

post your shopping carts

This was my Halloween Haul.

other than system shock and amnesia I know none of those

yes, but you are supporting one of the worst companies around
outlast is ok

why no for those 3?

oknytt and the path are shit. You know it's bad when the demo of the path is better than the full game.

There's a humble bundle out know for like 4 dollars. It has grim fandango in it along with 5 other games.

nidhogg is a swallow fighting game only interesting because of the retro package. Multiplayer is retarded and only fun for a few matches before the joke gets too much
shower with your dad tries to be a new frog fractions, but it never does anything with the concept. Watch a video on youtube to see what you're missing, wait no, play frog fractions instead.
goat simulator is a retarded physics game with a goat. The tony hawk gameplay could have been fun if there was anything to do other than the game acting all randumb.

Haven't played Oknytt yet, but it was 00.49 and I enjoy point-n-clicks. I actually like The Path, though. Not from a gameplay aspect, but from an atmospheric and narritive one. The devs are trash and their other "games" are trash, though.

Probably the only thing I'll buy for a while, at least till the Black Friday, or Christmas sales come up.


nidhogg is a dead game with boring insta die fighting
dead online anyway

user, no one has a "recent" purchase thread on Sup Forums.

Let me have this okay, you faggot.

get fandango in the current Humble Bundle (and use the sliders to make sure those fuckers dont get any money)

>70 pennies
>wish list

Are you fucking serious

i coulndt find it

>buy 20 games
>Play none of them and proceed to log 500 more hours into CSGO

I wish I had come up with this. Gaben is an absolute genius, and PC gamers are cancer born to be exploited by him.

i think that i'll get some ds game instead

Remove all those except Grim.

Get these:

>Ghostbusters the video game
>Shovel Knight
>RE REmaster
>The Evil Within

All of them are 3-12 dollars.

This fucking gem is only .99 there is no excuse to not get this

Nidhogg and Shower With Your Dad are both insanely shallow and not even worth money.
I swear to God Shower With Your Dad is literally 5 minutes worth of gameplay.
Also Goat Simulator is a meme game. Once you're past the "le so wacky and RANDUM XD"
it's fucking dumb and boring.

>I'm merely pretending to be retarded

thank you for pointing this out, I had some dosh in my steam wallet from selling cards and essentially got it for free. A1 BOYS