Playing as the monster/killer

There's all sorts of survival/horror games where you're playing as a regular person, or maybe not, and just trying to survive the circumstances, supernatural or otherwise, but I'm bored as shit of those.

Now I know there's Dead by Daylight that was recently talked about on Sup Forums, but I'm looking for more than that.

Aliens vs Predator games were kind of neat in this regard, if only because playing as a Predator or Alien was a great experience, even in the last one from 2010 (even if it was short as fuck).

But is there any more?

Will there be more?

Evolve :^)

Party Hard comes to mind.

>Will there be more?
Friday the 13th vidya comes out early 2017
you can play as Jason if that's your thing

Also the Rampage games are old as fuck mang, check those out

tfw play as monster games are all coop early access dead after 3 month games now.

Batman Arkham Series. Also Shadow of Mordor.

You're playing as the hero, but you're also choking on horror movie skills that makes enemies reacting with terror. Especially Shadow of Mordor.

VTMB lets as several kinds of vampires, including a real ghoulish one.

Of Orcs and Men lets you play as an orc and a goblin. Styx Master of Shadows is set in the same universe.

"Monster" might be pushing it a bit but you do play as an undead vampire in the Legacy of Kain games.

In this vein, there's also war of the monsters.

Also Postal (the first one).

Or Hatred.


Yeah, that sucks.

By the way, what's even the goal of the non-killer players in Dead by Daylight?

Objective based. Complete all objectives to activate an escape route ALA broken down bus, yacht, or door that won't open.

Think pacman for the modern age, except it's 4 pacman and 1 ghost.

Styx: Master of Shadows is pretty ballin, OP.

In what way exactly?

I only know you play as a goblin, but that's it.

spec ops: the line

The LOTR's has an RTS that plays like Warcraft 3 where you can play as the evil army. Can even use the evil wizard to possess people

RTS in general are good for this

The entire Legacy of Kain series is about playing monsters

Not really much else

Dying light. It has pvp similar to dark souls, in that you can invade other player's world's as a hunter zombie if it's night in their game

FEAR kinda sorta does that. You play a super soldier with magic reflexes that use a slo-mo effect. You kill a lot of dudes and can sneak around them with serviceable "stealth" mechanics so I like it. You can crawl around in ducts sometimes to get the drop on enemies. It really helps in some cases.

Rebellion's Alien vs Predator
Dead by Daylight

Those are the only ones i can think of

its more capeshit style than horror movie, but Prototype kind of fits

Yeah, I played plenty of AvP 2010, but wish the campaign was longer.

And isn't Evolve dead?

if pvp games count theres also giants: citizen kabuto. although technically in the story your still a good guy, your a dick in pvp

and doom has a bunch of mods about this. ghouls vs humans, hell vs marines, icon of carnage and samsara nakira off top of head