Sales barely 1/4 the original despite being on 2 more platforms

>sales barely 1/4 the original despite being on 2 more platforms

RIP in peace Respawn

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i think zampella and the other guy bet on the wrong horse, both the xbox one and EA, and it looks like EA decided to fuck them over with the release date

it would do better if it was on steam tho

Damn shame. I have way more fun with it than battlefield 1.

>RIP in peace
>rest in peace in peace

The game is the more fun I've had since the first weeks of Overwatch. Plus it has a pretty decent story now, a shame it didn't sold that well.

Fucking newfags, I swear

i was thinking on picking it up when the price drop but not anymore

it seems like a legitimately decent game, shame it got 0 attention

I bought Battlefield 1 and I have no regrets. Haven't played the release Titanfall 2 but I did play the multiplayer beta.

>shitty CoD clone was DOA
Good riddance

this is why i hate Sup Forums

this board thrives on misery and newfags come to shitpost really shitty shitposts.

Trolled you :^)

I think what makes me mad is that it's a good game on all the marks. Technically, mechanically, and it's really fun. But they just left it to die in the shadow of Battlefield 1. Fucking why? Why would EA cannibalize their own sales like that? Does it want to try to hurt COD that bad?

Christ, I hate corporate.


>giving money to EA
Nah, I'm good.


maybe they wanted it to fail

considering they dind't invest shit in the marketing of this game and launched it around the same time as BF1 and CoD, it was obvious to anyone it'd fail, especially considering the 1st one failed and no one had interest in the franchise anymore

maybe they actually thought it could compete with CoD which would give EA dominance over the fps genre but that'd be a pretty crazy bet

They were trying to kill this year's CoD. They were hoping if they released two different shooters (one slow, one fast) they would corner the market and push CoD out. Instead it backfired and they killed their own game. Sales are so bad, they're going to offset how well BF1 did. Someone at EA is probably gonna get fired.

They should have supported their first game, assholes. They deserve it.

>people keep comparing it to cod

>"stop calling it mech guys"

This game would be massive on Steam, but because it's squirreled away on Origin, it's not getting as much exposure as it could.

I fucking hate EA for that stupid Origins contraption.

Just give in to Steam already.

Serves them right for female """"""soldiers""""""

>first OP was pretending to be retarded
>follow suit

Where can I see the sales for the game.

What's so bad about origin; I have more problems with steam

Granted I use it more

>This game would be massive on Steam
let's not exaggerate. sure it'd get more exposure but it bombed even on consoles, so we cant say steam would be for sure a game changer

>releasing it inbetween Battlefield 1 and Cawadootie
>also the Skyrim """remaster"""

They put a fucking genius in charge of marketing.

whos to say this audience may not grow over time?

The fact that its sandwiched between 2 major franchises is fucking retarded and a hindrance, but there's no way this game has a completely flatlined community down the road.

Word of mouth, sales, reviews etc. attracts people.

It's annoying we will never get an Explanation. Should of released a month after cod

it happened with Siege so i guess anything is possible

titanfall might get lucky if IW turns out terrible

>tfw EA intentionally launched it at a bad time because they wanted to kill the studio

The attention span is pretty low on PC with all the stuff that comes out, I don't know of many games where the player number increased with time.

If you don't start out strong, your game might never recover.

OP was memeing. How new are you, tourist?

remember when sonyggers said Titanfall 1 failed in sales because it wasn't on PSnogames4?

>maybe they wanted it to fail

I mean, maybe. My problem with that theory is that EA worked pretty hard to get Ex-Infinity Ward to come to them and has been trying to treat them better than Activision did. If they were setting them up for failure, and it got out? Well, there goes some top talent you worked so hard for

>titanfall might get lucky if IW turns out terrible

it probably will be, i haven't played a COD game since Black Ops 1, but my brother does and it's just been getting more and more noticeably shit and total sales have been decreasing with subsequent releases.

The fact they regret not making it WW2 kinda shows how behind they are, it'll do COD numbers but probably a low amount.

Treyarch still makes decent ones. Black Ops 3 was pretty enjoyable, for a COD game. IW and Hammer have no fucking idea what to do.

I'd say at best Treyarch throws in new ideas, some work, some fail, which then get totally scrapped whenever IW and Hammer make the next one.

The whole "future war" thing really doesn't jive with me personally, it seems like a case of mistaken identity and the whole subgenre is played out.

At least Titanfall has some style to it.

Did EA pay for the game development? If yes how would that kill the studio?

>EA wants to lose money to kill a studio

Oh, yea. Treyarch's games scream of someone who is trying to get out of their COD box with what they experiment with. Zombies felt like "WE WANT TO MAKE A ZOMBIES GAME BUT WE'RE STUCK MAKING COD. FUCK IT, JUST ADD IT TO THE GAME"

Respawn was created as a studio under EA from people who were let go from Infinity Ward after the debacle with the lawsuit/activision. It was never a studio they acquired. So it's always been EA's money. I haven't seen an article yet that talks about TF2's financials - we'll probably have to wait another week or so.

hurr durr conspiracy theories

It might be fun, but I refuse to support devs that give controllers on PC autoaim in multiplayer.

They can fuck right off with that shit.

There is still room for a new contemporary shooter. No one else is doing it anymore (CoD is in space now and battlefield went back in time) and this team pretty much made one of the classics in that setting.

>how would that kill the studio?
why would EA keep a studio that doesn't bring in profit?

No, I don't, because it didn't fail in sales. It spent 5 weeks at number 1 despite only being on PC and Xbox.

They didn't do it to kill the studio, I think they wanted to kill the series tho. Just seems like they wanna pool all their resources into Battlefield and Battlefront and they want respawn to work on Battlefront.

>not-CoD but with mechs
why would someone think this would be successful?

This. mechs are niche as fuck.

Still why? What would the possibly lose if Titanfall succeeds? It makes no sense.

>they want respawn to work on Battlefront
Judging from what?

Should've stayed as MS exclusive, they would've at least made a better job at advertising the game and choosing a better release date. Putting it between BF1 and CoD was a guaranteed doa.

I don't think EA even really cares. This was just something experimental they did with one of their fledgling studios to try and put a dent in CoD sales. Is Respawn even an in-house studio? Pretty sure this is one of those "buy in" studios, in that they'd have to pay EA to use frostbite.


>what the first game should of been like
>then wonder why people lost interest
Dumbasses will learn

>monkey see, monkey do

Seems like a lot of people are buying the new one just because it comes with a Modern Warfare remake

>should of been
>Dumbasses will learn

like pottery

>This game would be massive on Steam

There's apparently only room for one fps on PC and it's called Overwatch. Is there even a BF1 userbase on PC?

They knew very well that if they bundled it with the new COD, it'll drive sales through the roof.

Even my jaded former COD playing ass would buy it but I'm not desperate enough to be lumped in with a modern COD game.

But yeah, the bundle alone shows their faith in the product at this point, pretty low.

>everyone complains CoD feels like the same game every year
>this year it's LITERALLY the same game
>sales will still be double any other game this year

Video games are dead. Bury it.

>45k people online right now on Xbox

I bought it on the platform that matters. PS4 users don't buy or play video games and PCucks love for everything to be a Moba or Tortanic so I abandoned that ship.

Fun fact, the entire Reddit community for X1 only makes up less than 1% of active Xbox players. Xbox players literally just play video games, they don't even bother with discussing them because of all the shit that entails.

Makes you wonder how much Sup Forums even matters, I swear the hivemind makes it feel like there might be a few hundred actual active people here.

Either way I'm going to go play some Last Titan Standing.

Just finished the campaign last night. Haven't actually enjoyed a campaign in a shooter since Vanquish or Halo, but I really liked this one even though it's only like 5-6 hours long. The time jump level and the level where the house is being built around you are some of the best experiences I've had in a video game in a while. Shame about sales but maybe word of mouth will carry it.

B-b-but mouse aiming is so much better!!!

>Haha wow you guys are so pathetic, Im just SO above you all
>Im gonna leave now before you guys have any chance to address me because Im really insecure and this is the only way I can get off

Get a load of this guy.

"Vocal Minority" is a common theme with games on the internet. Reddit as a platform for this has both good and bad things.

Blizzard made a note about this long, long ago of player population and what percentage contribute what percentage of the forum posts. But it's not to discredit the people who are outspoken - just take it in moderation

This. Mechs are literally sales cancer, since normies subconsciously associate them with the Mechwarrior franchise, where mechs are slow and ponderous as fuck.

Where's the cheapest I can buy this shit for the PC?

I just bought it on Xbox. Arriving tomorrow. Don't say I never did anything for ya.

No shit it failed.
The first game was a shilled out the ass cash-grab.

He wasn't pretending to do shit you fucknut. RIP in peace is one of the oldest memes on this site you newfaggot.

They did this to themselves. Ppl were burned by first 1. This is exactly what they deserve

i can barely play bf1 not because bf1 crashes but because origin crashes constantly, which then causes bf1 to take a shit. also there was an ea server outtage all weekend just as tf2 was released and prevented all access to ea servers which includes origin and all kinds of console games. it's a single point of failure for their entire system. i've never had a single problem that i can recall on steam in the last 10 years besides some brief outtages. i'm sure they did have some major fuckups that i can't remember but they are few and far between.

>PC retail box doesn't even contain a DVD, just a Origin code
PC games are dead.

The game is too big for a DVD. And very few PC's have a blu ray drive.

The multiplayer is an unbalanced mess right now but it's still more fun than battlesnore 1.

>The game is too big for a DVD.
Then use a Bluray.
>And very few PC's have a blu ray drive.
So what? These toaster can still download.

Ill be buying it for pc soon, but yeah, its a shame its sandwiched between 2 other fps games.

I dont think bf1s tiny map variety will hold my interest for too much longer.

>battlesnore 1
damn! sick nickname, mind if i use it?

What's EA's reason for the release date? Even the should know that anything that isn't BF or COD will fail right now.

>make a shit game
>worse in every way from original one
>release a public beta so people can see how shit your game is for free
>wonder why sales are bad

fucking morons.

Gears seems to be doing fine.

If you can afford a blu ray player in your PC you can afford a good connection

>It's impossible to spread software over several discs.

>it would do better if it was on steam

LMAO. Every time some PCuck says this, they don't actually care about the game, they would just wait for the sale after two years, but it, play a day or two, then go beck to their MOBA or CSGO

People are saying it's intentional because Respawn stood up to EA and said no DLC, no microtransactions.

>If you can afford a blu ray player in your PC
This is a €60 one time fee.
>you can afford a good connection
This is a €60 every month (if available at all) with a 300 GB data cap.
I'm not going to spend every month to help publishers to save a few cents on a disc. I don't need bandwidth for anything else. A 5 GB mobile package is just fine for shitposting on Sup Forums

yeah 8 disks is very efficient for a single game

CS GO is doing pretty well. Triple A games do well on Steam.

This. The problem with PC games is the PC community is incredibly spread out and then at the same time, incredibly crowded but only in shit games.

CS being the only decent one, what is left is:

this is all people play. If they are not playing these games consistently, they play old games or emulators and when a triple AAA title comes out, they buy it when its 20-30 dollars and sink 20 hours in and then drop it.

poorfag detected

You should probably be frugal and buy food over entertainment.

>Sequel to an exclusive
>sales are down despite more platforms.
Its expected. Who buys a sequel to a game theyve never played?
Also, xbone had a few games when titanfall came out. Now it has an okay catalogue... And a higher trade in late.

True. But it's not like there was really a story in the first one. It was strictly a multiplayer game with characters thrown in to give emphasis to the map.

Fuck this even has history within EA itself. Mass Effect pulled the exact same shit.

>RIP in peace
Don't worry, they'll respawn!

Yeah EA's going to shut down the studio and cancel the series forever because thats what EA does.

I really want to get Tits 2 but as someone that played on the Xbone and then on the PC everything that I've seen just makes it look worse, more generic than the first one.

Overall it just looks way way slower and much more rooty tooty. The grappling does look fucking great though.

Hopefully infinity ward does the same after infinite flops

This. Both were bretty cool.
Felt the COD4 influence with the intro training course.
I wish the beginning was longer, where you're a weak as fuck grunt, maybe have Titans fighting around you and you just trying not to be collateral damage.

This was bullshit. I ordered the physical copy, waste of fucking time and plastic. God damn retarded. Got trolled 10/10.
Fuck apparently this is standard for EA.