Happy Halloween Sup Forums!
What spook filled, mystical Halloween-y goodness will you be playing to celebrate today?
Happy Halloween Sup Forums!
What spook filled, mystical Halloween-y goodness will you be playing to celebrate today?
This game was so criminally good it's not even funny.
Why can't Capcom make decent licenced games like this anymore? It was literally Devil May Cry meets Gitaroo man
This game was actually pretty good. At least my 12 year old self thought so.
Halloween is gay
Everyone seems to love the NBC games, even the GBA one was pretty top tier.
I'm going to replay DMC1 today
Imagine if Platinum did a remake
Then it would be shit
Gotta agree. Platinum combat is great, but it wouldn't feel right if they cut out all the rhythm and exploring segments for overglorified combat. It's just be bayonetta with jack.
oh goodie, its another "i saw this shitty game on my favourite lets play channel so im gonna pretend im older than 12 and I actually played this when it released"
Jaded much dude? I've owned it since 2004 and its a Halloween tradition for me to play this, and Haunted mansion every year + one new Horror game series, this year was Fatal Frame
Also i'd appreciate you not trying to start shit in a civil thread. Thank you.
>i-i-i-m not twelve
>and i certainly didnt see this on jewtube slash boneyplays with friends!
So you can't read. Alright then. Have a nice day.
Is this another OneyPlays thread like yesterday with the Illbleed thread?
I have no idea who that is sorry. Ask since he seems so intent on accusing me of it.
Nigga just shut the fuck up and enjoy a video game
yknow what, it might just be.
ofcourse it is.
Its some sad autist with no friends pretending he played this back in the PS2 days, when in reality he's a toddler watching e-celebs trying to force discussion on shitty games they play
Pan Pizza is that you
Is this game good?
I kinda wanna try it out.
So lets get this out of the way
Game Grumps with Jon, OneyPlays, or Two Best Friends before Woolie and Liam?
You killing yourself
just do the same thing as faggot op, go watch jewney plays and pretend you own the game on Sup Forums
Oh no you caught on to my clever ruse with your poormans response.
Its DMC with music rhythm quick time events. you decide.
>Le let's plays are bad meme
How does it feel to be a crotchety old scrooge?
Anyways I could never get past the boss with the 3 kids at the pumpkin patch.
Same here brotha, that and resident evil 4 both on my ps2
You're seriously barking up the wrong tree here.
I just want a fun civil Halloween thread. Seriously, if you want to discuss letsplaying shit, take it to the appropriate /vg/ thread.
How does it feel to be an underagedb& who can't think for himself?
Stop jacking off to shitty e-celebs and please post halloween recommendations
Currently trying out pathologic, but have no idea where to go
Nigga I just watch them for entertainment. I don't adhere to any hivemind.
Maybe REmake or RE4. But most likely since i have a long shift today ill kick back and watch crappy horror movies all night with greasy ass snacks.
shitposter BTFO
>13 posters
Its just one shitflinger guys, pay him no mind.
Is Fatal frame a good series? I keep seeing threads about it lately.
Ghost games! Mainly Project Zero 2 and 3, for the major spookfests, Medievil and the second one.
I also might play again some Call of Cthulhu for the xbox, maybe this time I would get past the goddamn ship. The game has all three times I've started a new game because I'm not smart enough to use multiple saves and frozen at some point in that part. After the part when I killed all the cultists in the island.
PZ2 is so damn good. I just finished it last week.
Anyway, I think the first one was kind of a letdown when it comes to the spook factor. It's not scary and I didn't feel even tense during the whole game. Second and third ones are much better, but I hear that the series got bad after that, but I don't know about that for sure.
What are the best zombie games for ps1 and ps2?
> It's not scary and I didn't feel even tense during the whole game.
Im gonna to try the beat the hard mode on Grabbed by the Ghoulies today. I will probably also play some Slaughterhouse 2 if I have some time left.
Maybe it's because I played it as elementary schooler first time (from a demo disc) and it was terrifying. Now as a horror junkie it feels such a letdown because of how intense memory I had of it, and of course it's not as scary as adult compared to when I was a kid.
I think that I can give much more objective opinions about the other two.
Fair enough.
Do you know if the xbox and ps2 versions are any different? I played the xbox version I got first as a full game, but I only recently found the ps2 version which I also bought. I didn't play it far, so wasn't sure if the game would have different impact on me compared to xbox one, which felt kind of sloppy.
Not sure, I know Xbox has more content, but I played PS2. I think Xbox gets an extra ending,
I think this might just be really subtle shilling.
It's not me I can tell you that much. I just want an enjoyable thread for the holiday, It's a fun day and I love Halloween. I don't care if some letsplayer played the same game, it's not going to inherently make me hate a game I love unlike mr jaded over there.
I'm about to play medievil for the first time
expecting some fun times
I'm about to play Medievil mod on Skyrim.
expecting disappointment
Same here
Tell me Sup Forums is the Bloodborne DLC scary enough for a Halloween game or should I get the Resident Evil 1 remake instead?
Any new filters this time?
I've been playing Dead Realm and some Overwatch. We need a spooky MP game to play together.
both are good
I still have this game lying around somewhere. Never bothered to play it through, though.
>Probably going to finish Dead Space 2
Intended to do the same but than my fucking copy of the game decided to stop working everytime Issac falls down to the room where you get the stasis.
Playing through Dead Space 1. It's pretty good. It nails the atmosphere and the gameplay is solid.
I turned off the music for maximum immersion and I'm glad I did.
So, Penumbra, Amnesia and Soma whch is the best starting point of those Frictional Games?
Holy shit.
Gonna play this again, then play Undertale on Christmas
what's the spooky undertaleesque freeware game
I totally forgot. It was space-something I think
Space Funeral.
Back on track, I picked up an Outlast bundle for Xbone for 5 britbucks, it's not too shabby and already made me jump ten minutes in
>I'm such a buttblasted faggot that I cannot imagine people actually playing games because I'm too busy watching let's plays and trying to call people out on Sup Forums
>getting blown the fuck out after making a faggot of your self by attributing games to lets plays
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself
>Space Funeral.
Come on, I know that there are some Frictional Games fans in this thread.
Beat the White Chamber last night. It was cute for a free horror adventure game.
Anyone got some good recommendations for more free horror indie games?
I played them Amnesia -> Penumbra -> SOMA, but that was because I didn't know Penumbra existed.
I'd play SOMA last, it's my personal favorite because the story is just really fucking good imo, the others not so much but are actually scarier
IB is pretty popular.
Mah nigguh, really enjoyed Penumbra for it's Lovecraftian undercurrents, Amnesia was a good crack at makung me feel really uneasy and vulnerable, not played SOMA yet because toaster, how is it?
SOMA is a fantastic science fiction story that actually managed to unnerve me after I beat it because of the >implications
However it's not all *that* scary in the gameplay department, and the monster segments don't offer much new that Amnesia or Penumbra didn't with a few exceptions near the end of the game which are fucking brilliant. If you're afraid of the ocean than they'll fuck you right up, but some of the other sections'll will feel like you've seen this before, however they were still leagues better than anything in Machine for Pigs if that eases your mind.
It's a very beautiful looking game, too. Even with some lower res textures than your average triple A production the environments are thickly detailed and beautiful to look at.
I think I'll go with either Layers of Fear, RE4, or Fatal Frame 2.
you don't sound like the most fun person to be around.
I haven't played anything vidya related for halloween at all this month. Had some plans but they kinda fell by the wayside.
Watched Scooby Doo on Zombie Island earlier, that was pretty good.
I guess 100% Orange Juice had a halloween update? If that counts?
>What spook filled, mystical Halloween-y goodness will you be playing to celebrate today?
Thanks man, you've sold me on it, gotta buy a new APU for my Laptop first though. Not too worried about the scares, story and environment will do for me
PanPizza pls go
The sequel better have a Halloween mission too
Or getting dragged out to hang with a couple friends when I wish I was home playing Darkstalkers instead.
Who? Why the hell is everyone attributing me to some random letsplayers? I don't even stream media let alone use youtube
I'm about to watch Dawn of the Dead, and afterwards I'm going to continue my RE4 playthrough.
First time for both.
muh nigga
Playing RE4 for the first time too. I'm amazed how much fun it is.
>Went to Gamestop to trade some older shit in
>Decided i'd trade in RE:4 Wii and get RE:4 HD for Ps4
>turns out I have 8000+ powerup rewards
>Use it to get $10 off preowned
>Get RE:$ HD for $5
Better then expected
not spooky at all but this is what I'll be playing tonight
So, what's up with Halloween here at Sup Forums?
This is the first time I've seen a thread that had more than 3 replies before closing.
This is the time of the year for horror games, which for a long time had stopped having mayor releases. I'd figure this month would be bursting with horror threads but most went unnoticed.
Halloween is sadly a dying holiday these days, most people just plain dont care, and parents are so overprotective these days that the mere thought of heir kid going trick or treating is taboo. Most stores don't even have Haloween decorations.
Hell, Stores here are selling more Trump/hillary mechandise then acutal halloween shit. it's depressing.
I feel bad for the kids, but at the same time that's fewer times I have to pause and get off my ass tonight.
Playing this currently.
>Halloween is sadly a dying holiday these days
Doesn't have to be that way. The Japanese have been getting into Halloween in a big way. There's no need to let it die. Get out and celebrate. Revive it. Don't let the culture of fear and control ruin what good things there are in life.
Is...that Cubone fighting Chestbursters?
Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
I think that's meant to be Splatterhouse on NES
Long Dark: 4 days of night event.
I'm hoping the sun actually rises after 4 days. Fuck the wolves.
Is that game worth it? Fun? Challenging? Engaging? Does it pay off?
>Hell, Stores here are selling more Trump/hillary mechandise then acutal halloween shit. it's depressing.
You could say that's part of the halloween stuff.
Halloween is about lighthearted mischief and jovial festivity.
The elections have been existential horror.
I think so.
It can get boring but that's part of the escapism. Having to stay in doors for 3-4 days during a blizzard... watching your food meter drop and resorting to eating a damaged can of dog food, boiling snow for water, getting a parasite from the dog food... It's very atmospheric and they've been steadily adding/improving content.
is outlast a good halloween game
I bought this today in the steam sale.
Really good.
It's a good game if you want to get spooked.
>Really good