Games that SJWs ruined.
Games that SJWs ruined
stop it, the Lawrence of Arabia mission is the shittiest one anyway
Tell us OP, how did they ruin it?
Why's dat nigga wearin a cape?
Life is like a niiigeeerrrr...
Here in
Old nigs.
I hate fucking nyiggers
Suck dick.
They're all poor like Obama.
Fuck Bush and Obama!
There's plenty of actual shit to criticize dumbfuck
And yet you aren't listing any of it.
then how did sjw boogeyman ruin bf1?
>Battlefield 1
You act like this shit game wasn't ruined to begin with. The gameplay is T E R R I B L E
Mirrors edge 2. That bitch at E3 doing the "strong independent woman" shit. Anita. It all. Damn shame
But battlefield 1 is good
Young Men's Work is just a watered down FPS version of MGSV, it's fucking ridiculous
>desert setting
>binoculars that you use for spotting
>alert meters over guards' heads
>silenced weapons
>cinematic takedowns
>do A, B and C in any order you fancy but it's best if you stay stealthy since you'll get fucked in a firefight
>eliminate this single target in the middle of a camp after identifying him
>open map that you need a horse to travel through
Worst mission in the game. The next one isn't much better either.
>take out this armoured train by yourself
>shouldn't be a problem except the field guns take about 10 seconds to reload
>MGs fuck you if you get close enough to use an AT grenade
>only decent weapon is the AT gun but lol, 5shots lmao
>be critical of blatant agenda pushing in video games
>m-my w-wife's s-s-s-son said y-you n-n-need to go back to /p-p-p-p-pol/
you still haven't explained how sjws are ruininh battlefield 1
>post yet another SJW boogeyman bait thread about a game that always attracts racist discussion, without offering any insight or anything new that hasn't already been said 6094534 times before
>b-b-b-but muh SJW agenda
SJWs only partially ruined Battlefield 1, that is if you choose to play the horrible singleplayer campaign, but DICE's lack of respect to historical accuracy did way more. Now I'm not gonna say that realism > fun but BF1 in of itself is nothing more than BF4 set in 1918, just like Hardline was nothing more than a police reskin of BF4.
They could've done something genuinely interesting with the series. Introduce trench warfare, have a bigger focus on bolt-action weaponry, change tanks so they don't race at 50MPH while being able to reload at the speed of light. If you have BF4 you have no reason to buy BF1, because they are so damn alike. They could've made something entirely different and taken some risks yet they choose to play it safe and that's what makes BF1 such a forgettable game.
Syndicate is the clearest example of how sorely game cans suffer under SJW pandering control.
>be /k/fag
>be skeptical about portrayals in the game
>single player missions are as expected, hektik firefights with abundant prototype weapons
>get to the codex entries explaining shit
>They actually did their damn homework
The 369th was pretty based IRL.
I have not played the T.E. Lawrence campaign and know nothing of bedouins.
How? what did they do?
The game is good and the amount of black people don't bug me. They are plenty of games that have predominantly white charaters. It's good they have one where they predominant and are not pictured just as "thugs".
Mafia 3
Battlefield 1
Borderlands 2
Assassin's Creed
Watch Dogs
Brothers in Arms
I could go on. They have destroyed the industry.
They're not even predominant. I can't tell why that guy got the cover spot, you play the 369th for the prologue of one campaign. It's nuts.
The Runner was GOAT and deserved more missions and scenes.
I disagree, though I understand the points you're trying to make. I feel as though it wasn't forcing a point over the content, so much as it just being there.
>game introduces trans character
>literally never mentions the fact that she is clearly a trans
That's how situations like that should be handled. Not directly glorified to some degree that it becomes a selling point.
Seriously, does anyone remember a single time during this games release that they made any sort of announcement about integrating a trans character?
I'll give you this though, for a game that's supposed to be a who's who in 11th grade history books, it was a little odd to see a character like Ned pushed into the game.
>ww1 game
>no French
>no Russians
Could atleast be in a game that makes sense. Not that I care anyway, who the fuck has time to even realise the people they are shooting are black?
You forgot no Central campaign.
>Why's dat nigga wearin a cape?
He's Black Man
Quietly introduced a trans character. She (He?) plays no real significant part to the story, nor is the fact that he's (she?) transgender ever mentioned at all in the game.
If it wasn't for the stereotypical look of a female to male look with the obvious voice actor being female, you probably would have completely forgotten about them.
>people playing BF4 for the singleplayer
Well at least in the campaign them being there makes sense, since they were there and did stuff in reality. In multiplayer I see zero problems. The antitank class in Bf2 was black and nobody complained.
I did, got the game for 2 quid, bargain, though the campaign was on the short side.
>BF1 in of itself is nothing more than BF4 set in 1918
As someone who owns BF1 and BF4 you're completely full of shit
Congratulations, you got your (You)'s. What's the next step in your brilliant plan?
I agree, The Runner was the best campaign. I feel Through Mud and Blood had a lot going for it as well if only it didn't had so many out-of-the-tank segments.
Remember, no Russian.
As someone who owns every Battlefield game in the franchise I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. It's not a carbon copy but BF1 does so little to change its core meta and differentiate itself from other titles in the series that it might as well could've been a 30$ expansion.
Yeah bf1 does play differently
>Black people
pick one
>in b4 "b-but harlem hellfighters"
I'm pretty sure they heavily advertised that character before the game came out in a sort of "Hey everyone look, we're inclusive, look at this trans character we put in! Aren't we progressive?!".
While in game it was handled well enough, the advertising around it overshadowed the character.
Its kind of the same effect with Dragon Age Inquisition we knew more about each characters sexual orientation than the character themselves.
I feel it would be far more powerful to have gay and trans characters in there and just....not tell anybody. Let players find out naturally instead of using it as some sort of marketing gimmick that ultimately harms the character by putting them on a pedestal.
>BF1 does so little to change its core meta and differentiate itself from other titles in the series was a sequel?
Getting rid of all the IR/lock-on/ez mode bullshit is a pretty big change imo.
Yeah but why bother with the World War 1 setting if you're just going to make the same shit again?
Regardless of whether or not they were a significant component of any country's armies black people actually did participate in the conflict. For various reasons having to do with U.S. history there is reason to expect that a market might exist for a game which specifically focuses on the experience of black soldiers in WWI, even if that experience only represents the experience of a small percentage of the actual combatants.
I haven't played the game though, so I don't actually know if that's what it tries to do.
Ruining the game would be something like:
>play campaign as Russia on the eastern front
>90% of soldiers are black
>90% of officers are black
>Tsar Nicholas II is black
>Lenin is black
Actually I might like that just because of the hilarious amount of butthurt it would generate here.
>She (He?) plays no real significant part to the story, nor is the fact that he's (she?) transgender ever mentioned at all in the game
>If it wasn't for the stereotypical look of a female to male look with the obvious voice actor being female, you probably would have completely forgotten about them.
So this thing that had almost no detectable effect on the game... ruined the game?
Remember when game devs used to be politically incorrect? Constantly riling up the media, parents etc?
I just find it interesting how the dynamic has changed. Most likely because video games are a big industry now, and of course they need to pander and maintain PR
Like I said hereIt strips the game down to something a bit more fundamental. For example, the capabilities infantry have for taking out vehicles are massively different.
Right, back then devs were free to do whatever they wanted because the general public didn't care for them anyways. Now everyone has a say and the studios are forced to pander to the masses.
No because I'm a newfag and I never payed attention to "the gaming community" before I started using Sup Forums and seeing the constant, nonstop threads about it here.
>I'm pretty sure
so you don't know?
Thats kind of the point. Nobody cares that there was a black character in BF2, BF3, Hardline, BC, BC2 etc. People have an issue with it because it takes place in WWI, and you have the random black guy on the german side. I would have zero problems if the ENTIRE american team was black, because we can say its the Harlem Hellfighters; but the germans? Kinda hard to say it was anything other than racial pandering.
I give no fucks anymore but im just saying, thats the issue most people feel
Kind of like how Hardline did some minor tweaks, changed up the vehicles, removed some gadgets and lock on weapons, yet that game got blasted for not being innovative enough and basically being a $60 BF4 re-skin. Battlefield 1 does pretty much the same.
Who cares? If it's fine in the game you shouldn't be whining, advertising is all about trying to pander to people anyways. The person you're replying to honestly sounds like SJW cancer to me, they're complaining about 'putting the character on a pedestal' but ultimately they're asking for special treatment for trans/other minority characters. Ordinarily a game character that can serve as a selling point will be used as one if the makers see this as a good way to attract customers. If you really want to avoid "putting the character on a pedestal" you'll do the same no matter who the character is.
A game that gets ruined for being "look how progressive we are" is one where the character, in-game, constantly makes a big deal about their transness and has little to no identity outside of that. A game where the "special" characters are really just normal people like everyone else and get used as advertising if they're appealing without regard to whether or not that's "objectification" or whatever, just like everyone else, is a game that isn't getting ruined by it.
No, my reason to hate this game is the fact that Ubisoft have totally abandoned all the things that made AC franchise so cultic and unique, such as realism, historical accuracy, atmosphere, suspense, brutality, while profusely pushing progressive bullshit, which has nothing in common with real history.
I did and it was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had. I will never play that game in SP ever again.
Actually if you been paying attention lately the SWJ and the feminists are super pissed about the game not having women soldiers or gay soldiers.
either this is a promo screenshot from advertising material or I don't believe you
i care. i just joined into the discussion with that post. i'm irritated that that guy just complained about something he isn't sure even happened. and only because he needs a strawman to be able to keep onto his opinion.
whats the context behind that picture? Where was this? How prevalent? For all we know that guy played the drums as a part of the band.
I'd hardly say that warrants inclusion into a euro-centric war.
>gay soldiers.
how would you know on the battlefield?
I think I meant to reply to the post you replied to and replied to yours instead. My bad.
>SJWs are pissed about the game not having women soldiers
>in a time when women weren't allowed to be soldiers
This doesn't make any sense, if the game put in a bunch of women soldiers that would be the sort of historical revisionism I'd expect that crowd to whine about. Hell, I'd whine too if the game was actually going for historical accuracy.
Literal cuckold detected
The context is the German colonial army. They used fucking tons of black soldiers. Masses of them, to devastating effect. Guy in charge later told Hitler to go fuck himself. AFTER he was in power. Hitler did nothing, to the shock of everyone who knew.
BF1 is a game for hardcore gaymerrs
Its not, its an actual change.
Go to 5:53
Here's the source. There were black German citizens during WWI. We don't know how many served in the Imperial Army because such things weren't documented, but they did exist.
oh dear, this is why I stopped supporting Nintendo
So some black soldiers ruin a game for you?
That's actually kinda sad
Battlefield 1 has both the German and British team largely consisting of blacks, the game is riddled with automatic weapons, planes can fly at mach speed and tanks are as fast as scooters. Why stop there? Why not have the female and gay soldiers, it's not like they're paying a great deal of attention to history anyways.
Not on the western front, however, and Battlefield 1 doesn't have any maps set in Africa.
Go on youtube and you will see two feminists bitching about the game and several more videos to go along with it
Hell go on tumblr right now
And on the other side you have this place where people complain about some black people
>Guy in charge later told Hitler to go fuck himself. AFTER he was in power. Hitler did nothing, to the shock of everyone who knew.
Anyway, we all accept that colonial troops were used in WWI. The french fielded a lot of them in europe, however colonial troops were generally relegated to the conflicts in africa. Not very many were deployed to europe. If the make up of the armies changed as per the map in BF1 then no one would have an issue. As you can tell by literally 5 seconds of googling:
>The Germans, as the only colonial power amongst the Central Powers, used plenty of African soldiers of their Schutztruppen in the African theatres of war, but they had never planned to deploy these troops in Europe and would not have been able to do so during World War I for logistical reasons anyway.
Because there's no reason for you to know the soldiers are gay unless it's a porn game, you wouldn't find it out unless the Germans come over to your trench for some sexy boipussy during that Christmas ceasefire.
Americans were a mistake
And what about the females?
SeeThere were black German citizens IN Germany, some of whom fought for the Imperial Army, though we don't know how many
If you're not concerned with making the game historically accurate there's no reason to be concerned with putting females in the game.
The gay thing isn't something that's obvious just from looking at the character, and the scenarios that would lead to one realizing a character is gay don't seem all that plausible for a trench warfare game. Maybe if it's silly/comedic and there's one character who constantly boasts about fucking the other guys in the ass or something.
>Maybe if it's silly/comedic and there's one character who constantly boasts about fucking the other guys in the ass or something.
That's not plausible at all. More plausible would be a soldier talking about missing his boyfriend back home
>finally a battlefield 1 thread
>It's Jethro creating yet another Trump supporting SJW Bible thumping circle jerk thread.
Fuck Sup Forums
>finally after the shelling, gunfire, gas attacks and death finally came to an end on this very day!
>the christmas ceasefire is a blessing for us all poor souls on these hellish battlefields
>it looks like the germans are celebrating this fine holiday as well by agreeing to the ceasefire we have here
>oh it looks like the germans are wanting to celebrate it with us as well!
>we may be enemies but we are all still humans so I'm wondering what the germans are going to be bringing over to celebrate Christmas
>will it be chocolate? Exchanges of clothings and literature or would we be playing a game of kicking the ball together?
Germans finally made their way but not what the british were expecting
The ceasefire was over the next day and the british soldiers will never be the same again
>play the SP of BF1
>black guy dies in the first 5 minutes
>you play as the white guy rest of campaign
top kek
Seriously, all the sand maps are just awful. Every single one of them is just stupid. The rest are good or alright.
having black characters doesnt change the gameplay in anyway, why does it matter?
well clearly they'd have to add cinematic romance options between faceless soildiers
Did you even play the game? Tanks are slow as balls and reloading after every shot takes timme and if you fire faster than you reload and run out of 4-6 shells you have to wait to reload even one before you can fire.
>in a time when women weren't allowed to be soldiers
anyone else suddenly want to play a WW2 simulator where you just run factories of women making munitions and other supplies to ship to soldiers? Would be kind of fun desu.
Don't forget the forgotten history tragic event for poor Tommy and the five Germans during the christmas ceasefire night.
mass effect 3+
bioshock infinite
>trying to complain about off-topic threads
>mentions Trump for literally no reason
No John, you are the cancer
Historical discrepancies.
I like history, and was excited to see WWI finally covered.
Then they SHIT on it.
So yeah.
Game ruined.
They did not chose a random fictional war.
They chose a real war.
They have to respect that.
Well never forgive the Germans for what they did to that poor Tommy
Especially after what they did to him with the gas masks
>It's good they have one where they predominant and are not pictured just as "thugs".
I guess it will happen when they are more than just "thughs" in real life.
>not playing the original uncensored version
>giving money to NoA and not NoJ
You brought this on yourself.
Compare that to how slow tanks actually were in world war 1, how long it took to reload and how unreliable they were you may get the point I was trying to make.