I've mostly been laughing at the manufactured handwringing about how Horrible and Awful it is that we're Trivializing such an Important Historical Conflict, as if shallow fantasy interpretations of war violence is something new
but for some reason this one is really getting to me. do normies fall for this or is it just some marketing monkey having a laff
you're thinking too much he's just having a laugh
well, time to tweet some wwi gore i guess
The way you capitalize random letters in your senteces triggers me, user.
>he doesn't see it
people will forever be looking for things to be upset about
I really don't.
WWI isn't history anymore, it was just epic meme time to murder things. Thanks EA
wait a minute, 47...?
The trailer for this had dubstep.
Literally who?
>straight white males killing each other in the millions
literally everyone who fought in WW1 is dead, who the fuck are they offending
But battlefield 1 taught me that they were all black men
Did someone get offended by those tweets?
Big fucking soup-rice.
post more of them justgirlthings, they're my favorite.
that squad doesn't look on point at all
>Nigger memes
like pottery
And if you rearrange the letters:
In general I'd agree with you, but something about how fucking brutal and awful WWI was compared to anything else makes me feel different about it.
EA were already walking a super fine line just by making the game in the first place, these tweets are just so shitty and 9gag tier that it legit riles me up a little
>butthurt over a probable marketing intern gaff
Chill. It was just a tweet my man.
>when you wrestle the last available gas mask from your injured buddy in the trench as it all comes flooding in and you just watch as he pathetically tries to gasp for air while suffocating on the fumes
this actually happened
to nobody's surprise, phoneposting sack of shit defend it.
You can't argue with this one.
Someone should make a Life is Strange version of this.
Sorry, guys. The wrong thread
>not being the noble of the two and giving up the mask to your comrade
>not having him tell his grandchildren of the man who he owes his life to
>not being remembered as a hero rather than suffering a life of ptsd flashbacks and alcoholism
I hope I'm never conscripted. Odds are I'd probably die for somebody who is not depressed and will enjoy life more than I ever could.
>make game about WW1
>advertise about how graphic and hard-hitting it is and that we shouldn't glorify and trivialise war
>90% of the game is actually pretty fucking morbid, thinking about it
>proceed to make memes on Twitter, complete with a #justWWIthings hashtag
that song is such cheesy bullshit, thank you for reminding me of its existence
That multiplayer feel lmao
% of the game is actually pretty fucking morbid, thinking about it
It's as morbid as modern TF2 you underaged brand loyalist shithead.
Same situation as 9/11. They're stupid jokes, but the fact that it's a taboo topic that angers others makes it funnier.
> when your commanding officer orders you to shoot a child becuase they might have away your position.
Reminds me of a book I read, where the guy and his member in a squad knew this kid, and during a shootout in Afghanistan the kid ends up dead.
Turned out the kid became a spotter for the terrorists and his mate shot him
Someone should make a horror game based around WWI.
Isn't there already one, I remember watching Pewdiepie play a horror game that took place in trenches and the whole game was in german
The one with the dinosaurs?
Shit maybe, I honestly don't remember there being dinosaurs but it was awhile ago since I saw it
fuck I hope I live long enough to see CoD do 9/11
British, Canadians, French, Germans, Austrians. You know, all the countries that played a major significance in WW1.
Of course America would never understand this.
Half of "The Darkness" for X360/PS3 is essentially that.
Damn good game, too. Much better than the sequel.
Please no. Are you American? Are you old enough to remember how unbearable everyone became in the years following 9/11 here? Please god I never want that level of burgerism to return.
>all those 9/11 songs
kill yourself
I meant in a SP campaign, not actually reorchestrate the attack.
>walking a thin line already
You are part of the problem. I bet you think censorship is okay sometimes too
Are they seriously making a joke about lighting people on fire?
it's the whole "justWWIthings hashtags that kills it. Really tries to tell killing people is ok and was super fun in the days like it is now.
Would literally be a "No Russian" level.
>Waiting in the metal detector line up.
>Press F to remove watch.
>Sit down for an hour waiting on your flight.
>Ask your fellow terrorists if they want anything from the convenience store.
>Grab some some chips and a coke. Bad for your diet, yes, but that won't matter in a few hours. Press E to pay for your food.
>Find your short a dollar and quickly run back to Ahmed for some change.
>Finally sit back down with your snacks.
>"You made sure there are no pork products in there right? You know how these Americans are."
>"Yes, Ahmed, I am not some filthy infidel."
>Suddenly realize you forgot your headset at home for your mp3 player.
>This is gonna be a long wait.
>Finally get on the plane, get put next to a crying newborn.
>Finally Ahmed gives you the nod to commence operation Allah Akbar.
>Forgot my plastic butter knife.
They were more upset because the burger and pizza place across the street from the WTC had to close down due to lack of business after the attacks.
the fucking thing I hate about this whole shitstorm with BF1 is that it's made by Swedes who didn't participate in the war, and marketed and discussed by Americans who for all intents and purposes didn't either.
Neither of these two countries fucking understands why everyone who's countries were involved in the war is so sensitive about it, because it's treated less like any old regular war, and much more like a tragedy.
Fact is, we still grieve over WW1 100 years later as a tragic event, while even WW2 is far less solemn.
So you've got a bunch of Swedes completely disrespecting the young men who died horrifically for absolutely no purpose by basically saying their memory is less important than trying to represent modern minorities in video games, and you have Americans who want to treat it with a fun attitude like it's just another WW2 with more primitive technology and you're the good guys killing the bad guys who are killing civilians and stuff.
They're doing it on purpose
I'm having a real hard time imagining anyone actually doing this, especially if the other guy has already been injured even before the gas. Then again I'm a selfish cunt, but I still think the panic and instinct to survive would make you act before you had time to reflect on the situation.
Dude, literally if they did not have a gas mask they would take a rag and piss on it then cover their nose and mouth with it.
They are doing it on purpose to get this reaction my dude.
did this actually work or were they just willing to try anything to avoid dying
urea in urine reacts with the chlorine gas to neutralise it, dunno how effective it was though
>When your playerbase drops like a rock after the first two weeks and all you can do is post normie tier memes on social media to control the damage
Yeah, people would take it and run with it.
It sort of worked against chlorine gas, but not always. In any case it was better than nothing. That only worked with chlorine-based gases though, everything else needed a mask or you'd be a goner.
Where's the gas the kikes jokes?
Why wouldn't the world war 1 champions not understand that?
Wasn't that WWII? British soldiers in Burma, I believe. The guy ordered to shoot the kid refused so someone else did it if I remember rightly.
Or did it happen in both wars?
Some thread music:
Its definitely something that's happened many times in war
I'm depressed and probably never having kids. The most I want in life is to write a book people read and enjoy. Odds are, and this could change if I knew the other guy to be worse than myself, I would gladly give up the mask. Better than dying of a diabetic coma. Maybe I'll even get a better chance at a better reroll in the next life.
Plus I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I kicked a dude's face in for a gas mask.
Ok, so now it's cool to make retarded wigger memes on Twitter about WWI.
How long before they let us do that with WWII? I'm sure I can whip up a picture with Hitler posing and #toohotforWarsaw
Oh wait, lmao kikes.
OMG that picture
>World War 1 game
>Has the exact same gameplay as every modern FPS since cod 4 : No-recoil guns, 2 bullet deaths, so easy to kill anyone instantly.
How the fuck is this a world war 1 game? Remember WW2 games like cod1/cod2? It was harder to kill people in ww2 than in WW1 apparently?
Literally this
>how fucking brutal and awful WWI was compared to anything else makes me feel different about it.
WW2 was objectively worse in literally every single category, and people make fucking comedies about it.
I love how it's Sup Forums getting triggered all the time these days and not Tumblr or SRS
oh yeah ? where do you think these twitter users are more likely to hang out ?
Cry more, Hun. You pillaged your way through Belgium without any provocation.
Has this been posted yet?