Works on my pc :/

>Works on my pc :/

>person with worse specs than you says: "no i'm not having fps drops"
>"what settings are you on?"
>"m-me too"

y'all been pwned. enjoy you're bitcoin heating

It does, though.

>have you tried updating your drivers

well have you

>shouldn't of pirated it than ;)

Not only what you said triggers me but the addition of 'than' NGHHH

>"Wait, what fps are you getting?"
>"Steady 30 fps"

>"okay i sent you pm"
>"thx it worked"

>That guy who insists he's running the game just fine on a midrange GPU from 8 years ago

>"nvm fixed"

>this topic has been discussed before, use the search function, thread closed
>stop replying to years old dead threads, thread closed

I have this with ROTTR, it runs pretty good on medium while I have a gtx850. Don't know how it's possible but I ain't complaining

>Want to find a fix for game
>Go to some unofficial game forums for help
>You must be a registered member to browse these forums
>Make an account and try to search if someone else has a problem
>You must wait until your account is verified by a moderator before using that feature
>One week goes by until I'm verified
>Try and search again
>You must be a level 2 member before using that feature. Try making a few posts to get to level 2!
>Okay just give up and make a post about my problem
>You've been banned, reason: That thread already exists
>Go to see the thread: Error you can't browse threads while banned
>Log out to see if I can browse it: Error you must be logged in to browse threads

>read the FAQ

>Thanks for all the help guys I found a fix to the problem!

Posted: 08/12/2005

>shouldn't of

>google a problem
>open first result
>"just fucking google it"

>20 threads on bug
>no developer response
>bug is launch day old

Fucking FROM, Dark Souls 3 is shit

>works on their pc




works on my PeeeeCee meant Playstation 4.

Poise works as intended :^)

>If you pirate games you're part of the problem

Is Sup Forums full of technologically inept retards now or what?


>I dont understand the thread, so Ill post anime boobs to get attention instead!

I mean

it worked

Need to feel like a special snowflake and all that.

so your saying rottr will work on my 850 shitbox?
I don't know why, but the 850 seems extremely variable. can play bf4 on medium/high settings at 60fps but can't play the witcher 2 on low

I understand you're an idiot

The following have never solved an isolated video game issue for anyone:

>Roll back your drivers
>Change the application priority to realtime
>Change processor affinity
>Run as administrator
>Disable your second monitor
>Change to single display performance mode in your drivers
>Set max pre-rendered frames to 1
>Change your PhysX settings to GPU instead of Auto
>Go into your BIOS and...

>Change the application priority to realtime
Whoever advises that is very likely a troll

>just unplug your mic and it should work :)

>Clearly bad game
"Well, I guess it's not for you"

>Game is broken
>Report bug
>Developer Issues a fix in 2 hours

>last online: 2 years ago

>it's a love it or hate it kind of game
>it's so bad it's good
>it's fun with friends

>Roll back your drivers
>Change the application priority to realtime
>Change processor affinity
>Run as administrator
>Disable your second monitor
All of them have the potential to fix a problem with older games.
Bonus point for admin mode, it still happen if the game write the save in its own folder and you slapped that folder where a simple user doesn't have write permission.

I got mad reading that list.

When you guys fix a vexing problem, do you document it publicly? If so, how and where?

I've taken to using reddit's tech support forum for this.

>it actually works

>google fix
>horribly organized front page with no search option
>find thread after 20 mins of searching
>must make account to enter
>make account
>must be accepted by admin
>accepted by bot
>"you must make 10 posts to be lifted off probation"
>post in bullshit intro thread
>each post has 15 min cooldown
>finally hit 10
>post deleted, thread closed

>bump an old thread to ask the OP how they fixed it
>they actually fucking replied

>"Here's the fix!"

It's not fair.

inb4 obligatory >pc gaming XD post

holy shit the theme is all pumkin and there's a skeleton dancing in the corner

>Change processor affinity
painkiller could be fixed this way

>I've included the fix in the post's attachment
>you must login to see file attachments
>you must register using a non-free email address
>your password must be at least 10 characters long, containing at least one uppercase, one lowercase, a number and a special character
>after finally logging in
>file is no longer available


and pictures appears like ghosts when using hover, pretty cool

I've been here since 2007 and I've seen this exact thread with those exact replies hundreds of times now.

We're all bots.

>not using an at least 10 characters long, containing at least one uppercase, one lowercase, a number and a special character password by default

>install Gentoo
>had a rocky start with it
>a bunch of shit didn't work
>for every problem there's a thread about it with the answer
>if there isn't you can ask on IRC and someone will help
Why aren't you using a meme OS?

>Stop pirating :-)

>Only one reply
>It's some faggot with 500+ posts
>"I don't have this problem, sorry, I don't know what the fix is."

>put windows disk in the computer
>it just werks

why would I waste my time trying to get shit to work just to brag about it to other virgins on the interwebs?

>>it just werks
Clearly not if we're having this thread

>Install to C:\Games

source? no search results

>the administrator needs to confirm your account before you can use it

>Disable User Account Control

>That exact problem you have [SOLVED]
>Please register to view entire thread.
>Hey man, check out for the solution(dead link)
>Thanks man fixed it right away.
>MOD: Thread closed ;^)

If it works on my machine then I don't care if doesn't work on yours

Yay PC gaming. All you cucks do is wait

and noone cares if it works on yours, so don't even bother fucking posting it

Sorry, I don't have source.
I have long searched for it too. Maybe one day I'll finally find it.

>find a glitch in the game
>go to report it to the devs
>start a thread about it
>"It's not a glitch, it's a feature"

Actually, this fixed Bioshock for PC for me. As bullshit as it sounds. Of course, no one fucking gave me that advice, had to figure it out on my own.

>download this bloatware to make a system log and post it here before we can even BEGIN to think about your problem

>have a problem with one particular game
>"just replace your gpu/cpu :)"

>"hey guys I'm having some serious issues in this game that I shouldn't be getting"
>"lmao just get a better computer then"
I would if I could you fucks

>Someone has a problem

>50 FUCKING PAGES OF "Same here :^)))))"

Fuck you if you do this.

>Some fags have issues
>That means 100% of pc fags have issues
I mostly just have issues with old games and mods.

Yes, I run rottr on medium at 40fps

>Nah, it can run perfectly fine on your graphics card on the low settings

>I've been having this issue with X
>1 reply
>idk sorry

>Im having this problem too! Xd