>Implying this isn't the most comfy game of the year
>Implying you wouldn't a lillim
Implying this isn't the most comfy game of the year
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Implying you wouldn't a lillim
How much does she charge?
More than you make.
might not be the #1 comfiest, but its quite high on the list
>Lowers her price if you take her to dinner
>Has lowered the fee of one of her most expensive services to one whopping soda can because she liked the client
I'm pretty sure as a regular she wouldn't charge that much
>getting sloppy Santa seconds instead of prime pussy's pussy
apply yourself
you even get Sei as a packaged bonus
>Cat Boomer
Low tier waifu
>implying Jill wouldn't anyone if she had the chance
It's a wonder she doesn't jump Alma right where she sleeps in the bad ending.
>PTSD ridden Seisexual cat-boomer.
Good luck with that
I'll fight you m8
go jack off to more Streaming-chan premium streams
thanks user, but this cat is in the bag ez
Jill doesn't want to get smothered to death in her sleep by Alma's thicc
Did I miss bath time?
not yet, she's still demanding 100 more subs until she bathes
she's getting kinda grimy now desu
One of the comfiest games I've ever played
Probably Comfy GOTY (VNOTY for all you autistic kids)
>implying Jill wouldn't destroy Alice given half a chance
Does this looks like the face of someone on her guard?
>lesbian waifubait indie game
You'd think her pulling the "looks like we'll have to share the bed~" shtick would constitute a "chance".
Reminder that the White Knights did nothing wrong.
Stale lesbo cake
I want to rape best boss violently
Hey, getting evicted because you bought a radio controlled dildo can mess up even the best of us.
Take this trash out to you fucking autistic cucks
Why isn't there just an alt/v/ for shit like VNs, consoles-tans, other stuff that is kinda video games but also kinda not video games
This thread was just up
He pretty much posted the same picture, the same words more or less too
You guys are fuckin sad
Oh yeah, more Sup Forums boards.
But user, Vallhalla is a game about balancing out your budget and mixing drinks as a bartender
Please do some research before you post :)
>you'll never take your qt boss home, get shitfaced on cheap beer, and shittalk meat rods
why exist
don't get the hype for that le anime game inspired memempunk vn
is it because agdg shills?
Now, that's a lot of buzzwords. Dumb phoneposter.
>don't get the hype for that le anime game inspired memempunk vn
>is it because agdg shills?
I will never understand how some "people" aren't ashamed of posting such a stinking shitpost.
Do you have an addiction to brainfarts or something?
Post routes and endings
lol, good one
I am Kira *MIKI*!
I'd rather eat Jill's taco
>Devs are hue hue Sup Forumsirgins
>Don't make any porn for their waifu game
I want to __________ Dorothy
>no discount during this sale
I mean, 15 EUR is not that much, but a bit too much for a visual novel.
Double penetrate
At least the dev will have some decent food this month maybe
hold hand with
>pics look good
>want to try the game
>look at a no commentary walkthrough
>first customer at the bar is an old guy and his conversation lasts an hour
fuck i just wanted to be a cute girl and serve drinks to other cute girls
You are a cute girl though. And you will have several cute girls as customers.
The best customer (and waifu) in the game is Costanza tho
comfy is not an excuse for a game being boring
I think the guy I saw was called Donovan instead.
Is this a game where I can chill out and play at my own pace? I don't want to be in a situation where I have to mix drinks under a time limit and failing results in the customer getting mad.
Steam Sale this Year?
No, I mean literally Constanta is a customer.
Also the gameplay doesn't get more complicated than literally the first drink you mix. The client tells you what they want, you make it, they drink it. A big flaw in my eyes, they do nothing with the mixing system.
No time limit.
If you buy Jill what she wants, she'll stay sharp and remind you what drink you're supposed to make.
But any item you buy on the side might make you miss the rent and get kicked out.
You can also disregard what Jill wants and manage the money how you feel, but then you'll have to prepare drinks by memory alone.
Regardless, you never have a time/try limit and you never lose access to the cocktail recipe book.
>being this dependant on Sup Forums's opinion, of all things, to play vidya
I think you get more money the faster you make drinks. But if you do it's such a small amount it's not worth worrying about
To be fair there are times where you can/should serve another drink than the one asked for, and the whole alcohol dosage that is up to your discretion and affect how drunk they get.
>o be fair there are times where you can/should serve another drink than the one asked for,
The only time that comes to mind is with the gay biker and he tells you what he wants before changing his mind so you don't have to deduce shit.
>to your discretion and affect how drunk they get.
Which practically changes nothing at all, just a few lines of dialog.
Letting the player choose how much alcohol goes into drinks was a huge missed opportunity. There are only a few times where it matters, and only if you go max alcohol on every drink. And it still only gets you a few lines of unique dialogue
You should have been able to do shit like get Sei drunk so she sleeps through the terrorist attack. It would have been a cool way to have an actual impact on the story
Also Sei and I think I'm forgetting another instance
Regarding alcohol... the entire fucking game is dialogue lines, any change is a big change in that department
But they are throwaway backstory lines like the mall santa gangbang, they don't change anything in the story nor do they give more insight into the characters. They are just drunken jokes.
So what does getting people drunk actually do? I went through the whole game without realizing that I could actually do that. Should I replay and get everyone shitfaced?
You can just google it, you get a couple of different lines (like 6 or so instances in total) if you get the right people drunk in the right day.
I'm not saying it's Clannad, just that there's a little more to it than "literally the first drink you mix", between drink size, alcohol quantity, patrons being vague and the possibility to go against an order.