Play REmake HD - haven't played REmake since the Gamecube

>Play REmake HD - haven't played REmake since the Gamecube
>End game
>Have a surplus 100+ bullets and 50+ in shotgun shells
>Have 7 self defense grenades that I use on Tyrant for the fuck of it

Is it just me or is this game easier than I remembered?

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New control scheme makes game piss easy.
It is HARD to die in REmake HD using them.

Controls should not define game difficulty.
OP you're just older now and your brain is more adapted to videogames than before.

Used classic

Scarce ammo is a complete meme outside a few modes in one or two games. Sometimes it's stingy at the beginning but you usually end up amassing a decent stockpile after the first quarter or so.

Did you play normal, easy or hard? Most people accidentally fall for easy mode in this.

they do in earlier survival horror games

nowadays controls schemes have a standard, which is WSAD and the mouse to look

japs are the only ones who havent caught on to the industry standard

they added very easy mode so "normal" is previous easy

I'm playing this game for the first time. On normal difficulty and I wouldn't say I have a surplus, but I think I'm getting close to the end and I'm pretty OP as of now.

This game was definitely harder at the beginning, but it's still pretty difficult mainly in terms of inventory management and making sure you have space for shit you might need. I can see it being significantly easier if you already know what items you need to get and where and how much space you need available.

I'm playing this game for the first time, after playing the older games; the ammo surplus is probably caused by the crimson head mechanic, since you do not want to kill zombies wasting ammo on them;

moreover, the new control scheme makes the game quite easy: they are forcing you to dodge zombies, and then they introduce a control scheme that makes dodging quite easy compared to the old tank controls.

Despite this, I'm having a blast with it, the game is quite fun, and I'm loving the new parts added to throw off people who played the originak

I know they do, but they really shouldn't It's possible to keep camera view and yet make controls more responsive
It's so silly what I can turn faster in real life as a spermglord than in a videogame as a special unit

They definitely added more ammo, I ended my Jill run with a shitload of shotgun shells, and 12 acid/regular/fire grenades each. Fuck, I ditched the pistol before the guard house.

>playing REmake for the first time
>currently a good way through using the Armor key, have 2 of the masks
>actually pretty short on ammo, burned through a good bit of healing too

How do I stop being shit?


1. Don't reload the pump action shotgun, just use the five shells it comes with and ditch it the second you get the assault shotgun (even if you're playing as Chris it's pretty easy to do this because there are hardly any enemies in the guard house/courtyard section and by the time you use all the shells the mansion should be pretty much done)
2. Strategically use self defense items, they give you a ton.
3. Keep ammo in the item box, only reload when you resupply or save, just bring loaded weapons when you're exploring.

So original:



>super easy

They should in a game designed around it. If intuitive twitch reactions can cover for mistakes that would have gotten you into trouble in a control scheme that doesn't facilitate it, then the difficulty that comes from decision making about positioning and resource consumption just flies out the window when you can practically dance around the average zombie.

RE2 on the N64 had this exact same control scheme and it was the easiest thing ever.

You don't have to kill every zombie you encounter. Not killing zombies means not having to deal with crimson heads later. Only kill and burn zombies in rooms where you have to pass more often. Don't kill any of the tarantulas, just dodge them. With the shotgun, wait for the zombie to be real close and aim up so you can blast away his head.


Only reason it is even a meme is because casuals are just that bad at video games. So any game with limited resources is going to be super hard to these stupid ass pants shitters.

actually no. its


>very easy

You unlock hard mode after beating the game.

What are you talking about? What about all the games that do not use kb + m at all?

>Play Remake first time
>Shoot everything I can see
>Run out of bullets/shells fast
>Get good
>Just dodge pretty much every zombie, only killing those that make the game easier
>Game becomes easy as shit and you have tons of bullets
Gee why?

>aim up so you can blast away his head.

Even better, aim towards the legs so you can blast away it's knees. It's a higher percent chance to blow a leg off and that also prevents it from becoming a crimson head.

Also, I just beat the game yesterday and in the caves section with Lisa chasing you, I found a spot in the game that I had no idea existed (I played the GC version extensively when it came out). In the room with the gondola, there is a stack of crates that just look like part of the scenery, but you can climb up them and there is magnum ammo, pistol ammo, and a self defense item at the top.

Freaked me the fuck out and made me wonder how many other secret spots there were in the game.

Lure zombies into wider areas and psychthem out into grabbing air. Don't shoot to kill, just drop enemies and run if you know you've got everything important from an area.

Alternatively explore and be prepared to die. Only save when you make significant progress.

Play on mountain climbing difficulty.

-Equip and use grenades for safely aimed dispose zombies or crimson heads.
-Equip dagger or taser only when you roam around or when pinned down.
-You can burn zombies by shooting them with the grenade launcher loaded with fire rounds.

I feel like Mikami games pretty much always heavily reward learning how to play, which you don't know your first time through. People shit on RE4 for showering you with ammo as they melee knockdown enemies and knife them on the floor, while forgetting that every RE worked the same if you actually knew what you were doing on a basic level.

Why would you ever use anything but classic, the whole game is balanced around classic controls, and it gets boring without it, since some rooms just don't work otherwise
Controls definitely define difficulty, that's like saying playing DayZ in third person doesn't change how the game plays out

oh im sorry i meant from the perspective of someone who uses keyboard and mouse

for a controller it's the thumbsticks to move and look about

Does shooting the zombie a few times with the pistol before aiming at it's head with a shotgun increase the chances of a head explosion? It seems as though the headshots only work 25% of the time in the REmaster. I wonder if it's tied to zombie damage or if it's just RNG.

>Play RE0 HD
>Shoot pretty much everything but the slug monsters
>On hard so theres less supplies
>Stuck against bat boss with no healing items and just shotgun/handgun

You can avoid all of the zombies if you're good enough by baiting their lunge and just running past them. Also, due to the engine, the zombies cannot grab you when they're on the stairs, they'll just puke at you which is easy to avoid.

If you git gut at this you'll literally have no reason to use any weapon (until crimson heads and hunters start appearing, anyway) aside for convenience's sake.


Well, no one moves in real life like they do in an fps game either, but thats how the controls are laid out purposfully. Fps are dumb for moving backwards and fowards on one axis and having no 180 turn for most of the time, its actually a very unrealistic perspective that is shit if your enemey can sorround you.

In RE4, leon cannot move and shoot or reload and shoot, the game is built around this.

Another problem is that REMake has tons of ways to beat bosses without having to use ammo

>Trevor self defense nade
>Neptune electrocution
>Whatever that bullshit you have to do for Plant 42
>Burning that door with Black Tiger
>Lisa Trevor is unkillable so you don't waste bullets on her

I can't tell
You have to wait for the zombie to be real close. I had only one or two situations where the head didn't explode.

I think it's just RNG in REmake (but still a fairly good chance), compared to earlier games where it was pretty much guaranteed. I know at least for RE3, aiming up with the shotgun at close range is a 100% instant kill every single time.

It also would make sense for them to not give you a guaranteed way to blow up heads considering the introduction of crimson heads.

This is why you can do knife only runs user.

Did you know, if you cant just kill plant 42 with chems (even with them, chris still HAS to fight the plant) you can just stay on the lower floor and swing your knife upwards and it will cause damage anyway. Thats how i did my knife run yo get my plat trophy.

>Even better, aim towards the legs so you can blast away it's knees. It's a higher percent chance to blow a leg off and that also prevents it from becoming a crimson head.

Won't it still be alive though?

>I found a spot in the game that I had no idea existed
Don't know if the GC version had this, but the map shows you which areas are cleared of items and which aren't by the way they're colored.

This fag is wrong
Normal was option number 1

Correct. Normal in the remake is easy in the original version.

It will be alive, but if its crawling, its considered dead, will not transform to crimson head just get out of the room and come back its gone

Its a trade
High chance for a safe kill but low chance for a crimson head or cripple the zombie to slow him down drastically without risking a crimson head. I still go for the head.

>Is it just me or is this game easier than I remembered?

Motherfucker I'm playing this game for the first time in my fucking life and I'm struggling so hard.

It's like playing an old school Dark Souls game.

Loving it but I hate the inventory system. It's shit

Incorrect. refer to instead

>Loving it but I hate the inventory system. It's shit
The game is built around it. It forces you to plan ahead and prepare yourself for possible encounters.

>>Burning that door with Black Tiger

Explain pls

>It's like playing an old school Dark Souls game.


Part of my problem is that there are many narrow hallways where I can't really dodge them, but then again I'm probably just shit at dodging.

I understand it now....but I had to learn it the hard way

>Download REMake HD
>Choose Chriss because whynot
>Getting every item I find on my patch
>Inventory stuck on the first 30 minutes
>Can't pick keys
>Can't pick the shotgun
>Can't pick the book with the key inside
>Read on internet Jill has 2 slots more
>Restart game with Jill
>Now I know I am NOT supposed to pick everything in my way

I'm playing as Jill and it's my first time, is Chris just a little different with a few different areas or is it basically a separate campaign?

I would say the opposite. Without prior knowledge of the game layout, it's impossible to plan for puzzle shit you need to take with you. Especially when you can end up with 3-4 puzzle items sitting around you can't even currently use.

What it does do, however, is force you to backtrack which functions as a check on your resources. Essentially giving a zombie you bypassed more chances to drain your herbs/ammo while also rewarding you for smartly eliminating things you know you'll have to go past several times (like hallways to/from save rooms). Which is important in a game designed around resource management.

What you do is run up to them so you have room to backstep. Tap forwards once and back twice. Eventually he'll lunge which is signalled with a "hsss" noise. As soon as you hear that scoot around him left or right, basically when his arms are heading down on the lunge he has to complete his animation and you're good to go. Sometimes he just wont do the lunge and you have to leave and come back before you run out of space.

You only have to actually kill about 4 zombies in the mansion before the hunters show up to get everywhere you need to with minimal interference

Chris is just a little different. I'm not sure he has any different areas at all, his differences are more in dialogue. Like, he doesn't bump into Barry like Jill does all the time.

it's mostly the same but chris can't lockpick, he needs to find expendable keys. barry doesn't exist in his campaign so there's nobody to bail you out in certain scenarios, instead you get rebecca. there are certain things jill can do that chris can't do and needs rebecca for. also, chris cannot get the grenade launcher. chris has 6 inventory slots and jill has 8. if i remember correctly chris has more max health than jill

Playing Chris is mandatory just for the epic bantz he has with Wesker.

where is the grenade launcher in the HD remake?

Just burn/cut the web on the door you need to proceed with the flamethrower/knife. Ignore the boss all together.

Remember R2 (on ps3/4 dunno what button for keyboard) will let your character aim without lock-on, so you can attack the door easier.

Chris is the "get dropped in-game, go faggot" playthrough. Few cutscenes and you don't get saved/ have bosses beaten for you or get hints on where to go.

>browse Sup Forums 10 hours a day
>see a thread we had yesterday

I guess having two threads wasnt enough for him

Chris has 2 less slots but he can take a beating. When people say Jill is Easy mode remember that she also dies quicker.

Also Chris has one of my favourite scenes in RE.

>Play piano with Jill
>She plays it perfectly
>Play it with Chris

>browse Sup Forums 10 hours a day
>see a thread we had yesterday
>10 hours.
Im not sure it is him who has the problem user.

it's on sale dumbdumb of course there are gonna be shills muckin aboot

>new to older RE
>have no idea what the fuck I'm doing
>stuck with a full inventory because I just picked up everything I found
>no idea what to do
Did I fuck up by going Chris?
Should I buy REmake 0?


Fuck did they use Chris' RE5 model for this shit?

you have the option to pick the original or RE5 Chris off the bat

Is this the same artist who did no way fag?


Dump your items in the box and come back for them when you need them

yes. Chris has more HP tho.
hell no. 0 is legit retarded

The ammo is the same across versions. Maybe you were playing easy by mistake.

It was in the original.

No way fag is Plagueofgripes, I don't think this is the same artist

Dude. You practically use tank controls in real life. Lie and tell me you strafe near corners in real life.

>In the box
Where the fuck would I find that?

I'm getting mixed signals here, part of the reason I want to pick it up honestly is that I just like playing the RE games, even if I never finish them on PC, not pictured are the shitty ones
including Umbrella Chronicles

>Where the fuck would I find that?
You haven't found a single safe room yet? Explore some more.

first floor has two item boxes, one in the west, one in the east. You'll get to the west one by descending stairs from the second floor.
East one is also by stairs.

I've just been exploring the mansion, although I did find a spooky room outside the mansion and pussied out of there

Well fuck, I'll have to go find those, too used to picking up literally everything in RE4/5/Rev1/2

If you played on the middle difficulty you played on easy. Normal is climbing the mountain.

Though it's not hard to have a lot of ammo if you know what you're doing and what enemies are worth avoiding over killing outright.

RE is one of those games that's only really difficult on the first run. Once you learn how to bait zombies and know where they all are it becomes incredibly easy.

I love RE 0 mainly because it's actually difficult. A lot of people hate it because it has really uninspired designs. Most of the monsters are just zombie versions of animals and bugs. A lot of people don't like the partner system but I thought it was interesting.

Basically if you want a more challenging RE, you'll probably like RE0, despite its shortcomings.

Funnily enough. RE0 would be much better if it had item boxes. The dropping gimmick dragged the game too much.


At the character select screen, press up or down.

Can you do the same for Jill?


what about rebecca or barry?

They will use the default costumes.

Yeah the dropping mechanic wasn't thought out. Needing the hookshot multiple times was pretty retarded, and people just dumped all their excess items in the main hall of the training facility or near a typewriter anyway.

>Playing on Easy with Jill

I don't know why they couldn't include BOTH mechanics. I would have been perfect.

>All these recent remakes/remasters/next gen ports
Is there ANY game that comes even close to the level of REmake? (just to clarify im refering the jump from Resident Evil 1 to REmake, not REmake to REmake HD)

No because most if not all the recent ones are remasters while REmake is an actual remake. They remade it from start to finish while improving on everything the original had and even adding brand new stuff.

But I never play as Jill because playing as girls is for gays

makes sense
what are some other proper remakes in vidya?

>he didn't strafe to school

Twin Snakes. That one gets a lot of hate but I really like it.

life is an FPS on rails

You're older and obviously better at the game now you literal retard