Its Halloween fuckers. What are you cosplaying as tonight? keep it vidya related, here's me for the party

its Halloween fuckers. What are you cosplaying as tonight? keep it vidya related, here's me for the party

I don't celebrate pagan holidays.

Be careful with that. It's REALLY powerful, especially against living things.


I'm cosplaying my father, r8 my costume

i'm going as a normie

That's a bad John Marston desu, you got the wrong vest and everything

are you seriously going to stay home tonight? on fucking Halloween night? this is the biggest time for parties

hey newfag. I'm barry burton from RE

yeah but it doesn't matter because he's attractive

You need to go back

also, going as this for Halloween, since I'm petite enough to do it.

Going as this.


Partied over the weekend. Can't get wasted and stay up late on a Monday. Nothing like growing up and having to be responsible...Fuckin sucks

dont joke about that crap, in my country there is a thing called holywins, a party to replace Halloween imported from France aparently

PS. I didnt change filename

Modern Sup Forums is literally facebook normalfags tier garbage.

I wanted to do gwyndolin but the gold parts are hard as fuck to get right, the hair color too

But they are all pagan in origin, from times when monotheistic religion was fresh and people were still fond of customs from their childhood.


Pic related.

I normally don't dress up, but my gf (male) is doing Lara Croft

Got nowhere to go.

Bit of a double-edged sword, really. I'm missing out on seeing babes dressed as slutty witches and demons, but I also get to avoid seeing a million fucking Harley Quinns.


Literally me.

Which McCrees skin is this?


I could only, maybe, cosplay as Agent 47

Nice costume, OP. Going as an autist this year, eh?

3/10 Tyrone but for a nigger I guess it's a 8/10

better than staying home as a NEET cuck :)


I want to sniff Ruby's feet

>girl (male)
>lara croft
bullshit, why would a trap crossplay her of all characters

> zombies
> living

Oh Barry

post pics

These threads are full of normalfags.

Its a good time to post cunny.

not everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin loser


Here's my costume for this year. I'm not going anywhere or dressing any differently than any other day though.

I absolutely agree my fellow fedorabro.

Halloween is nothing for us sophisticated rational thinking adults!

May the power of science crush these dirty unintelligent excuses of 21st century "humans"

A drunken Irish ginger faggot just like everyday


What a shame.

serious question. shouldn't you stop celebrating halloween after high school?

This. Since it's easy as fuck, I love the show, and I'm a fat piece of shit anyways.

Not mine, but p. good



>ywn a Gwyndolin cosplayer
why live

As pikachu, like every year


My friends had a Halloween party on Saturday so I went dressed as The Great Sasuke
I guess it's vidya related since he's in a bunch of wrestling games

Wont he will hurt them?

>all this loli

>this guy


very nice

I'm going as a fat loser wearing 70s rock t-shirts. Wait. That's my normal clothes.



People still celebrate one of the worst excuses of holiday/whatever aka April Fools' Day



Oh, damn and blast you, sir.


>this level of sperging out at the idea of people having fun in a way you don't like

>April Fools' Day

Not as pointless as St. Patrick's Day.

>ywn get fucked in a gwyndolin cosplay
I wish it wasn't so hard to pull off



>he doesn't want to get obliterated while eating corned beef and cabbage

Why do people always omit the suit jacket underneath the rain coat?

This is my costume from 2 years ago, I'll be wearing it again because I'm a lazy faggot

Go away

sauce me loli poster

You monster at least is not Yotsuba

Then post some pics, you faggot.



Aren't you supposed to dress into something spooky for Halloween?

The acid grenades do the most damage against the living BOWS, like Yawn

He had the right idea it's just poorly communicated


no, its a holiday for women to dress up as slutty witches or maids

Post viyda costumes you meme fucks

dear diary, today I got my daily dose of loli from /v

yeah i found the artist, kokekko coma or some shit

>post viyda costumes
>post wargame costume

Yep. Indisputably the GOAT college holiday. Literally everybody gets black out drunk and you smell nothing but pussy and cheap perfume. My degree is relatively worthless but college was worth the investment on the 4 Halloweens alone.

People complaining about reddit2.0 weren't lying you know. Especially now that video games have been mainstream for a decade. Soon we'll be getting "look what my girlfriend knitted for me" shit tier posts.

Just report and ignore the loli poster

Dressing as Jacket is a meme now.

Well done, retards.

rip lolibro

All I have is my red mage hat

Jesus Christ, if you shaved I wouldn't be able to tell you apart.

Not bad user but you can really touch it up bit like pic related

Nothing. My friends only hang out with me sporadically and I wasn't invited anywhere this year. My cat is also missing. Bad luck this year I guess.

Going as max Caulfield

Jacket from Hotline Miami. Haven't been keeping my mask on much though since I've been at work.

Pics please. Especially if you're male

why do you wear a watch

10/10 jacket cosplay

It ain't me - it ain't me.

Ugh I'm about to hop in the shower and my hair will look like shit ps I am a guy