What games are banned in your country?

What games are banned in your country?

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I remember Dark Souls 1 not being available in steam. Cant think of anything else though

Bully was banned here but nobody cared 'cause we just pirated everything so we didn't really suffer from this ban. I guess the ban has being lifted by now, but maybe not.

There are a lot of video games banned in America.




I'm Mexican and I will go to your country

Ausfag here

Literally everything.

why though

Counter Strike got banned here for some time but the ban was lifted soon afterwards.

I don't live in a communist shithole, no games are banned here. Do you need freedom user? We can give it to you

Dead Rising. No steam sale for me.


>Leisure Suit Larry

What the fuck Australia

I don't think anything is banned, though I remember how they cut the "remember no russian" level from CoD. Russia here.

nothing is officially banned in canada but if you have any fucking loli shit being imported you get vanned and tried

>can't buy a fucking kinder egg


Isn't the top a Leopard 2?

I can at my local deli but those shit be fucking nasty

also no F.E.A.R 1


Live in finland
Banned videogames = 0

Pretty much any game where women are treated realistically equal.

Rapelay in Argentina (and Australia)

>censored games

>Kinder Surprise
t. jealous americuck


>In 2007, following the decision of the governments of the United Kingdom and Ireland, the Minister of Communications Paolo Gentiloni publicly expressed the desire to block the distribution of Manhunt 2 in Italy, due to the gratuitous violence and excessive cruelty of the video game, but the censorship was never put into practice

Sometimes i love the fact that my country's bureaucracy is so shit


>High Impact Sexual References