Xbox One S

Can I get an honest opinion about the exclusives on the Xbone?

Yeah, pic related

>exclusives on the Xbone

all the ones worth playing are on PC

yes, this one is pretty good.

Guys i'm not getting W10 fuck that noise.

Don't bother. Understandably this place is weeb central. And there's an obvious lean towards playstation. People have lost the ability to be objective here long ago.

Xbone owner here. I use mine pretty often but I don't have a decent pc because I'm a poorfag nor do I have a PS4 because I don't enjoy willies.

The game library is pretty much the same as PS4 except that Xbone has less weeb shovelware exclusives and more sequels to games that came out on the original Xbox.

I kind of want an Xbone but I know the better and safer choice is PS4.

Although one exclusive that does have my attention is that Sea of Thieves game by Rare. It looks like it would be a lot of fun.

Sunset Overdrive is pretty fun, Halo 5 kinda sucks, Forza is good. If you don't already have a PS4 get a PS4 instead but if you've already got one the Xbox One is a great addition for software not on PlayStation.

xbox is just a simplified windows 10 tho

Gears 4 is the beat game I've played in years.

Would you say the FPS they have outshine Niggerfield 1 ?

You've really got to be a fan of microsoft's offerings to want one. Otherwise, third party games don't run as well and theres less exclusives. And who would want less choices?

Better exclusive
Better online service
Better controller
Better UI

1) Sunset Overdrive is a fun open-world game with enjoyably cringy writing and upbeat atmosphere
2) Halo 5, if you're into that sort of thing
3) ... That's probably it

I use xbone and ps4. Xbone for multiplayer games so I can play with friends and what not, while I play weeb tier shit, bloodborne, and non multiplayer games. It all works out in the end for me.



Thanks, user.

After the price drop, backwards compatibility, and crossplay/crossbuy, the Xbox One is mostly there just to be a budget-tier PC that inhabits the $200-$300 band. It's decent in that regard, and what games it shares with Win10 aren't that bad, but don't expect that specialized set of games and such that alternatives have.

I don't have one yet but the rare collection and raiden v are the 2 I'm interested
They don't seem good enough to buy a whole console for though

>inb4 sonyggers think their console is best comments

I own ps4, x1 and pc. I tend to use my x1 a ton less than the other 2. I tried getting into Gears of war and halo, but I couldn't. Forza is ok compared to Gran turismo but GT6 came out years ago and its still better in some areas. Rare replay is fun, only because im a Rare fan. That being said, get a n64 for rare games.

This. It's a cheap viable option to play video games generally speaking. You wont get the very niche stuff but you won't be missing on anything big either.

4? on 10

Sunset Overdrive looks good, but I'm not buying a console just so I can play one game

>Better exclusive
>Better online service

Can you elaborate?

They are my favourite

It depends tho how much you like gears, halo and Forza.

I like them more than Sony's. MS games tend to be more multiplayer focused and have a lot of content and offer good bang for your buck.

>sunset overdrive
>halo 5
>raiden 5
>forza horizon 2
>forza motorsport 5
>forza motorsport 6
>crimson dragon

>Listing sequels

Sea of Thieves will be on PC as well and will have cross platform play.

It'a an xbox one! Bioshock infinite still can't run on it without massive screen tearing. It's smaller. that's about it.

t. owner.

Those aren't the only differences you tard. It's the cheapest 4k blu ray player on the market. It has HDR and a 4K upscaler.

BioShock Infinite is a shitty game btw.

>BioShock Infinite is a shitty game btw.

>No idea why I want this shitty system so badly
I think I just want full idort. Is KI better then MKX?