Titanfall 2 bombs

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Yet another 'next gen' bomb.

When will it end?

>people actually thought mechs could be relevant

>release Battlefield a week before
>surprised when sales are bad

I didn't even know it released, what the fuck.

It's not on steam, oh wait that's right, it's a fucking Origin game. No fucking wonder, I use steam to keep track of new releases.

EA killed it then. Shame, I thought it looked somewhat interesting and might have bought it on sale.

that is what happens when you decided to release titanfall 2 a week after your other game battlefield 1.

>release it in the same week when fucking COD is coming out

TF2 was sent to die by EA

The major point people have complained about from the beta was mech uptime being drastically reduced.

Wait, is it already out? I thought it was just announced. top kek

Whoever decided the release date will likely lose their job over this. It's a great game, what the fuck were they thinking, trying to kill COD by releasing this so close to battlefield?

>Game tries to compete with CoD

When will they learn? CoD is literally invincible, just like FIFA.

First game sold well because of Microsoft. They should have made a deal with them again for this. In fact, Respawn should have just gone to MS to publish the second.

They shit all over those who bought the first one, and they released it contending not only against their own big name shooter, but the rivals too.

These people are fucking retarded and deserve bankruptcy.

Respawn will be the first dev I'm completely they die to EA's hand.

not only CoD but BF1 as well, BF1 just dropped last week

I could have told them month before launch.
There was no hype and most people didn't even know about it.

Maybe I should become some market prognostication jew.

>not even 25%
>despite selling on the PS4, a platform surely more likely to buy the game than the Xbox 360

Wow, what the fuck.

>consoletards still abbreviate Titanfall as TF

>spends 3 years developing the best FPS MP in years
>gets rekt by some EA marketing shitfest scheme
I hope respawn sues them

That does it.
The pleb needs to be dealt with.

>UK physical sales only

Shoot yourself.

Ok I bought it Sup Forums I got it for 30 bucks and I'm feeling the buyers remorse. It's basically cod and I'm fucking sick of cod. Back to Overwatch it is

It was destined to fail
There is an over saturation of shooting games, halo, cod, battlefeild, overwawtch, uncharted, f2p games

The amount of player that dont want to play cod but want to play cod with mechs is very small

>releasing around the same time as BF1, gears 4, COD and skyrim 1.5
>people's only memory of the first one is how the MP died within a few months

Good. I really liked the open beta and didn't wanna pay $60 for it. Love for it to be $30 by blackfriday.

Titans aren't mechs though
t. Titanfall devs

Shame this game was great it deserved better

>Blaming the release date
No people wouldnt have given a fuck no matter what time of year

Who cares? Nobody will talk of this game in 2 weeks.

It never stood a chance.
There is only one fate for an EA game.

How are they still in business?

>he plays overwatch, doesn't like tf2

No surprises here

respawn is probably dead too, fucking insane, rip titfall

Good riddance, all in all.

they are working on a star wars game with EA..

>How are they still in business?
Sports games and Battlefield

>Release right after Battlefield 1
>Release in the same week as the new Call of Duty

Who the fuck decided on this date? Should have been an early 2017 release

Who thought this was a good idea? The first alienated a huge portion of its potential sales before release by calling itself a mech game, then it was a massive flop on its own power.

So why release a second with little to no marketing?

maybe they thought the game was the COD killer the world had been waiting for


is anyone even surprised? wasn't titanfall a pretty big flop that died very quickly?

not to mention it's so close to battlefield and cod that are the two dominant console shooters, and of all things being released when a CoD4 remaster has most people's attention

They definitely didn't shill it anywhere close to hard enough for that to happen

>Having taste this shit.


Kinda silly EA didn't advertise it much. Microsoft did a lot of advertising for the first, obviously they had no reason to this time.

Hey retards just show me one, just one gameplay video that is remotely interesting and doesn't involve shooting guns with no recoil lol. Holy shit getting hyped for this piece of shit nos kill shooter.

>Overwatch over Titanfall

Is this what shit taste looks like?

>feels like cod
Other way around, cod literally stole the entire movement system from titanfall

You mean they are working on a Star Wars flop with EA.

And zero improvements, they should've decided if its a fucking mech game or CoD again.

Instead, they just "streamlined" the shit out of 1 and thought adding a campaign will solve everything.

I really liked Titanfall shooting, I think its leages above what Actishits devs are churning out, tried Advanced Warfare, it cames out years later and doesnt have half as good 3d movement and shooting as titanfall 1 did - but the titans themselves were not mechs, they played nothing like a vehicle should, it was just a slightly slower version of cod, where streets turn into corridors and sometimes you get to squish a pilot while playing cod with the other titans.

If they slowed them down, made them much harder to take down than
>pop on back and lemme shoot this weakspot to shit with my gun

It could've actually fill a niche.
but honestly, these people gave up halfway in titanfall, at some point all new maps barely gave a shit about the 3d movement anymore...

>EA claim another
Sucks too, Titanfall 2 is the first FPS in years that I enjoyed and looked forward too.

Surely it was at least 2 weeks ago.

It does feel like cod, it is the same fucking devs.

>people buy the first game
>realize it's shit
>don't buy the second game
>surprise surprise
Well, at least we know some people out there are learning.

Except CoD has zero momentum while tf has tons of momentum alongside maps that are TAILORMADE for that new movement. Fuck CoD. All they had to do was accouny for increased verticality but the devs are literally (not figurativdly) incompetent. All three of them, sledghammer treyarch and nu-infinity ward.

>Going back to Overwatch

Good, shitters belong in the shitter.

No it isn't. The developers left the cod scene back in 2013. They made titanfall, cod saw how cool it was, they stole the movement system. It doesn't feel like cod at all, underage.

>it's a West and Zampella game

>being killed by the thing you created
>Halloween season

The irony.

>>people buy the first game
>>realize it's shit

But TF1 was pretty good mechanically speaking, it just lacked content

ok pajeet

So does CoD 4.


How the fuck does an Indian shill meme fit into this

It'd be nice if it had some kind of demo for pc so I could try it and see if it's something I would stick with. Oh well

What sucks is that it's a really fun game, but so many people are just going to rally around all the stories about its sales and not play it. This industry sucks.

>Rehash your generic shitty shooter and dont put it on steam
Im glad EA sucked it

That must be why it died so quickly and a sequel sold even worse.

Indians are confirmed to shill for M$ here.

The first game sold 10mil copies on a fledgling console. Flop my ass.

Why are so many people calling it a CoD clone when CoD added these futuristic movement mechanics after the first Titanfall came out? That's like calling Team Fortress 2 an Overwatch clone.

TF2 is the hat simulation
Don't steal our acronyms

Quit fucking baiting people OP, that article only talks about UK sales

>Titanfall sold middlingly and died in a month
>Titanfall 2 sold like garbage and died at the start
wew lad

Because it's literally just CoD with mechs you drooling retard

it's a shame because the game is genuinely pretty great.

Yeah, I remember the good old days of MW2, where you could double jump, bunny hop and wallrun.

Your game is even more dead than TF2.

>devs make the original cod games, the ones the rest of the series copies
>make respawn and titanfall
>b-b-buh it doesn't feel like cod

Yes it does, its nice being called underage by some kid who doesn't actually know what his talking about. How the fuck the makers of CoD making an exact same kind of game, not gonna end up feeling like CoD?

Hang yourself you silly little drone, or go play a match - but i guess you have plenty of time with 40min matchmaking times.

>"You know when should we release our newest Titanfall 2?"
>"The same fucing day Battlefield 1! We can mazimize our profits that way! No way it will bomb!"
>"Great idea, let's do it!"
EA wants to kill Respawn. This is just stupid, this isn't even a bad developing decission, this is an awful business decission, EA can't even do business right anymore.

>devs name is Respawn

These people should stick to pottery as their forte.

in the context of this thread TF2 is titanfall 2 you fucking asspained sperglords, Overwatch got you niggers so shook you're scared of losing your TF2 name brand

Wow i can press X twice instead of once now! The game is so different XD


Is this some weird form of false flag shitposting?

It really is curious, there had to be some reason, they get the devs of one of the most successful game series in existence, and they repeatedly make sure they fail.

>EA wants to kill Respawn
Just because they've tried and succeeding in killing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE DEV THEY'VE EVER BOUGHT barring BioWare and DICE doesn't mean they want to kill Respawn :^)

hahahahaha lol

This is what happens when you release the same game.

The only thing cod like in titanfall is the shooting. Guns have little recoil or spread. Matches on the other hand play out completely differently from any cod and the fact that you are confusing the two shows me you are talking out of your ass and likely have very little playtime on the game. You have no credibility any more as far as I'm concerned.

>release TF2 in between the two biggest shooters of the year, one of which is the most popular and best seller year in year out
>wonder why it doesn't sell well

I refuse to believe EA were being retarded on purpose

>Origin only
>released between two huge releases
>released between two hyped up releases with absolutely no marketing for itself
Didn't even know they were making a sequel.

Please explain how a game with
>different movement mechanics
>longer ttk
>different artsyle
>viable hipfire
>faster movement speed
constitutes a clone?

It wasn't EA, Respawn decided that.

I heard it's really good, so hopefully it drops to half price soon.

It really is a damn shame it's even better than the first and it has a decent campaign. I'm sure this evil bastard had something to do with it.

No, it was EA. It pretty much says so everywhere.

>tfw EA will now say how BF1 killed Titanfall

great plan EA

is it petty that I'm enjoying this flop almost entirely because of their attitude towards this?

I still don't understand why they let him go out on stage cosplaying as the Devil.

>Ok I bought it Sup Forums I got it for 30 bucks
Bullshit, I can't find that price anywhere.
Lowest I've seen is 45.

I would've bought it if it didn't come out less than a goddamn week after BF1

(You) and all of the other faggots are the same shills that bash on cod. Tf2 is fucking cod you morons but you babbies give it a pass "but muh based zampella and west" "muh ronin titan". Overwatch is the superior shooter simple as that cry about it at least I'm having fun with Overwatch.


EA thought that if they released TF2 and BF1 before CoD they would beat CoD sales.

Can't wait for CoD to be the best selling game of the year again that sells more than TF2 and BF1 combined, just so I can laugh at EA even harder.

Same here. I saw the release date for TF2 and decided to wait for a price drop. I don't have time to play TF1 and BF1 at the same time. It was terrible timing on EA's part and makes me wonder if they just want an excuse to disown Respawn.

I bought it on PC and I am enjoying it but there are not an abundance of players, late at night it can take a while to find a match already

apart from that I am having a ton of fun with it, fastest shooter I played since The Specialists