>no rape
>no romance
>plenty of "special content based on kickstarter donators"
Good. Western romance is shit and in 100% case politically correct shit only.
Can i go on a crusade to cleanse the world of a specific ethnicity?
>no interesting companions
>stronghold returns because that was such a great feature in PoE, said nobody ever.
>blocky designed characters on par with SWTOR.
Who on earth gives a shit?
Probably gotta pick up Expeditions Conquistador for that instead.
Well i really hope my choices have more depth and meaning than
>Rape for no reason [+50 Edgy points]
Romances where you can turn the other party to evil are always fun.
Bioware hasn't done those in a decade, though.
>Game with moral choices
>Being nothing more than just yes goodgoyim pussy option, medium/unemotional option, no option, no with angst option.
Romance hasn't been fun in a while, they've only been pandering to SJWs nowadays.
I'd be more surprised the day that someone can write a competent and deep relationship between a man and a woman in a game without having the need to make them fuck
I just want bro x sis romance, dates and closure here and there, emotionally butthurt companions lecturing you and sharing their meaningless opinions, etc..
why would you need that though
your ordinary RPG plot is just adventuring in group how does one fall in love with such a person
I'd like more vidya which display more nuanced and believable camraderie up to a point where you actually care about your companions instead of just "caring"
>I just want bro x sis romance
You can romance your sister in Demonicon.
Bioware died when they cut the plotline where Dawn Star dommes Silk Fox in JE.
Max Payne 2? I can't think in any RPG, tough
Can i gas whatever the equivalent of jews are in the game?
>2,99€ on steam
Game looks a bit B-grade but I think I pick this up.
>Tfw no game will ever replicate and improve upon Kotor 2's system of corrupting/redeeming your allies
>You will never be able to turn a chaste crusader into a slavering succubus and vice versa in a RPG with actual quality
Video games were a mistake.
This, I'd understand the falling in love part being kind of out of place. But fucking each others brains out because some party members find each other attractive, and they find some time to do it while at camp, is a sure possibility. Nobody is playing games while partying and adventuring, and I'm sure they get down to business if they are looking to release tension if it's mutual.
Trillion has that too, if you don't mind anime rpgs.
>rape Barik
>gained wrath with Verse
>rape Verse
>gained wrath with Barik
seriously, Barik x Verse is fucking canon
she's probably into scat or something
Might pirate, what's the plot? Or is it just more ghost chasing.
I ask you,what is the point of conquest if you can't murder your enemies and rape their women?
Even in fucking SWTOR you could turn that blue alien bitch into a masochist.
>no rape
There will always be sexual tension between men and women after they have spent some time together for awhile. rpgs tend to be non sexual, there's no even children in games, tho how could there be when no one is having sex.
They couldn't get rape to be a thing in a post-apocalyptic game with cannibals where you can watch your character get caged, beaten and then eaten in front of you eyes, because rape too damaging and worse than Hitler.
Becuase rape makes so a fucking psycopath
Say what you will about it, but it is harder to justify rape than justifying a murder
If the game wants to give you the option to be a fucking barbarian then fine with it, but that's not being evil, that's just being crazy
I fucking knew as soon as the game's premise came out that people were going to ask "BUT CAN WE RAPE IN THIS GAEM?"
Yeah, but we're not talking about sex here, we're talking about rape.
>being this new.
>mfw conquering japan and it's women
>mfw user thinks hentai happens irl
The west is just sexually repressed, founded by puritans and all that shit.
In japan lots of games have rape subplots.
Meanwhile your standard rpg like new fallout has you crushing people's heads into bloody giblettes and watching their eyes pop out, and somehow that's humane, but rape isn't.
Both are a fact of life, devs need to stop being pussies.
>Bioware died when they cut the plotline where Dawn Star dommes Silk Fox in JE.
What? that sounds made up
Nothing as good as hentai could ever happen with 3dpd
>rape is too damaging
You got this part right at least
I can't think of a situation where raping someone would be anything but crazy, as i said before; its harder to justify a reason to rape someone than to murder someone
What i really hate about people discussing this game is that for some reason they can't comprehend that:
>psycopathy =/= evil"
Sengoku Rance was written by a woman
they like rapes
How do these people not have massive cognitive dissonance from thinking that dismemberment, torture and cannibalism are okay but rape isn't?
>tfw J.E. Sawyer didn't give fucks for New Vegas and had rape as part of it
>all that salt shed
>"rape is part of war and war never changes"
>murder and cannibalism is fine
>but rape is going too far
These people live very sheltered and safe lives. Hell, the rape they're talking about isn't even actual rape, like the kind niggers often like to commit, they're clearly going on about regretting drunken party sex. Damn, I wish the West would burn already so these little shits would get a sense of what human suffering really is.
>Rape her
Do it for the action fan user
No, it doesn't matter that you're already fighting 4 other houses, git gud.
desensitization to physical violence, but hyper sensitive to mental violence
no really that is it,
>implying any romance is good
>even in real life
user, they cannot even distinguish reality from fiction, and firmly believe that being unable to do so is normal.
That's the level of retard we're talking about here.
Is this why everything needs a moral, making having fun requiring a moral to it?
This game was written and made by a woman. How does it feel that women can make video games like this and sell thousand of copies?
You say that, but mind-control is one of the most popular western fetishes.
Probably because people are so repressed and scared of dealing with actual people that they need to imagine full control is the only way to go.
Trillion, an upcoming game, let you romance your blood-related 10-year-old niece (she's probably totally 1000-years-old though according to her bio). You telling me this isn't top-tier romance, user?
Seems like an innocent game of tag user, what's the problem?
Because dismemberment, torture and cannibalism can be at least poorly justified. You are still a monster but there is a reason why you did those atrocious things
Rape (at least in my opinion) falls into the category of "things a psycopath would do"
>its harder to justify a reason to rape someone than to murder someone
There's only 2 reasons to murder someone.
1. They've pissed you off.
2. For the greater good.
There's lots of reasons to rape someone.
1. To assert dominance
2. You love them too much and it's not reciprocated.
3. To spread your seed
4. Ethnic genocide
5. To relieve stress and pent up aggression, when there's no consensual option.
Fact is you could make a lot of good writing out of rape, not using it and always resorting to "Hes bad, kill him" is stupid.
Rape the final boss, make him/xir/her your bitch.
Companion out of line? RAPE, now they know who's boss, or they'll try to kill you, fun times either way as far as I'm concerned.
That is how a taboo becomes a fetish. Sure, incest isn't as big as mind control as a fetish, but it has holds since it is taboo.
The desire for something forbidden is enticing. Wasn't there something about temptation damning all of humanity?
So you basically have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
It's a game where you fuck kindergartner succubus. Well actually they rape you to death.
I just don't get how people can be so squeamish about guro/ryona and then go straight to the psychological equivalent and furiously masturbate to it.
I'd much rather have my arm torn off than my mind taken away from me.
But playing tag with a bunch of cute girls is adorable user....
Okay, seems fine to me, not my cup of tea but w/e if it floats your boat.
>oh no it's a penis inside me
fucking protestant morals
I'd put rape and torture in the same category, personally.
Damnit you're supposed to act horrified and triggered.
>Because dismemberment, torture and cannibalism can be at least poorly justified.
>Rape (at least in my opinion) falls into the category of "things a psycopath would do"
Fucking lel, see this is the kind of mentality I'm talking about. You've never experienced the former, so in your mind it's practically fictional. The latter is something that might happen every once in a while around you, so clearly it takes precedence over the former in terms of how horrible it is to do to another person. You're just as egotistic and sheltered as every one of your kind and desperately deserve to be thrust into a situation where you'll have to fight for your survival. Because that's the only way your kind will ever get any perspective it seems.
As stated, total control is attractive to Americans as far as deviant things are concerned. Its how you have so many women who are into rape and a lot of powerful men who really just want to be tied up and pegged.
Personally I can fap to rape, however torture and dismemberment is a complete turn-off to me in my eroge.
Succubi rape people to death, what's there to be triggered about?
Pretty much this.
Hell I enjoy rape as a fetish because of the struggle it implies, a character overcoming severe hardship is the basis of most stories out there, and rape is something severe to overcome. Contrasted to losing a limb, which you can cope with but not recover from, I'd much rather see rape than dismemberment.
This is what happens when normies find out about your hobbies.
True I guess...
I'll be at the front of the lynch mob once some kids actually get raped, but thought policing is retarded.
>game about being an evil tyrant (okay hand of evil tyrant)
>can't be evil
The other way around is way better
And then?
You're just pretending to be evil, obviously, so you can't ACTUALLY be evil.
what blue alien?
google isnt helping. just leads me to trivia about the movies or the mmorpg
What's the matter? You're not into wincest?
You either manage to get them to like you and they rape you but try to nurse you back to health and get a true ending with them coming to live with your in your house. Else you end up getting raped to death by the bat loli after she steals your soul.
This, to be honest. I have no motivation to conquer the world if I'm not going to rape anyone.
With so many girls dying on the streets and prisons you should at least be able to spirit away one of them and made her your cock slave. No one is going to give a fuck.
sister > daughter > mother > niece
There would be much better options than niece..
Funny how all good games Paradox publishes arent even made by them. Their own games are garbage
You can also romance your older sister (who is a lazy loli) or your younger sister (who is a innocent loli who loves you a LOT).
I think he's talking about Vette.
She's the Sith Warrior companion, who is basically a thief who has been captured by the Empire, and then is forced to become your slave. You can do a torturous amount of shit to her from shocking her to comply to your demands, fuck her sister who is a whore in front of her, literally subjugate her, and she still sticks around.
And EA are the bad guys again?
where does one download tor again
gotta get that game at some point
Yeh that's my thought too. Not enough video games that let you romance lolis in it, even less that are blood-related at that.
>"hey user, do you want to play this game where you can be evil?"
>"can i rape?"
>"no, but you can.."
>"no thanks"
i'm so glad no one caters to your needs, seriously if you think
here is why your arguments are retarded
1. you wont' see any rape, it won't go beyond "choose option 3 to permanently scar someone" then cut to another scene. At least in japanese games although it is just as bad you can see some action
2. there is no reason to rape other than just trying to be edgy
i'm so glad that games never try to cater to the needs of retards like you on Sup Forums and likely never will. I'm glad that SJW exists just so they can stop people like you from getting their ideas out there
is like you forget there is a broader audience that is easier to please and much more convenient to do so, as it will get you more sales
Is it out already?
And what was your point?
>2. there is no reason to rape other than just trying to be edgy
There's no need to make a game where you play as the brutal, amoral enforcer of a tyrannical autocracy except for just trying to be edgy, either.
I still want to rape.
>There is no reason to rape other than just trying to be edgy
user, just how old are you? Legitimately curious how many years you've been able to live while still believing this nonsense.
Seriously, you're evil, you are meant to do evil things, what do you do?
1. Stab someone in the gut, killing them slowly
2. Rape someone, inflicting serious trauma
Oh but option 2 is ENTIRELY unreasonable and "edgy"
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
they could at least be exploring the darker side of human nature in a non-edgy way, an actual critical examination thats fleshed out instead of shock value and gimmick
but thats simply not possible when its hamstrung by being forced into the PC mold. If doing evil things is censored or not allowed, how can we have a game where you're role playing as evil
>2. there is no reason to rape other than just trying to be edgy
Or, y'know, for arousal
nice kinkshaming though, very progressive!
>What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Oh the irony is so sweet every time i read a line like this.
Pretty hypocritical that shitholes like you ask what is wrong with people who do not want rape in their games
But thankfully there is a solution for you and all horny anons who get off on this idea; go play porn games , there is plenty of what you want in those
>What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
He drank the liberal kool-aid
It reminds me of when Retsupurae refused to make light of a scene in I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream where a woman is nearly raped - nearly! And in a game based entirely around the idea of an evil computer artificially extending human life so that it can torture people for eternity
Rape is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. It isn't even close. If you wanted to be edgy these days, you'd have to go way past rape, and then you'd probably end up being so horrific you'd come off as funny
or how about
>rape woman against her will
>she discovers she enjoys it
>willingly joins you as an NPC on your quest
PC feminists want to deny the fact that many women want to be raped, that its their #1 sexual fantasy, and normal human social interaction throughout the ages has always included some degree of rape that turns out for the better.
Say theres a little kid, who says he hates squash. He doesn't want to eat squash. But his mother bakes him a squash cake and feeds it to him without telling him what it was. He changes his mind and decides he loves the squash. Yet under absolutist morality, his unwillingness to eat squash in the first place means she committed a terrible wrong
You are fucking retarded. Murder is worse than rape and you have to be a literal retard to believe otherwise.