>tfw you get complimented for being a good healer
>friend requests and love all around
I can't get enough of this... I'm going to main support characters from now on!
Tfw you get complimented for being a good healer
Other urls found in this thread:
user lets fuck
>tfw ywn be a cute healer
W-what? Please, stick to the topic...
>tfw you get complimented for being a great tank
>but inside you know all you really did was W+M1
i rather stick with you
>tfw you support your teammates and they protect you
>Make buff, bald, manly black guy for healer. (Well, as close to black as could be. Korean games man.)
>Talk shit at dumb moves. Compliment good ones.
>Take the initiative on explaining mechanics in dungeons.
>Remind people not paying attention that it is a staple in movies to succeed with the help of an old wise negro.
>This one guy I kept bumping repeatedly because we were grinding at the same rate through leveling started calling me Negro-Sensei.
Worked out. Made the dull slightly more entertaining.
>someone says nice shot after you kill them
>Great DPS and carry entire party
>Meter shows I nearly double what the other garbage dps did
>Link meter in chat after final boss
>Nobody says a word
>Everyone takes their loot and leaves
Not even mad that supports or tanks didn't say anything. Just wondering why other DPS players are such dogshit.
You sound like a bro.
Stop it, user! Or at least post your id so we can discuss on Steam rather than shitting up this thread...
>Choose job with less glory
>Recieve thanks for your sacrifice
Just how it should be.
>tfw no bf
During the golden age of MMORPGs, I used a bot (that the developers were okay with people using) to leave my mage signed in at a low level area and buff people or open portals for tips
Didnt make much in tips but felt good to help
Who fucking cares about this thread, i rather let them see it.
>tfw have to play as a healer as well so you faggots won't follow me around pretending to be my healslut
>all that anime shit
>with less glory
I hate this, I love being a healer and think it's important. I get its a support class but it's got to be the most important support class
Now you know how girls feel.
Add me for videogames, amongst other things.
Don't hit on me pretty boys~
>Be low self-confidence healer
>Thank people for taking me on runs
>Keep everyone alive
>People start treating me like a girl and calling me she
>Am crossdresser so it feels comfy and perfect
>Confess to guild officer
>He shows me his dick
Things are going well. I'd like to make more friends in the guild, but they're usually always busy with video games.
Wow, both Noun and Cebruz?
We're reaching levels of cancer never thought possible!
>it's a fat grown men pretend to be girls episode
>mfw I've never played an MMO long enough to know my best role
>tfw the dps keeps getting aggro and everyone yells at you when you can't keep them healed
I always kill healers in PVP. It's fun.
>tfw playing MMO for like 2 years in gookland
>move out to native land
>eventually same MMO releases there
>play it and hit the top 10 in PvP due to being already good, carry people in PvE and help people in the forums
>my name becomes famous in the server and people gift me free stuff and want to be on my guild
The good old days, then uni happened but still was cool
>its a skinny men pretend to be fat men episode
Being a healslut is good and all, I mean if you're ugly.
Much more fun to just post trappy pics of yourself and have guys tell you you're a hot piece of VIDEO GAMES
I mean ass.
welcome to chin four user
*slides my 8 incher between your buttcheeks, toying your asshole before slowly guiding it in*
these mentally ill shitbags need to be executed in the public square
>implying you even want to heal
>implying you don't want to suck all the guys off while they play
le fucking kill yourselves
You wish, buddy. I'm a twink with a skinny waist and wide hips.
What a terrible thread
Im not a erpfag
What are these other things?
>first time on eso
>make obese redguard dragonknight
>go to docks
>take off all clothes
>hop on a tall pylon
>/dance (redguard dance is literally stripper-tier)
>shout obscenities at new player arriving in the zone
>I yearn for their hot young bodies
>people are visibly disgusted and flee
>same obese redguard
>20 players waiting for boss respawn as per quest and loot
>early on in release so respawns are retardedly long
>most sitting down
>band of three players using the different music emotes playing off to the side
>someone starts being a faggot and is RPing to see who can do more sit-ups
>two faggots RPing without shirts on doing a sit-ups competition
>let's introduce a big sweaty black man into the mix
>go to the worse of the two
>position myself in front of him
>do /pushups
>critical hit
>my pushups animation lines up perfectly
>head bobbing up and down right on his crotch
>faggot immediately stops the sit-ups competition
>they move 30 feet away
>resume sit-ups competition
>wait for them to get comfortable
>pounce on that hot Breton body
>/pushups and /situps in perfect synergy
>they leave
>make my way over to the band performing by the cliff-face
>start clapping and yelling like a retard
ESO was pretty tight back then
Depends on the game but yeah.
Some games supporting can be harder than doing anything else too.
For me I take major glory from the win, not dps or kills or anything of the sort. Really anyone who cares about kills when a team effort is required to get them is a dummy anyway.
Still in certain games huge ammounts of glory is given to the guy who gets the kill and none to the support. Just look at mobas and some fps's for example. you get double kill and tripple kill shouted at everyone when you get a few kills. your name pops up and you are rewarded hard.
Give 110% to Save your whole team from a death and you get squat.
This is why you thank supports.
>Much more fun to just post trappy pics of yourself
i hate to admit but this desu
I thought you love to play tank.
>skinny waist and wide hips.
for being male?
pathetic desu senpai
>no tank MMO
And tiny arms, fucking crossdressing T-Tex fruit
Well I do want to heal, but I can't play all day everyday. I've been enjoying it a lot in Legion. Especially with good tanks I can heal and support DPS so I make the instance go even better.
I also want to do the second thing, don't get me wrong, but you can't really do that when they're all hundreds of miles away. I'm not that retarded.
ITT: things that dont happen because people dont actually socialize in videogames anymore
GuP is shit.
For a female too. Apparently I look like I'm on hormones even though I'm not.
>tfw will never get a gf because of this
the healslut meme has gone too far.
I do want to play healer on my druid at some point however. Seeing all those big green numbers is very satisfying!
Fuck you, they took time modeling their tanks
>he doesn't know about Sensha-dou online.
Anime was a mistake.
>gay bottom in real life
>fucking hate healing
>prefer tanking
This is NOT how physics wor
If that's actually WoT garbage I will kill myself
Probably because you're normal gay and not a trapfag.
>10 notches
Fucking slut.
I can show you something big and green right now.
That's some Totally Spies-tier shit going on right there.
>not playing MMO to just fuck around in the brand new virtual world, meeting people
>barely levelling up, horrible build
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck
well, fuck you then
it may be a little harder to find but there are definitely girls out there who are into girly boys. also unless you have a hormone imbalance you will definitely man up in some years depending on how old you are.
seems like you like taking it
>not gay at all
>play supports because I like managing statuses
I always thought you guys were joking with this healslut shit but a friend of mine heal slutted so long hes started hormones to be a 350 lb tranny.
I thought w+m1 was wait money for the longest time
give the pain while keeping your party strong, the way it was intended.
I'm 22 already, I guess it still could happen but I'm mostly done with puberty.
The true solution would be to try and get /fit/ but I'm too lazy for that and I have my video games anyway.
just get a bf to pork your butthole
oh and post pics of yourself thanks
>reverse image searched that pic
you'll still man up. testosterone is pretty strong and works for the rest of your life. you should maybe check a doctor for test levels?
>>tfw you get complimented for being a good healer
>>friend requests and love all around
When the fuck has this ever happened? You must be lying, since everyone either ignores me or calls me (and the rest of the team) a shitter when I go healer.
I wonder where the mods are. I like this thread.
Report and ban me.
>shit healer
>get comms anyway
I guess it's good enough to keep people alive sometimes.
Maybe you should heal better or join a nice guild. In my guild the DPS blame themselves if they die, it has never been my fault according to them.
>you should maybe check a doctor for test levels?
Maybe. I kind of like having power over guys too and I'd rather be a cute girly guy than so-so average dude. In the end I'll probably end up doing what suggested or try to find a girl that's into twinks
>always play healer
>always do my best
>rarely acknowledged
Never played Titanfall, but the closest thing to a huge mech related fps was Hawken and i loved it, so whats the big deal about the game?
>playing RPG with friends
>I think it was Tales of Symphonia or something where the healer class is a girl
>no one wants to play healer, "muh saword skillz" and shit
>assume the mantle because I'm gud at mana conservation and healer's got some cool holy bomb spells
>for the next hour I'm towing the motherfucking line, no one goes down once due to my peerless leadership
Vidya doesn't need healsluts, it needs leaders.
there are plenty of girls who like twinks, especially younger women. Dudes like cloud are pretty popular.
also post pics ty
>Play healer
>buff my comarades with songs all day long
>wreck the shit out my enemy faces cus im a tank at the same time
>everyone respect me and take for granted my heterosexuality
feels good to be a Hunting Horn user in MH
Rip user.
>mfw I met my healer from my guild, found out he was a femboy twink, and fucked his mouth and ass multiple times
Man I miss WoW
I main SnS, you guys are the fucking best
They're popular because they're strong with nice facial aesthetics. I have the facial aesthetics but I don't look like I could lift a 30 pound bag of potatoes
If you want pics post a throwaway email or something
>people being nice to the healer
I don't play mmos, but I'm a 'healer' irl (everyone just feels like telling me all their problems), but they're ungrateful for it. Enjoy your good times.
well you can always change that muscle twink mode isnt too hard to achieve
[email protected]
I'm getting real sick of this meme
This user gets it. Bards > healsluts
>Try dirty bomb because told its good
>Pick the healer chick because healing+shotguns
>Some black dude says ''Nice healing girl'' in mike
>Say I'm not a girl
>''You are now''
why are gamers so weird
>its another faggots lusting for dicks episode
Halloween truly is a scary holiday
I can't recall ever receiving love for being a healer.
It's not fair
>tfw enjoy playing with big claymores and similar shit on vydia
>tfw mained LS
>tfw banned from online forever