What video games do gay people play?

What video games do gay people play?

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You tell me.


You tell me fag

I think people only make web comics if they are disturbed and fundamentally don't understand the world we live in.

The comic is fine because it features cute cats

prove me wrong you can't

thanks for sharing

Gay videogames.

>He posted this thread AGAIN!

Well gays are often overly flamboyant and gay so I can understand why people hate them.



that comic is something that never happens, this is an invented issue so the comic creator can be "controversial" and get clicks

The same ones we do, they just do so while dressing better.

Sports games are hot. Bunch of sweaty men touching each other.

I wear nothing but a jockstrap when I'm playong vidya

I don't know about disturbed, but there's certainly this air of many webcomic artists lacking any perspective to the world. The strawmen are so blatant that it's almost farcical.

only in the media.
i live in SF.
there are a shitton of gays around.
90% of them act normal outside of their community.

>dah TV showed me dis....


Yeah the media is really anti-gay

0.001% of muslims are the durka durka types but they fuck it up for everyone else.

cant argue with that

>he's shilling his shit AGAIN

Overwatch, nothing but Mercy
it's fun


the difference is fags dont flip their shit out and blow things up because someone got a shoe too close to a book.