Work at an AAA developer

> Work at an AAA developer
> Have known about the Nintendo Switch since 2014
> Been working with the Switch since mid-2015

Ask me anything.

> No, I don't know if (insert long-awaited Nintendo game here) is coming.

what´s your game fag, show pic.

you already made this thread
it was already proven that you're full of shit
sage and check my 8 while you're at it

Does the Switch have gyros or no?

How is it to work with? How much downgrading would be required for PS4/Xbone ports?

>inb4 "how come you didn't tell us about it in 2014?"
>inb4 "NDA dumbass"
>inb4 "Then why are you still here?"

*1 UP*

Is it true that Iwata is still alive, and is secretly in Barbados plotting the downfall of his would be assassins?

Is your game any good?

How well does it compare with other systems in respect of power and ease of developing.

I have a feeling its that guy who says he works for sega and manages to get a long thread out of this, but now hes doing it for the switch.
He's lying and this guy does the same schtick every year phams

Yes, it's full-on gimmick central. They didn't show it in the reveal trailer because they think it's big news worth of a dedicated movie. It has shit like gyros, bio-sensors, fingerprints reader, you name it, if it's a useless gimmick, the NX got it
Pretty much the same downgrading you'd expect between a PS4 and a PS3 game, only worse
It's really easy to develop too, the people at Nintendo are trying to make a comeback with 3rd parties, but it's so pathetic hardware-wise that outside of a few bought exclusives, it will just be shovelware

Tell me the specs of the devkit and any changes before launch.

>he can't even 8

Allow me, dipstick

how hard is Nintendo trying when it comes to online multiplayer?

My company's working on two projects. One is a port of an upcoming multiplat game, and the other is a timed exclusive.

The Switch itself has a gyroscope/accelerometer. The Joy-Cons have accelerometers, and the right Joy-Con has IR capabilities.

We like it.

It's not ideal, but the difference from the Wii U is like night and day. Power-wise, it's comparable to an Xbox One. Multiplat games can easily be ported to the Switch, albeit with some tweaking; examples being shortening draw distances or having slightly less objects on screen at once. You won't see anything like lower-res textures or weaker geometry.

Why is it that only Nintendo attracts these autists pretending to be insiders and the retards asking them shit? Is this really that fun?

try making a coma thread, a lot more entertaining

>Power-wise, it's comparable to an Xbox One

Did you just copy pasted a thread from 1-2 weeks ago?

>gets one away from an 8

how about my 8?

Gotta feel special at least once in your miserable life.

There have been actual developers who leaked shit here, but that was before most of Sup Forums was born.

It's probably the only good thing it will come out of the Switch

Trump has the best tastes

Yeah uh, why does your system suck?

announcing sage or get posts aren't allowed

see above

Bullshit, I think if you search you're heart, you'll find that kawrou best girl.

OP here.

I will say this, the Switch is sadly region locked...

is it 720p at 60 fps or 30 fps in portable mode?

Fucking homosexual

OP here
I'm full of shit

OP Here
I have a hamster in my anus

finally someone who can get an 8

fuck you

I wanted to forget about that manga

Girls are pandered too just as much, you just never noticed.

real OP here I suck cocks

Does it still use friend codes for online?

Does it have touch screen and a stylus?

Does it have an Ethernet port, or will we have to buy an adapter again?

OP here
Hey switch turn it over and hit it
Turn around now switch

What's the product code of the Nintendo Switch? The Super NES was SNS, the Nintendo 64 was NUS, GameCube was DOL, the Wii was REV and the Wii U was WUP.

OP here
It's NXP. Screencap this.

A portable as powerful as a current gen home console is bad somehow?

no matter what happens, someone will always say nintendo is doomed
it's been like that literally since the NES

Gnorc-poster can't even get an 8, allow me.

OP here
You literally couldn't have been further from an 8 lol

OP here.
Nintendo is literally doomed, they told me that themselves.

show a pic/screen of something we will only see when the trailer is up /game released and isn´t retraceable to you.

so we screencap this and know it.

Where is the proof, bitch?

Any backwards compatibility or interoperability with 3DS/Wii U?