What games are you playing today to celebrate the day of spookyness?

What games are you playing today to celebrate the day of spookyness?


>spooky skeletons again

Deadly Premonition
post skeletons


Some dark souls 3 and maybe The Evil Within later on at night.


>will have to leave on a business trip in the afternoon
>can only take my weak laptop with nothing really on it
>will only have an hour or two in the hotel before going to bed anyway
There goes my Halloween. Maybe next year.




you can play shitty flash games.

rollercoaster tycoon 3

Haha faggot, maybe youll learn next time to invest in a good gaming notebook instead of a fucking desktop.

Laptop master race!

It's called "Don't open the fucking door no matter what in case it's kids trick or treating".

>Not enough budget to run Sup Forums
>Enough budget to pull this shit

This for the 5th straight Halloween because I still haven't found a scarier game.

I've had a gaming laptop before and it was complete garbage.


Forgive me, for I have sinned.


not sure which one. probably V since it's the best one.

I bet you bought some alienware bullshit didnt you. Asus and MSI are the only good gaming laptops. Brand makes a difference, right now I have a GIGABYTE brand laptop and it overheats and as a result underperforms. Even my old asus worked better than this hunk of shit. Next laptop Im getting will be an asus or msi.

>good gaming laptop

contradiction in terms fgt

Its your own fault u dont have Doom and a shitload of WADs on it desu fampai

It was an MSI. Back then laptops were still made out of wobbly plastics so it kept creaking, also it soon developed heat issues and I had to buy a cooling pad for stationary use and couldn't play games on the move anymore despite keeping the vents dust free, also the performance wasn't great at all with its dualcore processor and 8600M-GT, and finally it fried its GPU after a short three years.

baka desu senpai

Yeah cooling is definitely the biggest issue with gaming laptops. I will agree, but still the portability outweighs any positives a desktop can provide.

My laptop has:
i7 2.6-3.4 qc
16gb ram
4gb vram

I can still play every single game on high settings.

Thought I was a special snowflake that was the only one that did this.

I'm reading Night of the Were Ed on Sup Forums

Would it be a good idea to get a laptop and an external GPU such as the Razer Core for gaming or would that be a retarded idea?
