf that can swing its claw so hard it literally nukes the entire screen

>is a guy
>turns into a wolf
Just boring honestly

>lowest tier PvP build in the entire game
>loses to every single caster because it has no mobility
>loses to every single melee because interruptible and underpowered attacks
>even a werewolf barbarian is more workable because of the better stats, higher HP and increased speed and ability to hit some fallen for frenzy


Yes, that's what a werewolf is

Otherwise it's just a wolf or a guy



He said good games with werewolves in them, not games with good werewolves.

lol nerd


>Diablo 2

you cant be a dogdude in bloodbourne tho

This one is alright. It's a strange mix of tower defense and third-person combat.

VtM Bloodlines

The reason why I don't like wereforms in D2 besides not seeing your gear is that they have that fucking gay "mechanic" of having to keep up those circling orbs

Well theres skyrim, and a few mods to help you turn whenever you want to.

dlc has werewolf form

Things can be slightly more nuanced, also werebeasts that aren't wolves are neat.

Seiken Densetsu 3.

Dibalo 2 was trash, Baldurs Gate 2 is a much MUCH better game and has playable werewolves.

theres also many other games with werewolves in them.

Oh man. Diablo 2 Druid.
Best class.

Next to Necro anyway.

Fuckin' Darkstalkers nigga.

diablo 2 BTFO

>Liszt was trash
>Coltrane was a much MUCH better composer

>the best werewolf build is barbarian
>the best werebear build is sorceress


TES series made it nicely

Muscle Wizard.

The worgen are WoW are pretty decent werewolves, now and theyn do they remind me of puppies a little, since when you hit them critically they sound like fucking puppies crying.

Don't much give a shit about werewolves but what's the best way to play BG2 now? The Enhanced Edition or is there some fan-made graphics overhaul like XCOM out there?

It's too closely linked with furfaggotry. They are supposed to be horrifying creatures but they just turn them into bara wolves too often.

Bloodborne did it right, take werewolves and give them an unique spin; subvert people's expectations.

Yeah they are pretty cool but I ain't playing that shit anymore

I understand you user



I like the Vanilla look though.. desu that looks like some modder just added bunch of shit to it so it's barely recognizable

They were pretty good too in castlevania lords of shadow

>I like the Vanilla look though

There's no such thing. Variants of werewolves exists in all kinds of folklore. And they have been potrayed in all kinds of ways over the years.

Well if you tell someone to describe a werewolf you would most likely get the description of one that looks like the ones in the van helsing movies

Unless you have autism of course

Mah niggah

Because werewolves are fucking gay unless it's The Captain from Hellsing.

you sound pretty autistic 2bh m80

I miss playing Wolfteam.

This was the first picture I found on google, checkmate.



Not him but that is easily the modern image of a werewolf. Not a black and white wolf man.

>Barely any snout

Not a werewolf.



DAO had a pretty good werewolves subplot

Werebear was better.

God damn fireclaw druids

what's the difference between a werewolf and a dogman

There's always Valkenhayn

You dont know what autism actually means, do you?

dogman are REAL

>+666 posts
>no morrowind

Jesus Christo.

dogeman wont give you his fightcade ID

A dog man is something you see at a furry convention

redpill me on this dogman meme, been seeing it a lot recently


>Vanilla look
>Is basically just a bipedal wolf

This is a vanilla werewolf.

>Werewolf Druid is shit and possibly the worst class overall in Baldur's Gate 2

they are real like samsquatch


Saint Christopher was always portrayed as one for whatever reason

meant for

True, but you've really got to play a Warrior or Rogue to get the most mileage out of the 'I'm a fucking werewolf' feel

Otherwise it's just
>Why is it wearing a dress?
>Now it's waiving it's hands and throwing sparkle shit everywhere
>Now it turned into a cat

No idea either
I just found out about it when I decided to browse /x/ (mistake)

Probably was a proud furry and asked people to draw him like that

I actually listented to most of those podcasts where a guy let's people talk about their encounters with them

Most of them were shit but some of them was actually quite spoopy

>implying Morrowind isn't a good game

It isn't, none of the elderscroll games are actually just okay. Such shit combat.