Nier Thread
Nier Thread
Is the Dlc worth it? how long is it?
The DLC is kinda necessary for item farming, and you also get 3 weapons (the 1H sword and the 2H sword are the most powerful of their class, dunno about the spear) and two costume sets when you finish it. The DLC is a minigame inside the game, you play as a younger version of Papa Nier (its basically the adult Nier model from Nier Replicant).
come to think of it, dlc for nier 2 should be pretty much a given, right?
any offcial mention of it so far?
How long is the dlc?
Would you need to play the first Nier before automata?
That game was pretty good. Could have merged endings A and B tho.
we don't know how the story relates yet but references are noticeable so it's very much possible they'll mention a some things
i'd either play or watch the cutscenes on youtube
I heard that Popola and Devola and also Emil are back
Is this thread where we're supposed to come to shitpost about Automata right now?
Emil is kind of ok since he's a magical super weapon and was shown surviving survived.
Popola and Devola must be loaded from backup or something after the thrashing they received.
When did you realize that you where going to be betrayed by popola?
i realized something was up as soon as i walked into that trophy room
Okay i just bought the dlc what the hell are you supposed to do and how are you supposed to beat it?
Go to Nier's house and you'll find a diary. Reading it will start the DLC.
>Emil's concept art is obscured
>It's also apparently huge compared to the others
What happened to him?
I have to Phoenix Spear at level 3 and i literally 1 shot everything can i even get more over powered?
I wonder what happend to Kaine
She'd be long dead by now.
Which are you guys favorite magic spells?
No that can't be she's perfect
Phantasm, there are more useful spells but I really like the effect.
I rarely used anything but Dark Hand and Dark Lance through the game.
After ending E she would have been able to be with Nier so at least she would have been happy.
I always kept dark blast for l1 and dark hand for r1 sometimes switching out for dark lance
>>It's also apparently huge compared to the others
Or they just zoomed on the severed head to fill the space. It's not like it has to be to up to scale.
He's the final boss.
Really? which ones? Phantasm seems like the most useful spell
No he's not fuck you
So why is the DLC not on US PSN?
You have to buy it on the Nier Title Screen
I found fist more useful most of the time, phantasm was best for when you were surrounded by small enemies.
doesn't it say the popola and devola in automata are other androids from the same line of devolas and popolas?
i doubt the ones in nier were unique.
So I'm seriously debating getting this game, since Automata is looking good, wanted to check the previous one too, but it costs 30 britbongs which I'm not sure if worth for a game that old
I'm mainly interested in the gameplay, though the story seems good from what I hear.
Is it woth getting just for the gameplay or can I just check all the cinematics and be up to date with the story in case it matters in Automata?
He has a mechanical body now, he probably looks very different besides his head.
okay that make more sense
how much it is?
The gameplay is repetitive and a bit dull. It's not horrible but it's nothing to write about. But saying that you should just watch cinematics would sell you short on some stories, side-quests and party banter. And music.
I'd say go for the Dark ID let's play if you're okay with reading. TBFP also did one, but they avoided the sidequests like fukken chumps
Source senpai?
>Is it woth getting just for the gameplay
No, while the game does some interesting things at times such as having bullet hell like sections, overall the gameplay is mediocre at best.
$7 usd
Am i the only one that loved Niers Gameplay? i play with the Spear and use a lot of magic and i love the gameplay
>Love Nier
>gameplay is pretty bad, but bearable
>Everything else is great
>Try Drakengard 1
>Story and characters seem pretty interesting
>gameplay makes me want to kill myself
This is on a whole different level.
Did just some guy obscure it or did taro?
I liked it until I decided grinding Junk Heap is a good idea.
Is it worth picking up drakeguard 1-3?
That's how it was shown in the trailer.
Wouldn't say love, but there are not many games with good spears and I always like how impactful some spells and the two-handed weapons are. Also it's great how fast Nier is.
Honestly I thought it was pretty good for an ARPG.
I really like it for the things you said to
Activating the Cheats in Nier make it bearable and removes all the awful grinding and quest item searching.
Fucking pleb i got %100 completion on my first run
I'd say yes, but be warned: drakengard games play like really pared down musou titles. If you get bored with nier's combat, you may not enjoy Drakengard's. That being said, dg 1 is pretty nuts, and while you could read thedarkid's LP of the game, you'd be missing out on the music & a lot of the impact of playing the game yourself. I'd advise playing the first chapter or two & if it doesn't click then jump ship to the LP. If you're a pussy.
DG2 is a little easier to play than dg1 (healing items, allies on the field without garbage AI), has some nice tunes, and has another weird story, but isn't canon to NieR. You can play it to get an idea of things, but this one is ok to skip if you want. Thedarkid's LP is pretty funny though.
I haven't played DG3 yet but it seems like more of the same, which is what I was expecting from the get-go.
How do they stack up in comparison to Nier?
Depends on what's the question here. Gameplay wise? They're better and have more variety but they also force you into fighting thousands of mooks. You can't just beeline to another area like in Nier. There's also no sudden genre shifts spicing things up.
Plot wise? Diffrent kind of beast. Drakengard 1 and 3 are off-the-wall insane with how things progress.
I don't think anything could beat Nier