What exactly is wrong with Overwatch? It's simple, colorful, lighthearted and fun. Just like a video game should be...

What exactly is wrong with Overwatch? It's simple, colorful, lighthearted and fun. Just like a video game should be. What's the problem?

Now if blizzard and the playerbase wouldnt pretend its competitive everything would be ok.

People take it too seriously despite the games attempt to be a fun casual experience.
There is literally zero depth and yet people get angry in ranked because they loose.

There is nothing wrong with playing a casual game for recreational purposes.

its boring.

The community

I wonder if they knew how much porn this game would generate, when people aren't playing the game they're jerking off to it, literally, it's the perfect scheme.

the maps are shit.
no depth, so no reason to play for long.

It's just not fun. More thought and effort went into the art direction and marketing than into the game design.

This is something that no one else really cares about, but I find it kind of creepy whenever a creative product sets up the real world as this big, scary place (which it is) and tries to advertise a product as this source of comfort

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It's just a fucking video game and its advertising has this creepy manipulative vibe to it, especially when you can just turn on the news and see so much insane shit going on everywhere. Obviously this happens everywhere, not just with Overwatch.

I guess it raises the larger issue of what sort of function creative products serve in our culture, and whether it's a good or bad thing for them to be a source of comfort when we're so anxious and tense about what's going on in the world.

its boring


It would be way better without ults.

It's popular so people will talk about it a lot, which naturally means its flaws will be discussed more too. Also there are people who dislike it just because it's popular as well.

Like all videogames: it's problem is its autistic fanbase

It's slow, mechanically uninvolved compared to its predecessors, every map funnels into a choke point designed so that people feel like their involvement in the match is more than it really is.

It's another typical Blizzard release. Production valves are among the best in the industry but they've homogenized the minute to minute gameplay so much and dramatically lowered the mechanical skill that I got bored after 2 hours.

Now that you mention it, that is really creepy

That's why they are changing how fast they charge up, they want the teamfights to be more centered on skill than trying to clutch every point with Graviton Surge/Earth Shatter + Offensive Ult.

That's pretty creepy when you put it that way.

it gets stale quick
theres only a few maps and a good chunk of them suck ass.
since blizzard takes time to make every map look different (as in being in entire diffrent cities/countries) it takes forever to get any new maps
at least with tf2 they have a bunch of maps, cranked out quickly because they all have similar environments and don't need unique individual textures, and a ton of community maps.
plus Overwatch not having any real community interaction like tf2 does really cuts down on variety and just starts to feel old quick.

One of my favorite things to do is get high as fuck then shoot the shit with randos on voice chat while being a healer bro.

Developers are still putting hitscan sniper characters in their games.

Also the community is the biggest congregation of retarded I've ever seen.

Player base in an online game.

It's simple, colorful, lighthearted and fun.

Wow, I never really thought about how creepy that was until now.

If it was fun I wouldn't have played it for 2 days then quit. I would have played it for longer. But that is why I stopped playing it. It wasn't fun.

Blizzard's take on casual garbage and they managed to get SJWs, moba audience, tumblr retards and Sup Forums in a package.


The exact same thing that was wrong with undertale. It has a shitty fan base that shills it everywhere and gets annoying as fuck. I remember during the open beta some people where actually calling out the battle born dev for shitting on the game here.

I stopped playing when I realized the majority of matches I played weren't fun. Losing sucked and would always feel like our team was steamrolled and winning would often feel empty. I also don't like having to play specific characters just because the game pretty much requires a tank and healer.

Widowmaker is wearing panties, thats what is wrong.

This This This This This

It's almost to the point where I can't play with my friends anymore because all they do i s whine about *insert hero here* nearly any hero they just complain about and not really even play.

I don't like simple games.

She also has tattoos.

Well I mean it's not like you, personally, can fix every problem in the world alone, even the ones that personally affect you if they're global problems
Now, if you had help from other people, you could perhaps alleviate them, but you can't fix them and at the end of the day and your lifetime there's a very real chance that they'll still be there, perhaps even worse.
So which is better, feeling anxious every waking moment or blowing off some steam with a hobby or a video game? Creative entertainment in our culture serves the exact same purpose individual hobbies like knitting, woodworking, or writing music do. It's a distraction to blow off steam.
I don't see any problem with marketing teams actually fessing up to that and owning it. They're not lying.

Blizzard wanted to create another e-sports game. All I wanted was a fun FPS game.Fuck Overwatch.

To clarify, some may say "is it really okay to distract ourselves from" yes, yes it is
You can't be worrying about the problems of the world 24/7, you'll burn yourself the fuck out and become a useless anxious wreck. Even the people who try to fix those problems take a moment every now and then to go "fuck it, I'm gonna have a drink and listen to some music and relax."
If you're worrying about that shit all day every day you won't be able to function in society, and that doesn't help anything or anybody. That's the function that entertainment serves in our society, it gives us something to relax and enjoy. Without that we'd just worry ourselves into a grave.

>Light Hearted.
>Takes itself more seriously then TF2

Fuck off.

Video games aside, is there no point at which this level of distraction becomes a bit negative for society? I'm not arguing against you. Just trying to get a clarification.

Can anyone buy me Overwatch? I'm pretty good at it but I dont have money to buy the PC version.
I can play with you whenever you want!

Its falsely advertised by Blizzard and given too much credit by fanboys.
Plus it lacks content and variety. 8 medicore maps and 2 uninspired gamemodes doesn't make a good or lasting game. Blizzard needs to stop worrying about new heroes rn, make all the heroes useful (symetra, trob) and add 2-3 new game modes that players can choose between, and 12-15 more maps that are not koth where i need to play 2 maps that I don't like in order o play the one I want to play, with the chance I might not even get to play the one I want.

game got corrupted with assfagots "meta" mentality.

Unfortunately, playing competitive for too long in solo queue has ruined my taste for the game. Even when playing for fun with friends. None of them take it seriously, and I'm glad because I can just play for fun, but because I played competitive so much it completely made me realise how boring the game is at the moment.

Blizzard are simply not providing enough ACTUAL content. It's all cosmetic shit and little web comics. There's even a rumour about some Netflix movie or series... Just fix the fucking game already.

well it's not bad by any means, it just feels way too over glorified
Team fortress 2 did Almost exactly this way and did it better before around 2007-8
Not only that it didn't have as nearly as enough content as it should have for 60 fucking dollars, which is not worth it especially reconsidering that battle borne, the inferior competitor that started off at 30 bucks right off the bat, had way more shit than it. More characters, more shit happening each game, a real loot system and not just recolors, and even a campaign
In short it just felt over hyped and is over glorified, if the raging blizzard fanboys just shut their filthy shit eating mouths and had the jews over at blizzard dropped the price immediately, no one would've been complaining

more like it'd be better if it was offense only heroes

Nah brah, you are projecting too much and take stuff too seriously. It's all just a game brah. Everybody is living their stories in order for all of us experience full spectrum of emotions. You know, like sad stories make you feel all the warm inside and stuff.

Sure, your worldview may be valid but my allows me to appreciate stuff and not simply be "distracted".

there's no depth and press Q to win isn't a great gameplay mechanic.

What's the difference between a harmful distraction and a positive one then? Just asking to get a better idea of what you mean.

Overwatch looks like Battleborn with less content and loot crates.

>100 hours and only have masteries for 4 of 29 characters, probably another 100-200 hours of playtime
>4 post-release characters
>co-op campaign with five extra season pass levels coming out
>6 base maps plus 3 post release ones
>3 completely different gamemodes plus a new post release one

At least PS4 and X1 still have players.

I haven't tried Battleborn yet. Though I've heard that and Paladins is much better.

PC is dead so wait to see if the free 'trial mode' comes out or see if F2P happens. Unfortunately it's also poorly optimized on PC.

I'm hoping they manage to redeem it with f2p. It gets a lot more shit than it deserves. Eventually I'm going to try to 100% it.
