Fucking DESTINY has more viewers than Battlefield 1

>fucking DESTINY has more viewers than Battlefield 1

What the fuck happened?

I can't believe I fell for the Battlefield meme. I'm getting a refund for this dead game.

>I can only enjoy games when a lot of people are watching someone else play the same game I am playing.

all people claim destiny is trash
everybody play it
explain this?

All people claim WoW is trash
Everybody still plays it
MMO's attract cucks.

Can't play a dead multiplayer game kiddo

>People watching a game are playing it
Dota 2 has hundreds of thousands of players playing but only 42k viewers. Twitch is not accurate to judging a concurrent playerbase at all.

>trying to justify paying $130 for literally battlefront 2.0

LMAO, you kids are truly pathetic

>buying EA products

why are you so upset?

I didn't buy it. The Battlefield series is hit or miss.

Sup Forums is going all out with the anti bf1 shilling. So who's paying you?

>you're upset because you didn't buy into a DOA game


But it's okay, keep projecting, maybe you can even convince yourself that you didn't buy it to hide the pain.

How about you post the actual player count instead

>he defends dead casual games for free

You're the hero EA deserves

The price kept me away from it. I wasn't a fan of the tank bullshit in the beta and having the price for the game be so retardedly high (season pass) meant I wasn't buying. Maybe one day when it drops to like $30 total. The graphics are nice.

OMG the graphixx dude GAME OF THE YEAR ALL YEARS

Battlefield games have never had big livestream following, it's not a competitive game so it's not interesting to watch.
But there's a huge youtube following for battlefield tho.

It's mostly gamer girls as well
Smh TBQH fampai

They wanted the yearly CoD audience and they got it

Does anyone else get infuriated when they see someone calling themselves a gamer, or a girl a gamer girl?

No. i don't have autism.

Fuck you.
Destiny is a good game!!!

When did Twitch viewership become such an important metric? Not all games work as stream features and Battlefield 1 is definitely not one of them.

Why is it that pc gaymurs are big into watching other people play games? Is it perhaps that pc gaymurs don't play games?

why do people even watch Destiny? did it update recently or something?

Literally vidya cucks.
