Call me when Bayonetta 2 runs at a smooth 60fps.
What the fuck is Nintendo doing? Hasn't anyone reported this shit to them yet?
releasing Switch.
Why did they lock Xenoblade X to 30 fps and 720p? My hope of playing this game in 60fps and 1080p is now gone.
Is Xenoblade that ugly or is it just an emulation bug?
So do you actually have a link to this build OP?
Call me when the 3DS emulator runs at more than 2.5 FPS.
I don't care about a console with not a single game worth playing.
>rip wiiu
How can you rip something that's already been ripped?
it's coming next week for everyone.
>Closed source
Is Nintendo going to cancel the Wii U release of the new Zelda?
Shockingly ugly.
>took entire Wii U lifespan to get an emulator
Better than XV desu.
The progress of this emulator is crazy
Sadly that's true too.
JRPGs are dead.
Can you use your mouse to aim in splatoon?
Why the fuck would anyone do anything? Emulation is legal. Fuck off.
>Better than XV desu
Hope it can emulate Fatal Frame 5 at decent form.
Still looks at least two years off from being in a playable state.
It's already in Playable state for most of the games.
And I found what I'm getting now.
It's only "legal" in the same way using loopholes to avoid taxes is "legal" and it should not be encouraged.
Splatoon Netplay when?
It looks like it'll be playable in a few updates
Kindly end your life.
you are confusing legality with morality
How do people find this ugly?
How long until 1080p 30FPS XBX?
I remember being so excited for this.
No it isn't. Playable means being able to beat a game with only minor issues. I doubt there is currently anything out where you can go a few hours without gamebreaking stuff or heavy issues.
cemu is just dolphin with a modded ini file
> enable_wiiu_emulation:1;
>and it should not be encouraged
Why the fuck not?
Is the Wii U going to be the last easily emulatable console?
Why did you make this awful post?
this right here. Stop getting hyped at all everyone.
Are you an idiot? It allows pirates to steal profit from Nintendo, obviously.
because this
Might as well outlaw used games, too.
Fuck off.
they are not stealing profit because they never thought on buy their shit in the 1st place.
so after "stealing" maybe they buy something.
So pirates steal money from a corporation that doesn't care about their customers?
How is this a bad thing?
>giving a single shit about Nintendo's profits
kill yourself
The OG Xbox has had three generations worth of time and emulation for it is still impossible
from youtube:
>why cemu isn't a open source?
>Probably to limit the possibility of others surpassing their work on CEMU. Don't forget they're getting about 3,000 $ / month with their work on CEMU via patreon. If it were me I would NOT make CEMU open source IF i was making money off of it. I'd stretch out the process as long as possible by releasing a "minor update" every 2-3 weeks, which shows promise of development. This way i have a steady pay check month - month for as long as I wish to do this. I would not be surprised if they have next months updates ready to go, and are working ahead of time, to secure finances in the upcoming months. smart buisness strat, and everyone's happy! After all CEMU is free!
surely provokes one to ponder
Probably use some NDA-ed stuff in development too.
>STILL no emulator for the Xbox Hueg
I'm never going to get to play Metal Wolf Chaos, am I?
Can't think of any games I'd want to play anyway.
>it should not be encouraged.
who are you that you can tell me what moral i have to have?
>b-b-b-but nintendo will go bankrupt without their sales!
Good, fuck them
>Wonderful 101
>Maybe Fast racing neo
>Wooly world
>Maybe Tropical freeze
>Breath of the wild
At least that is what I'm looking forward to playing.
if a company can sell a flash game for $15 so can i just emulate them.
When is W101 being playable?
That's due more to a lack of any serious interest than anything.
When exactly does it release to the public? like the exact date so I can mark it on calender
I want to play XCX
To be fair the Wii U has had a very short life.
Also what is with the rise of retards quoting something and then just appending "Sad!" at the end? It makes them sound like utter retards.
because it's crazy complicated and there's like no documentation on it
Fuck off Sony
reminder that you lost your court with Bleem! on emulators
Emulation wouldn't thrive because of your loss and the death of Bleem!
how does it feel?
>b-but not open source!
>p-patreon moneygrab!
You guys will just complain about everything. The development of this emulator is one of the best I've seen, it'll be perfectly playable soon with or without your money.
>tfw Sony's court losses was also the reason why Game Genie, Action Replay, and Gameshark still exist
>You guys will just complain about everything
remember we're at the gra/v/eyard
If it's anything like dolphin there will be internal rendering resolution
But can you even play multiplayer/online with it?
maybe eventually like with dolphin
Ideally though I would prefer if rather than free emulation where everyone pirates their games we had numerous competing commercial emulators like bleem! that you could buy from a store but actually worked with most games and had some sort of authentication so you could only play real disc.
I think that would be the best of both worlds as we'd have working emulators that were in competition with other emulators so they'd be trying to outdue one another, it would be totally legal and you could go out and buy the latest Wii U game and come home and play it on your Emulator at 1080/60.
I'm kinda sad Bleem!, despite winning in court still died as a result of the legal fees.
We can only hope.
>it would be totally legal
Emulation is legal.
>being remotely as enjoyable as playing in the original system
It's perfect for poorfags who can't afford one and hack it
>Wii U has had a very short life.
What fucking delusion do you live in?
The emulator is fine, ripping off roms and distributing them for people without the original copies isn't.
I truly doubt anyone ever used emulation as a way to play your game backups and nothing else.
Are you saying that people with high end PCs can't afford a fucking Wii U?
You're mostly right but you've still got it wrong. Emulation is largely used for piracy which is illegal so it's a bit of a grey area still.
Playing your real copies of games on an emulator is 100% legal, (IE taking your legit copy of a game putting in in the CD drive of your PC and playing it off the disc), ripping a copy of your legit copy of the game and then playing that on an emulator is also 100% legal.
However, most people don't do that they download someone else's copy of the game and play that, which is illegal or just outright pirate games they don't own and play those, which is illegal. Emulators do nothing to stop people from doing that and that's why most people see them as illegal. When really you could have commercial emulators that charge money and actually try to prevent pirate from misusing them.
>wii u has no games, only kiddy shit
>haha we finally get to play wii u games
the WiiU console was a mistake, why would anyone buy it other than waiting to mod Tr4sh/Bayo2 on CEMU?
t. Switchfag
I know Dolphin allows you to hook up a real Wiimote but does this work with the Wii U's gamepad?
It's going to be real shitty to play something like Xenoblade X without the real thing.
Who are you quoting? Did you know that Sup Forums is not one person?
>Emulators do nothing to stop people from doing that and that's why most people see them as illegal. When really you could have commercial emulators that charge money and actually try to prevent pirate from misusing them.
Imagine you have a DS game that you want to play. Only way to play it is to use ROM. How the fuck are you gonna prove that it's your ROM? Send people that make emulator a photo with a timestamp so they could enable this game for you?
Oh, look.
It's another cemu -it's not quite good yet- edition
The fact that it isn't open source is a legitimate complaint
>implying they actually bought their own PCs
daddy won't pay for your gadgets forever son
Personally i'm waiting for Citra to improve so I can play SMT4 and Final.
Why would you want too play that garbege anyway??????
I really hope that people will find a way to use Wiiu gamepad with Windows. I believe NDS emulator would be great with it.
>Nintenyearold calling others kids
Now that's fucking rich
You're never going to totally stop piracy but you could take enough steps that your average Joe can't just make a copy at home and share with his friends. There are plenty of disc based and flash memory based DRM schemes that could totally work to that end.
There are plenty of options
they're not that good
t. 3ds owner
Only game on the Wii U I have any interest in playing actually.
So what are the chances that the new zelda will be playable within a month of release?
I really don't want to buy a switch for literally 1 game
>it's gonna be just as easy if not easier to emulate the switch
That's pretty much what you get for putting out dogshit hardware I guess.
The Wii U was RIPping in piece way before this was a thing tho
>Sony sacrificed themselves to make sure emulators rights are upheld and legal
Did they fix the cache problem yet? I get stuttering every time the game loads something new. I tried SSD, Compressing .wuds but nothing works.
Woww what a gay child loll
>we will soon have acceptable Wii U emulation
>still no fucking xbox emulation
Come the fuck on.
Call me when it runs at 60 FPS on a Wii U to begin with.
With emulation, you can have accuracy or you can improve the experience in some capacity. Truly accurate emulation will not improve the game. Cemu hasn't really established whether it's going for accuracy or improvements yet.