What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
What's the spoopiest VR game?
What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
What's the spoopiest VR game?
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Fuck off, this is a meme.
VR is shit in it's current iteration.
*tips neckbeard*
Just managed to install Illusion Honey Select with English translation + Oculus Rift launcher
Feels good man
VR is a gimmick and it always will. You can delude yourself that it's a NEW leap in technology but it's not. Walking like a retard with a sweaty headset and hoping not to tripping over that moronic cable is a failure from the get go. I always ask myself, when i look at a VR games if i can play this with my pc and have the same experience, and the answer is always the same.... YES, so fuck that unless its not matrix style or really innovative i won' even touch that crap.
So you never tried it? Then fuck off since your opinion is shit
You don't need to be a fucking director to rate movies and you don't need to be a fucking 5 star chef to rate foods.
but you do have to have WATCHED a movie or EATEN FUCKING FOOD in your life to be a movie critic or chef you idiot. bad analogy, user, very bad.
Would you play it, Sup Forums?
This. You're a fucking faggot.
mate if u think VR is a game changer then wake the fuck up. All it does is make you wear some dumb box on your head and tries to make it "more" immersive. If you are so desperate and deluded to think it's any different then suit yourself and pay the idiot tax as much as you want. I won't pay 750~$ for a sweaty head set that brings close to no innovations. It's a dead project from 2000 and let it stay dead. Watching games by tilting your head is moronic since most of people will do it much faster and more conveniently with a mouse and they don't give a slightest shit about that little of immersion it brings, and i am talking about MAJORITY of players.I almost forgot, this gimmick can't do shit without hand held input that was,again proven to be laggy and unresponsive. So tell me now where the fuck do you see innovation in all this VR bandwagoning?
I remember when those morons at VR were boasting about those 15k head sets sold in over 10 minutes , and later it was proven to sell as a dog shit, but ah wonder why they didn't boast then? huh? Exactly , you are just another drone that fell for the VR company shilling. So now go and experience that "immersive", ground breaking experience that you call a VR.
If you think VR is just a gimmick and isn't here to stay, you're an uneducated bafoon.
Ask someone who has tried Steam Vr, PS Vr and the Pimax anything
Why are you a cuck
I am absolutely positively convinced that the only people who dislike VR are people who haven't tried the Vive in a decently sized room.
Waiting patiently for the next gen when the price drops and they fix all the bugs. First gen is paid beta testing
I wouldn't expect new headsets in 2017.
I would.
Im playing playstation virtual reality.
You're all dumb fucking niggers and i hope you bleed out your asses
Nah, Valve has showed off an early prototype new controller and announced that they are working on new base stations that are gonna be announced some time 2017. They've also invested in a company that makes chips to potentially make a wireless headset, it's all in very early stages, however. Oculus hasn't said anything about a new headset but rather announced a mid-tier one.
I think we will see new headsets when they are wireless.
What about higher resolution screens.
That could be but modern PCs already have trouble driving the existing headsets so unless you have dual titans I just don't see it. Also, the next logical step would be 4k resolution which afaik doesn't exist in high enough refresh rates. The Pimax is only 60Hz instead of 90.
>it's all in very early stages, however.
This is completely baseless. The company said they're releasing something next year.
And a higher res screen doubles as a screen that has less SDI even if you're playing games at a lower resolution. A lot of VR games can be played at higher resolution as well with modern PCs.
There are VR capable 4k screens already made but for mass production the company I recall reading about last would only be ready in late 2017.
I literally have two titans.
I have the PS VR with Rush of Blood and plan on playing that today. Any other good VR horror games on PS I should look into? The Kitchen didn't look good to me.
I'm about to fire it up with my Vive, is it everything you hoped for?
Oh wow, so i knew you were a child but didn't really think that it would get to ad hominem . Well kiddo , i see that you have no response other than insulting others due to your own stupidity but as i said earlier , you are the drone and you are bound to pay the idiot tax. First it was VR, then they added handhelds because without them it was nothing more than a stuck monitor to your head instead of a luxury of a mouse in your hand, and where did that lead us? Ah right, to those pathetic 15k units sold by the niche catering to VR. I might be uneducated about that piece of crap you call VR but at least i am not deluded like a fucking fan boy you are to the mediocrity of this product. But i guess those arguments don't mean a thing to you so let me get to the logical consensus. VR, being a gimmick it is, has some games on it, and not only they are all shit, since they give about 1-3 hours of gameplay, many people SAID (those people actually TESTED! it) it's a sweaty mess, not ready to be released to the public. Games, as they said, "just to put it in perspective" are 40-60$. And let me make it as simple as i can - you don't buy shit that is in it's infancy and costs a LOAD of money just because you are hyped (unless you are a drone) while at the same time i could buy a PS4 or Xbone for 400$ or less , get games with multiplayer or single campaign that sole tutorial is longer than a VR game will ever be. Watch videos and educate yourself about this shit instead telling others they are dumb.
How does it feel to be a moron and buy useless stuff?
I sent them back claiming they were faulty, which they were.
Last thing I played was pic related. Any good spooky games to play? I hear Dreadhalls is the best one out so far.
I don't think he has to watch anything since it sounds like he has a headset he can use to form an opinion for himself. It's good to know you haven't tried one and get all your info from youtubers.
Various short experiences that blow my mind, like that one by the guys who made Rick & Morty. Also, being high enhances the experience like a hundredfold.
More short experiences that blow my mind. Even if nothing else comes of VR, I'll be happy.
I can't stomach regular horror games, so no thanks.
I thought I was enjoying my Vive but now an angry rant by someone who has never even seen or tried VR truly has pulled the scales from my eyes.
Accounting is fucking incredible.
Haha Super Mario! We're going to level 2!
That guys cringy dialogue was pretty spot on.
Still waiting for retinal tracking and better FOV.
Also I'm poor
Did anyone PSVR sales numbers yet?
Because literally half the people I know IRL that own a PS4 got one, most of them are casuals. I can't believe how well it did
I'm not going to lie, that game in your pic has me wanting a vive
Yeah, just like 3D tv
>inB4 b-b-b-but its not the same
Yes it is. It literally is the same
RE7 drops next jan. on ps4. Ill get that one for sure. Currently there isnt much going on user
im playing the vive and subnautica
its not meant to be spooky
but it be
It's pretty fun times. Best gun mechanics in any videogame ever - every gun fully mechanically accurate.
The dev added a halloween mode where you finally have some things to fight while scavenging for ammo as well.
Never thought I'd say this but I'm gonna get the PS VR. Went from getting the DK2, to pre-ordering the Oculus, to cancelling that, to planning on getting a Vive, to realizing there's not enough games to justify the cost, to deciding why not just get the ps vr for an extra 400 since I'm getting a ps4 anyway. Hope EVE Valkyrie is good on it.
Unless you're an actual pilot in real life, have a doggy bag near you. Unless you already got your VR legs.
I own Eve, Battlezone, Rigs, Rez, Thumper, Rush of Blood, and Tumble. The PS VR is my first VR experience and it's great. I haven't had any issues like this guy but I have heard of other's getting sick.
Also don't know if this has anything to do with it but I'm usually smoking weed while I play games. So that could be why I don't get nauseous.
Anyways, Eve is a lot of fun. Lots of ships to unlock and a lot of variety in maps. It also has crossplay between the PS4 and PC. I've had a lot of good dog fights since it came out.
Is Thumper worth the $20? Was thinking of getting it when it gets PCVR support
I ordered the whole set (PSVR, Camera, sticks) and my first VR Experience was some Samsung VR Gear.
Not sure when they will be delivered since they were all out of dem goggles.
Can't fricking wait.
It outsold the ps4.
Stop shit-posting.
Who told you that it's impossible to enjoy? People find tic tac toe really enjoyable and deep, yet VR is a waste of money in comparison to other things you can enjoy, simple as that.
It's not about what you think or not, he can play with his head set & handhelds as much as he pleases but please stop spreading bullshit opinion that it's anything more than a gimmick it IS. I didn't need to play VR to know i don't need one since it brings like what? Immersion in a 3x3 meters room? Everyone who tried headsets can tell you that it gets sweaty, you are constantly tripping over the cable or have to watch not to trip, shit responses by both headset&handhelds, games are costly while at the same time giving you shit in return (maybe 2 of them that i have seen were any worthwhile ). If you can get almost the same experience on a pc as on a VR then its a gimmick. Changing controls and monitor placement then calling it a NEW technology which is just standard tech but handicapped is a gimmick.
For 2 of you i consider reading comprehension classes before you tart to type idiotic comments
Not in its meme state.
Motherfucker still give people headache, nausea and all that shit after 30 mins. You can just play Virtual Boy for the same effect, and it's much cheaper.
source? I wouldn't doubt it, PS4pro releases next month so October2016 will probably be the least PS4 will sell in a month for a while. PSVR outselling it isn't too mindblowing
>VR is a waste of money in comparison to other things you can enjoy, simple as that.
I love it when random retards on the internet try to categorize and optimize fun for everyone.
Take a Dramamine you fucking pussy.
Is there good content for these yet?
Every thread there's always a handful of people who put such an extreme amount of effort into attempting to convince everyone that VR is a gimmick.
You guys work harder at this than the shills who get paid to promote EA's games do here. and you're not even getting paid. what is the end game? I don't understand why you hate this thing you've never even used with such a burning passion that you're willing to sit here for hours and argue in every thread you see every day.
Don't know if you are the same user or not but seriously, start to read what people type in instead of reading between the line like a retard. Calling it by what it is categorizing? Just tell me what is SO different, So ground breaking that i would want to drop 750~$ for a headset with handhelds? We had razor hydra if i recall, and it was a gimmick as well, yet in some way fun, but still a gimmick, and now we have you lot, calling VR the revolution of gaming while revolutionizing shit. Motion control? Head tilt? Most games comes down to a room trying to trick you into believing that it's somehow deep. You say that watching youtubers is not worth getting info from? Those guys played TONS of VR games by now and you in comparison played like how many? 3-6 at best? And come here saying that i can't get an opinion from based from guys that played 60 VR titles? Surprisingly all claiming the same faults and saying it's NOT ready for public at it's current state? Played every VR possible while you just bought 1? Now don't make me laugh here boy. Better go and play your beloved VR but don't delude yourself about it, it wont make reality different.
3D graphics were total garbage for 20 years. Dismissing VR on the limitations of the first commercial generation of headsets is incredibly shortsighted and retarded.
Also even if it tanks, us simulator jockeys will gladly take those headsets off your hands. At a generous discount, of course.
Because if everyone thinks vr is a gimmick they don't have to worry about having to spend the money on experiences exclusive to vr
VR right now is clunky, expensive and light in content - but all three of those things are changing and rapidly
It is only the future of everything
Look at a person, there must be someone around you can look at. Then look at a picture of said person off facebook or whatever. You can say you can see them in the picture, but seeing them in person in real person scale is quite different. Now apply this same train of logic to shooting some imps with an actual life size shotgun. That's why VR is the future.
The things you complain about will be ironed out, it'll be cheap, will have games and optimized ergonomics. What then will you say?
Guys, I need some fucking help.
I got my Vive all set up for room scale, did everything the instructions said, and tried it out.
And it's just flashing blue.
Like any time I turn my head too fast, the screen flashes blue. Sometimes I look in a certain direction, and the screen will stay blue and it will pop up that it lost tracking with the headset.
I've done everything I've read about in google. I've covered all reflective surfaces, I covered all IR transmitting devices, I've reseated the cables, I've reset the lighthouses. I've changed USB slots, even from 3.0 to 2.0. I've unplugged literally everything from my computer besides the occulus and a mouse.
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck to do anymore, except to just take it back. Which frustrates me to no end.
dirt rally on cv1 supersampled occasionly gta5. waiting till dec for touch so i can play some onward
Last time I tried this I had to use the shitty Oculus - Vive patch, and it ran like dogshit on a Titan X.
Does it run better now, or is there official Vive support?
>have yet to buy into a gimmick like motion controls, VR, or system expansions
>really want to play that upcoming Psychonauts spin-off
I'm torn. Can someone shill a VR to me so I'll feel less bad about wanting to spend hundreds to be able to play a single game?
maybe you got a faulty headset
the vive and the wii are nothing alike. how are you people so stupid?
Actually playing a VR game on the oculus rift or htc vive is required to post your opinion below this line:
Visually, Thumper is one of the best looking VR games. Gameplay wise though, it's a very easy rhythm game. I'd say wait till you see a sale since it's not very long.
I got the bundle as well. Definitely give the games on the demo disc a try before you buy something. They give you a good idea of what each game is about. Not all though, I really wanted to try Bound but that wasn't on the disc. I'll probably get it at some point after I get the Pro.
What you don't get is that VR is just a fad. It'll come and go like all of them. Your analogy while trying to convey a point forgets one major things. Picture on facebook and looking at someone is not the same. VR just throws that picture into your face instead of displaying it on a monitor in front of you. VR main leverage was that it brings immersion. Actual life shotgun? No, just a low response razor hydra in your hands which changes nothing from my usual gaming experience and is inseparable otherwise VR wouldn't even stand a chance as it is.
The future is when we wont be in the need of small screens plastered to our face. It either change the way we perceive game aka feel like reality or will be forgotten like it was in the past. Getting on a hype train is just stupid.
Don't get Bound. It's impossible to play in VR, and is actually a bad way to play that game.
BattleZone is pretty good, and just got a patch to not be as unfair in places. Easy is now actually easier, and they added support for a PS4Pro mode, upping the internal resolution and improving visuals on the cockpit.
>Don't even have the room unless I remove my bed and sleep on the floor
What game is that?
Damn, Bound looked like it had potential. Is it good without VR? I haven't played Battlezone since release because I tried playing by myself. Big mistake, the game is near impossible by yourself for some of those missions. That's good to hear the Pro will make some changes for that. Im curious to see how many of the games already out are going to get Pro support.
Is this any good with the Vive?
they literally just canceled the sale within the past 5 minutes that I was looking at it ..but still is it any good in VR?
You don't need much room at all for the PS VR. Most games don't require room scaling and can be played with a controller sitting down in front of the TV. Unless you really want to waggle. It can be pretty fun throwing things in Job Simulator. I'm also looking forward to the Star Trek game that just got pushed back.
>Picture on facebook and looking at someone is not the same.
That has been my exact point friend. "strapping a screen on your face" is placing yourself in a true to life environment, not just pasting a picture in front of your face - the positional tracking is what makes the difference. Looking at things in VR is like looking at them in real life. That alone is what would make VR worthwhile once resolution increases and price decreases. You're telling that it's just a picture to people who have actually used it and are telling you you're wrong.
- if the motion controls are "low response" how is it that people are able to juggle with them? You can toss a controller into the air while in VR and catch it easily with your own arm you can't see because the positioning on these has sub-mm precision at 60hz
Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand Grenades - check the two videos I linkered in this post as well
>What are you playing?
Gotta play some mor Serious Sam VR, HordeZ and Solus Project
>What are you looking forward to?
Arizona Sunshine and VR games that aren't 2 hours short
>What's the spoopiest VR game?
A Chair in a Room: Greenwater was pretty spooky, and it used roomscale pretty well.
>Is it good without VR
Oh yeah, it's fucking awesome. Great game, animates well, and is an amazing experience. In VR though, it uses a fixed camera point as you platform that randomly gets picked when you hit the stick, which makes certain platforming elements impossible. It's just a bad way to play.
As for Battlezone, try giving it another try. Rebellion is one of the few developers out there who actively listens to criticisms, and updates. I always worry that a lot of the VR content out there is from grab-the-cash-and-run developers, but these guys seem to give a damn:
Talking about HTC Vive.
I don't own a dirty console in my apartment.
Ya, just finished it... the knife part was disturbing.
Budget cuts guards scare the crap out of me too.
Serious Sam worth the money? It's probably the most expensive vive game out.
Solus project good also?
VR definitely makes subjective experiences, much more subjective.
Well ______good for you. I'll own both by January. Feels good not limiting myself.
yes, Rez and Thumper are both amazing games
At this point the best games I've played are Dirt Rally and Elite Dangerous, and they're pretty much all I've played, Assetto Corsa is also pretty fun playing on the custom initial D maps whilst listening to eurobeat.
Since I have a rift and thus no hand controllers yet I have been pretty much limited to cockpit games. Wanted to try war thunder too but it's got this visual glitch that renders shit twice in my right eye and makes it feel like I've had a dozen drinks too many.
Just remember Sup Forums is full of 14 year old children, they have to get their temper tantrum out because mommy wouldn't buy them one
House of the Dying Sun is very good btw.
You actually spend a lot of your time looking around the cockpit finding enemy.
I must admit I haven't played Serious Sam much yet, desu it's probably only worth the money in its current state if you are a die-hard Serious Sam fan. It looks great for VR, but there's just not enough content to justify the price at this point.
Solus Project runs pretty well for me with 1,4xSS, Effects+World high, View distance medium, Textures Ultra and shadows low. It'll probably run on higher settings now with the new Steam VR async reprojection. I'd say definitely go for it if you want a VR game that's a decently long game.
Raw Data is also highly recommendable.
Also, play Portal Stories if you haven't yet.
What graphics card do you have?
You should definitely get the Touch controllers once they are out, what makes VR some awesome for me is roomscale + the controllers. Picking up and throwing stuff in VR is just great.
I tried the Kitchen demo on PSVR, and the ending spooked me to the point where I actually thought it was real for a second. No other VR game on Oculus or Vive has been able to make me feel scared, probably because most indie devs can barely model for shit.
I don't care if it's a gimmick that you can only use in a few games. I own a few of those. I have a $200 HOTaS, I have a $300 force feedback racing wheel + shifter box, I have a $150 TrackIR setup.
And you can only use those with a handful of games in only a couple of genres. VR could be used with most any genre, and unlike my controllers, works with both instead of just one. And with mods like vorpfx it'll work with any game people manage to mod it into. Plus some of those gimmick games look fun to try out if you happen to have a headset anyway. just waiting on a reasonable price drop.
I'm also planning on getting Rez Infinite, because I never got to experience it on Dreamcast. No way I'm paying £149 for Rex when I can play it with extra VR features for £25.
You mean £784
I like my PSVR. I played RE7 on the 20th anni tour yesterday, and it played really well. It was basically just a different version of the demo, but still.
I just wish there were some more full experiences, and also that in cinema/screen mode it wasn't just black space elsewhere. I wish you could set up a second screen maybe, so when you bring up the PS menu it pops up to the side of the screen you're watching instead of actually on it. That'd be pretty neat. But probably not really feasible on ps4. RIGS is fucking great though, shame not many people are playing it though.
Raw Data and H3VR. Also some Dolphin VR.
The new Halloween game mode in H3VR is fucking bananas.
Only have PSVR
>What are you playing?
Rush of Blood, one level a day. Also eyeing for Tethered, it having high review scores and positive impression from people who played it.
>What are you looking forward to?
Weeb games if there are any. Maybe also that bird game and dino game.
>What's the spoopiest VR game?
Everything is spoopy in vr. VR boosts spook level by like 1000%.
GTX 1070