Has anything in a videogame ever scared you so much that you had to quit it?
Has anything in a videogame ever scared you so much that you had to quit it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Play Thief Gold
>Get to Return to the Cathedral
>Ambience and haunts and eye's hissing voice were all too much for me
>Finally man up and pull through with the help of flash bombs
>Turns out it becomes Running Errands for Murus five minutes into the level
>I had a bug that made the sword nearly unusable so killing haunts became a fucking chore
You people memed that level to be the ultimate horror experience but it seriously blows.
>Playing Silent Hill 2
>Walking in the street full of fog
>can't see shit captain
>suddenly hear that white noise indicating an enemy is approaching
>it gets super loud but still can't see shit
>nope the fuck out and turn off the console
never played that game again
this game was creepy in general
Oblivion, where that guy randomly triggers a convo with you out of nowhere. Have never played the game since
>In x18 labs
>Stalkan about
>Suddenly her strange noises
>Shit starts flying at me
>Hear something HEAVY approaching and banging around
>Hide in the bathroom for a few hours
Game scared the hell out of me.
>playing A Link Between Worlds
>collecting rupees
>suddenly the rupee I picked up turns out to be a monster
>it suddenly vores Link on the spot
Yeah, shut up, I know I'm a pussy. Vore shit scares the fuck out of me.
>Silent Hill 3
>Get into the nightmare mall
>Nope the fuck out, turn game off, never play again.
I just can't do it.
The whole fucking game.
This piece of shit right here.
x-18 in stalker. I heard all the stories and thought it was a joke, I was having a blast playing stalker I'd get stoned and drunk and really immerse myself but the first time I ran into a poltergeist I just quit. it didn't even hurt me I just knew I had no desire to go any further
holy fucking shit this is awakening memories, what was the scare?
Spooky's house of jumpscares
>Every now and then a small trap will spring with a fake wooden ghost on it that sends out a noise, the lowest of the scares
>Advance through the game when monsters are chasing you
>Low health because I've been hit while trying to escape
>Heart racing because of creepy monsters and imminent death
>I'm fucking done
It's pretty tame.
>playing TLoU on survivor
>mfw hotel basement
Remember to check every single file name in this thread and avoid .gifs!
I shitted my pants
yeah its not half as bad as that scooby doo one, holy shit that scarred me.
Halloween ain't fun unless it's spoopy. Click some images, you lil bitch.
In Wind Waker while sailing the seas, I was swarmed by a few of the shark enemies and got knocked off the boat. I didn't return to the game for two years.
when I was 8, I was stuck in Ocarina of Time at the rolling rock you had to pass to get the kokiri sword
I was terrified. What would happen if the rock rolled over me? would I die? would my legs break? I had no idea, it was the first time I played anything of the sort
I still remember the sheer terror and courage it took to finally do it and get rolled over, losing half a heart.
>Playing Silent Hill 1
>Go to school
>Shit on my pants
>Arrive on hell's version of the school
>Turn off the console
>Never play the game again.
that one secure contain protect fangame came close, freaking concrete jumpscare wanker (that kills you) every time you blink is a tad unnerving.
What retard is playing that game? Jerks around like shit while crawling along like a total pussy.
You'd go faster in a genuine horror game that's packed with traps and unkillable enemies.
I was playing Onward and had to stop after someone using an RPK and grenades caused a PTSD episode. Good thing my dog was in the room or my vive would probably be broken.
It's GTA Online in first person on a console. He has no choice but to play like that.
Some serious PTSD here
>Silent Hill 1
>door randomly (or so you think) teleports you to a different part of the map
>have no clue what the FUCK is going on; game doesn't explain shit
>constantly off your guard
Great game.
not really
but I remember being freaked out over glitches or softlocks as a kid playing n64
doesn't scare me as much now, but still
>Staying up late playing PS2 in a dark room
>Pop in a different game
>This comes up
What do?
That one Oblivion quest where you need to find the argonian girl, and it all gets lovecraftian.
I remember talking to an NPC when all the naked pale dudes starting beating tje shit out of me.
Reset the system.
>Wario Land 3
>wario is invincible for most of the game
>get to the final boss
>it's a giant clown with a freaky ass face
>he can kill wario
>mfw fear of clowns
I got killed once, ripped the game out of my gameboy color and threw it in the trash. I feel like a pussy now, but when I was young my fear was real.
i couldn't even get past the first part with the foggy graveyard or something. Like why did I even bother buying the game if I was such a pussy.
I did the same shit with Parasyte Eve and the Resident Evil remakes. I get too stressed from the atmosphere.
Any horror game I played ever.
I can laugh my way through any horror movie, or watch a playthrough of a horror game, but once it is interactive, no matter how interested am I or how much I like it - 15 minutes in the dread buildup is so strong I just go
>why in gods name am I doing this to myself
and then alt+f4 at the first jumpscare reflexively.
the piano in mario 64 scared the heck outta me
I have a legitimate fear of mental patients, so Outlast was a fucking trip for me. I have the uncanny ability to get wholly immersed in shit, especially with head phones, in the dark, ect.
When you get to the part where your dumpped into a cell in the middle of a psych ward and the door opens, I had to put the game down for a bit.
The ambience of the first alimbic space station in metroid prime hunters freaked me out because i'm an absolute pansy. I had to mute my DS when visiting that area.
That shit always scares me. Very unsettling
>Shit on my pants
what could p o s s i b l y g o w r o n g
>he clangs along the walls partially obscured by pure black PSX fog
Who the fuck thought this was ok?
Demon's Souls
>already at wit's end after all the constant creepy shit in 4-1
>worried I'm going to fall off the towers at any moment
>save Yurt and get into his cage
>the cage locks me inside and starts to descend
>after a full minute I land in a reddish swamp, with giant tentacles moving around on the water
>in the distance, I can see giant millipedes with human faces crawling around
>turn the game off
I have NO fucking idea what quest you mean. Give me some more info.
When I was a kid I played this Jimmy Neutron game for the PC and those green yolk aliens from the first movie scared the shit out of me whenever they found me, especially the masked ones that had a pinkish flesh/brain color.
Oh yeah, there was also WALKING MUTATED GOLDFISH fucking creepy too.
Thief. The zombies in Thief were too much for the 13yo me. To this day, I still have never finished Thief 1 nor 2 due to this.
Fuck those zombies forever man.
fuck that looks amazing.
That room in SH3 with absolutely nothing but a stupidly jarring sound of a bookshelf falling.
I handled the rest of the game but that room made me alt+f4 way too fast and I don't know why
can you hurry up? I want to see what happens
>playing NES as a kid
>it tilts and makes EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE noise
>run to the kitchen and cry every time
It's alright, you guys! There's nothing in here. Somebody just needs our hel-
>Playing Shadow of the Empire
>Fighting IG-88
>Those noises he makes
>Getting chased by japanese schoolgirl
>That fucking stupid abyss room
and at that moment you realize you went the wrong way and you gotta backtrack
What the fuck?
What game is this?
if no one else says it, at least I appreciate your efforts and had a good chuckle.
I think it was Deadly Shadows. I was sneaking around, my little sis was watching. I turned around in the game and we saw a zombie. We both yelled SO loud and then laughed.
Good memories. Damn, I never did beat that game and now it's too old for me. yea, I know. i truly think it aged too poorly.
>get this message
>ignore it as I usually do
>decide to use telescope
>get abducted by fucking aliens
I've never NOPE'd out of a game until this happened.
what doujin/artist is this again
>playing THPS 4 with sister as a kid
>get out of bounds on one of the maps
>get myself stuck in an infinite loop bouncing between two invisible walls
>"haha, hey, this is funny"
>game crashes and makes the screeching noise
>develop an irrational fear of computer glitches
1000x worse with audio though
Awww shit user, thanks for making me remember this game exist
Aaaa, yea. The title alone reminds me.
That camera game with the ghosts
That time when the mods put a screamer in one of the threads last Halloween
I quit Sup Forums for like 2 months
>first time playing metroid prime, was around 12-13
>checking out chozo ruins after getting some upgrades in the midgame
>back in the armoured beetle room
>shit goes dark
>what the fuck
>scary fucking music starts
>what the fuck
>Chozo Ghosts
>run the shit out of there
>decide to check out other rooms instead
>they're everywhere
Still one of the best examples of atmospherically spooky stuff in a game, even today they leave me tense as shit, but in a good way.
Latria wizard land is 3-2 bro.
>captcha: some bullshit followed by some bullshit 8 times
fuck off google.
Cry of fear
The whole vent part where your in the vents and something is following you behind before getting jumped by the monster in the vent.
As soon as it jumped out, I just quit, haven't touched it since, but will try to play it again tonight
I forgot how great FEAR 1 was.
Now I want to find my old disk.
Fucking scared me. Especially the goddamn ghost.
>Being scared of weebshit
What a baby.
Its really worth it, besides the 4 shitty jumpscares its a really spooky game
>ghandi has developed nuclear weapons
>mfw I ain't clicking any pic in this thread
not today Sup Forums
That's not FEAR.
>alone in the dark on ps1
>starting place
>walk into that little barn with the wounded man laying down
>talk to him
>go outside
>hear inhuman screams and gunshot wounds coming from the barn
>turn off ps1
I always wanted to actually play that game. Too bad.
>Trump may be president
Oh noooooo
I don't get spooked easily anymore, but I genuinely had to stop playing for a while to regain my courage the first time I went into one of those labs.
[Qurupeco noises]
Relax dude
Just rest your eyes a while