Anybody willing to give me Dead by Daylight? I've been wanting it for a while now especially in the halloween season...

Anybody willing to give me Dead by Daylight? I've been wanting it for a while now especially in the halloween season. Also general steam beg thread

[email protected]

Fuck off you fucking faggot, get a job.

Sent ;^)

Post your steam ID. I'm feeling nice today.

thank you user

user, are you only giving out to OP?

I'm not giving you another game.

It isn't another game. I'm a different person.

Since general beg thread

Anything really, would be appreciated.
Yet another sad and lonely user.
>tfw no dough for games

Did he deliver?

Sent :) check your inbox

sent family

I did not deliver to him. He has enough games and enough fanboys giving him free games that I don't have to waste my money contributing to the beast.

sent ;)

no need to thank me

Sent ;)

I gave away a bunch of copies last night OP
Should have been in my stream. Gave away like 20. Might get some more tonight to give away.

>tfw nothing to give away
i can buy a lowest tier bundle or some cheap steam games tho if anyone wants


buy the day of the devs humble bundle and post the keys for it in this thread


How cheap?