So I think we can all agree that:
Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > BloodBorne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3
So I think we can all agree that:
Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > BloodBorne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3
For what actual reasons do people hate Dark Souls 2? Not talking about Scholar. Plain old regular Dark Souls 2.
Bloodborne>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Dark Souls 3>Dark Souls 2
Shit ranking, senpai
1 > 3 > 2
I don't have a ponysation
Dark souls>Bloodborne>Demon souls> Dark souls 3> Dark souls 2.
This is the only reasonable ranking.
shit list please kill yourself
Bloodborne>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Nioh>Dark Souls 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Souls 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lords of the fallen
Bloodborne = DeS>DaS1>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS2
Seriously I will never understand the contrarian opinion around DaS2 it's an awful awful game. So is DaS3
Let's be clear here
BB>DaS1>DaS3>Demon's>Shit>Eating your fat mother's pussy>DaS2
No, what we CAN literally all agree on:
Anything else > Anything else > Anything else > Anything else ≫Dark Souls 2
As long as DaS1 has 4shits, it will remain the worst game in the series.
>contrarian meme
Stop with that shit. Other than the hitbox issue and ADP, why do people on Sup Forums hate DS2 so much? I am playing it right now and am having more fun than I did with DeS and DaS. And those two are among my favorite games.
BB=DaS (both has ups and downs) > DeS > DaS3 > Shit > DaS2
It's an objective fact, eat shit
Dark Souls 1> Bloodborne> Demon's Souls> Dark Souls 3> Dark Souls 2
Shit level design
Shit aesthetics
Shit graphics
Shit mechanics
Shit atmosphere
Rat King Vanguard places Dark Souls 2 firmly at the bottom.
Yes I'm angry. Fuck you.
>why do people on Sup Forums hate DS2 so much
Everyone with standards hates it.
I only agree with dark souls 3 being at the end.
It is such a hilarious mess that it amazes me when I see people praise it. It's literally Bloodborne with a Dark Souls skin, not in a good way.
Because i read it on Sup Forums and i want to fit in because my peers dont like me so this is my way of passive aggressively lashing out
Dark souls > BB > Dark souls 3 > Dark souls 2
You don't have to go to those places user.
Dark Souls 1 = Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 2 has the best fashion and some good ideas, but the base mechanics feel lackluster
>DaS2 it's an awful awful game
A lot of the bosses are boring. The DLCs added most of the intresting bosses.
I don't know what you guys are on but playing ds1 after ds3 was boring as fuck. 3 is better in every single aspect that isn't some nu male arbitrary quality you guys invent
Pray tell what "standards" do you have?
This is my ranking as well
I thought a lot of it was that the world didn't make sense. Plus the changes to gameplay like only having cracked eye orbs and roll effectiveness being attached to a stat.
The correct order is:
Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2
This. DaS2 was like everywhere despite its problems which I quickly overlooked primarily by playing along with the stupid adp mechanic by dumping points into it. And besides that shitty aspect of the game and some repeated textures(oh WOW, who cares) the game is excellent and incredibly fun. The Japanese loved it, it has overwhelmingly positive reviews even among non casuals, yet Sup Forums considers it an abomination.
Maybe its because I purchased it a few weeks ago, and thus I didn't follow the pre release hype and hence was not disappointed by its initial release.
It feels different than the other ones in movement and combat. Its the worst offender in terms of hitboxes. It looks like shit, and feels the most unfinished. There is no consistent theme to the world, the lore or the story. I still dont get how most areas or bosses were in any way related to king Vendrick or his business. Many of the weapon movesets were changed for worse, weapons have no weight, sound effects arent as satisfying. Bosses are the weakest in the series
What "mechanics"? People who dislike DaS2 always mention this. Is it the life gems? ADP? Non respawning enemies? What exactly?
Bloodborne = Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > SOTFS > Dark Souls 2
Das1 had way better pvp also chalice dungeons where very meh and tedious and it was ridiculous trying to get the best gems other than that everything was 10/10
Bloodborne=Dark Souls > DS3=DS2
I honestly love all the games, so ranking them is hard for me, but BB and DS1 were definitely the better ones.
No PS3 so I've never played Demon's Souls
To add, I''m grouping all of these games with their DLC
He won't be able to answer you because he is just parroting things he reads on this board. It's sad honestly.