Well shit
Just a heads up to anyone that was following this
Well shit
Just a heads up to anyone that was following this
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I somehow doubt they are telling the truth.
game is called routine for those that don't know
so long as they don't fuck it up like frictional did with soma i'll be happy.
is there even a place for routine anymore? I remember everyone was hyped back then, but after Alien Isolation, I haven't heard anyone talk about it anymore, and nowadays, it seems most people are against walking simulators, especially after all the promising failures like among the sleep, amnesia machine for pigs, and soma.
I'm looking forward to it. I don't care much about horror games, but this one always appealed to me for some reason.
>Reading the 'blog' trying to figure out where they say the release window
>It's in the trailer
I wonder if they had to scrapped their last project, it's been a while since they showed anything about the game. Like user here said There's a couple games out there that used similar ideas that were new by the time they showed the first teaser.
I'm still hyped, tho.
Hmm I don't know, watching that trailer makes me think, boy I think I've played this before. And then the little death animation that plays too long made me think of FNAF and Let's Players and I think man, I don't know.
What's the gameplay here? If it's just walk around a station and sometimes shoot (sometimes) then I don't care.
I told you guys it was still in development.
What I'm most worried about with Routine is that back when it was announced, a survival horror game with perma death set in space was a novel idea, but now, the setting, the perma death game machinc and the type of horror game it is has been so overdone, especially in the indie market, it really makes me wonder what surprises Routine has to make it stand out. They wouldn't simply release just another survival horror game with perma death, right?
Is that the game by Dean Hall?
This game looked awesome 3~ years ago, but I think it took too long in development, it'll probably flop. Like other user said, everyone has played alien isolation and all the previously new walking sim garbage and either hated it or is over that shit by now. Gameplay and graphics that looked cool in 2013 are definitely going to look dated in 2017 which will deter a lot of people.
Yup. Indies can never win the graphics race. They tend to have better art though. Routine however looks exactly like Isolation.
I literally forgot this even existed until a few days ago, not sure what jogged my memory of it.
Has the lack of updates possibly killed any chance of it doing well?
I was pretty fucking obsessed with Alien: Isolation and this looks kinda similar, at least visually. Mite b cool.
D'you play Interstellar Marines? Less survival horror but similar-ish aesthetics. Still in development though
I know the lead artist at routine and some designers and people over at CA.
Talked to them about it and CA was super worried about routine since a small 3 man team was BTFO'ing them all.
But since Ayy got like 50000 people making it it got obivously finished first.
Routine is going to be a bit different and hopefully super polished, since every time I've asked my routine friend he said that the lead is polishing and crossing t's and dotting i's
TL;DR propably gonna be good
It's basicly Amnesia in space with 80s retro looks & technology. You get a gun but its effectiveness is doubtful. It's not surprising that it reminds you of let's players, considering this is main turf of many popular ones.
No, but i'll check it out. Thanks user.
Then color me uninterested. I played Penumbra a billion years ago and the edge of spooky vidya is completely lost. Good gameplay or bust.
Except instead of an annoying alien, you have to deal with robots.
I'm looking forward to Routine more than I did with Alien Isolation.