Post dead characters

Post dead characters


>Cultural appropriation

Glad this racist POS is gone.



>supposedly dies but not shown
>prepare for inevitable comeback because he wasn't actually dead or something
>he's actually never mentioned again


He'll show up in Arena.



Actually I am holding up for a FES-style remake. The ending felt so empty and incomplete for some reason, it looks like they intentionally left it for an enhanced version.

Considering we've been getting re-releases since 3, we'll most definitly get a P5 with more stuff in it like FES and Golden.

I want to fuck Spooky


good riddance




miss u ;_;

It never gets easier does it?




Who is that cutie?


>ITT shit characters nobody really cares about

If they mattered at all they would have seen the end of the story, shit characters all around




RIP boob lady

She's appearing in that new RE CG film which might be her final appearance

Moot > Hiro


You will be missed.
