Hello, I'm the most shamefully broken character in the entire game. The new PTR update did nothing to stop my rampant destruction of this game's balance. Don't have a stun skill? Don't have pinpoint accurate twitch aiming? Then you literally are unable to kill me, and I'll deal my 240 no skill DPS right in your face and kill you instantly. Oh, and if you manage to deal damage to me I'll press my panic button to disappear and regain all my health.
Hello, I'm the most shamefully broken character in the entire game...
>playing overwatch as anything but the ultra casual fps that it is and crying about balance
Jokes on you, I main Torb.
Tracer is only used in koth at a comp level, on attack/defense there's too little capacity for effectivw flanking without a full dive comp
Plenty of classes can fuck tracer up. Hanzo, 76, mccree, pharah, mei, junkrat, torbjorn, roadhog, winston, shit even symmetra
>competitive overwatch
Overwatch is like video game RWBY. Nobody actually cares about it outside of waifusim
>a character's only counter is aim
>when she has the ability to fucking teleport
Yep, broken as fuck.
Oh hey I also forgot to mention, remember to stay right on top of my ult so it can do any damage at all, don't move even slightly away from it as it will be rendered completely useless. Also don't shoot in my general direction more than once as I will die instantly, also if you're playing Junkfaggot, don't put any traps down as I will most certainly die within the next few seconds, also, please don't play Rein and hit me with the hammer, as I will die instantly. Thanks.
I play McCree
Tracer is ez for me
I honestly started reporting all Tracer and Zarya players. Using an OP character is exploiting and thus a reportable offense.
>Playing Casualwatch
>Excepting balance
>can't spell expecting
What makes me think I should take your opinion seriously?
Fuck off OP you faggot
You're now invulnerable to damage, congrats.
>people who still can't deal with Zarya
Top kek, I love killing dva, genji and pharahs while keeping my team alive at 90% charge
>neo-Sup Forums hates anything that's popular
Board is dead. Full of Reddit contrarians.
Can't wait for that massive 20% nerf to her charge to go live :^) the salty tears of Zarya shitters will be glorious.
>tfw main McCree
>tfw headshot a Tracer right out of her blink
Tracerfags on suicide watch
There is no best feeling that shooting to some random place and killing a tracer that was running all over the place with a headshot.
>literally "I got killed by this character, so they're overpowered and broken": the game: the fanbase
I hate you faggots
Name one thing that requires skill in overwatch
I'm not even going to spoiler it, you just can't.
>no movement tech
>no weapons take skill
>game centered around ultimates with zero execution
Does anyone think this is funny? Looks like shit
>can be one-shotted by mcree/mei
Which is partly why it's funny.
>if a game doesn't require autistic amounts of skill to play its shit!
I want tryhard powergamers to hang themselves and stop ruining gaming.
That's not Mei though you whiny cunt.
Jerking to tracer is pretty fun, I've recently upped the cbt to spice things up though
Take a look at the pros play Overwatch. 99% of players can't do what they do. So it requires skill. Just because it doesn't have Quake-tier "muh speed" autism doesn't mean it doesn't take skill. Stay mad, Reddit.
I never said the game was shit user. I said it's not competitive.
Most of her damage is chip damage that harasses enemies. Her job is to annoy you until you do something stupid and get singled out by her.
>game centered around ultimates with zero execution
Ironically enough they are increasing ult charge times for the entire cast because of how ult centric the game is right now.
>no weapons take skill
Aiming with characters like McCree takes no skill? or Pharah's rockets which do piss poor splash damage and require direct hits to kill anyone.
Name one mechanic "pro" OW players are doing.
Twitch aiming. Proper timing of abilities. Hero synergy. Ult synergy. Watch any pro OW match and tell me what they're doing doesn't require skill. You'd be objectively wrong. Otherwise any idiot could play pro OW
>Aiming with characters like McCree takes no skill?
No, it doesn't.
>or Pharah's rockets which do piss poor splash damage and require direct hits to kill anyone
No, it doesn't.
If these things impress you then your first game must have been CoD4 or some shit. Motor skills alone don't make for interesting skill.
Now you're talking about teams. You can apply teamwork to literally anything and the best team will win. That doesn't mean the individual skill is interesting in any way. Mastering a character in overwatch and the room to express yourself as a player is non-existent. There's absolutely no tech for you to improve on.
>If these things impress you then your first game must have been CoD4 or some shit
My first FPS was quake, not arguing it has the skill cap of arena shooters like Q3 or UT2004 because it does not but since when does aiming take no skill?
Tracer is op as shit
she has no counter
t. mei main
>She has no counter
McCree says hi.
Then explain why a pro Overwatch player is far and away better than your average Overwatch player. Go ahead.
>b-but aiming doesn't count as skill
Fuckin lol
>but since when does aiming take no skill?
Aiming matters in every single FPS ever, this isn't specific to overwatch. Overwatch just doesn't have any depth or tech outside of aiming. Being able to aim well is about 25% of what makes for an impressive play in an FPS.
>mei main
the worst kind of shitter
>No more blinks
You better hope no one coughs in your direction for three seconds.
Aiming doesn't count as skill. You realise that's not specific to overwatch, right retard? Come on, use your brain.
Suggest another character that can kill reliably, has a good ult with little counters, can heal, and can escape danger?
You're pretty fucking bad at Mei if Tracer is giving you shit.
>Aiming doesn't count as skill
Holy fucking KEK. We're done here, you completely discredited yourself.
>thinly veiled "i concede" post
>blinks reset freeze
>only other chance to kill her is to get a headshot
>on a character that randomly teleports at any moment
Roadhog and Zarya and Mcree? Fine I can get headshots on them.
Tracer is random chance.
I agree, it's pretty dopey, but has it's charm.
>he thinks aiming isn't a skill in a fucking FPS
No, you're just too stupid to have a real argument with. You completely lost all merit and I don't accept your opinions as valid ones. Sorry.
We're talking about skills that make Overwatch competitive. Aiming isn't one of them because every FPS on the fucking planet requires aiming as skill.
There's nothing particularly interesting about aiming in OW, so why even discuss it?
Holy shit go back to blizzard forums you fucking autistic cunt.
Yeah it's kinda like dota and lol. never understand why people play them
>how does Overwatch take skill
It's an FPS, so aiming, for one
>lol no aiming doesn't count because I say so
Get the fuck back to rebbit you cockblowing mongoloid
Go on then, explain to me why aiming in Overwatch is different to the rest of the genre and is worth discussing.
Then slit your throat for not being able to give an answer.
>Suggest another character that can kill reliably
has a good ult with little counters, can heal, and can escape danger?
>how does Overwatch take skill
Aiming, hero synergy, movement abilities, ult synergy...
>oh wait, your answer has to be SPECIFIC to Overwatch and also teamwork and aiming doesn't count lol I win
Sorry, your argument failed the instant you moved the goalposts so far they're in another star system.
>aiming isn't a skill
>no movement tech
u fuckin high
>i've never seed iddqd play
if the player is good enough, tracer is nearly unstoppable
>only heals if you get kills
>no range
>have to be 2 feet away and never miss a shot to kill anything
>no tricks like mei
lmfao you tried so hard and only got this far
I said on an individual level, Overwatch doesn't require any skill.
Not a skill specific to overwatch, aim matters in every game
>Hero synergy
Picking the right heroes isn't a skill, it's something the meta decides over time.
>Movement abilities
Like what? Wall running? Pushing the "jet pack" button? There's ZERO execution involved in Overwatches movement.
>ult synergy...
That would matter if ultimates requires some execution or skill. Instead it's retardedly easy to use your ultimates. It's not a skill in the slighest.
So we've learned you can't say why aiming counts. I'm glad you concede. Argument annihilated.
proof of humanities Impending Doom.
Roadhog is the best and most fun character, prove me wrong
>Overwatch takes no skill on an individual level
Twitch aiming.
>w-well aiming doesn't count because it's not specific to Overwatch
Your original question never specified "specific to Overwatch". You asked how Overwatch requires skill. Aiming is a skill. Your argument lost the instant you moved the goalposts. Sorry, that's how a logical fallacy works.
The FPS genre was ruined by people like this.
Dude. You're a fucking retard, for real.
Wowwu. Pharah has a rocketjump button.
AND she can conc jump on top of that.
Pharah sucks ass right now, so you don't see her in competitive play, but top players use ALL of those possibilities in concert.
Kill yourself, faggot. For real.
Jesus christ, is school out for the day already?
What kind of a fucking child finds this shit funny?
Anyone who thinks the Quake games were legitimately good FPS games have actual full-blown autism. "Muh ebin speed" isn't an argument for a good game.
Your original question never specified "specific to Overwatch". You asked how Overwatch requires skill
You're actually retarded.
20 damage for no height. Not worth it, nor does anyone ever use it.
>AND she can conc jump on top of that.
And you think this requires any sort of skill? It's literally shooting at a wall, you don't even need to jump.
>you're actually retarded
Ah, the ad hominem with no counterpoint. Good to see the argument come crashing to an ugly halt. Thanks for your time.
If you think Quake is just about speed, you're absolutely 100% retarded.
You conceded when you failed to explain how aiming matters. I completely deconstructed your other points already with no retarded.
You got wrecked kid. I'm literally the FPS king.
If Overwatch requires no individual skill a all, every player in the world would be exactly as good at the game as the next person. So why are some people terrible and others are pros? Guess it's just fucking magic lol. I'm sorry for your crippling autism, user.
>how aiming matters
>how the single most important aspect of any FPS matters in an FPS
>n-no it doesn't count because I say so
Nah, you got wrecked lol. Also
>the FPS King
Pic related
You are so fucking unbelievably retarded. It is seriously spectacular.
You're looking at the most basic application of a skill and pretending that's the height of anything involved. It's like someone saying "rocket jumping takes no skill, you just shoot your feet and jump"
And you show how little you fucking understand ANYTHING
The claim that people don't rocket jump with pharah is hilariously ignorant. It is very situational, but it's a movement ability without a cooldown. It is absolutely used.
And lol you don't have to jump to conc jump. YOU DON'T CONC JUMP FROM THE GROUND, FAGGOT
None of the Quake games are remotely good. Only autists who like the speed meme play Quake.
>Mr. Icanthitshit is here
fucking bad players man, if you can't even hit tracer, one of the slowest moving "fast" characters in a shooter then you are borderline useless or have just started to play shooters this year.
OP can't shoot where she is coming from instead of where she is going.
obvious troll is obvious
Speed in an FPS is a meme and a detriment to gameplay.
you were already called out, troll, why are you still trying? Now you're filtered and I will never ever be able to see any of your posts ever again.
>I'm literally the FPS king
Autistic people should be rounded up and executed en masse honestly.
>Aiming doesn't count as a skill
>Game is a FPS
Legitimately the most retarded thing I've seen all day.
>no argument
>I filter opinions I don't like
How did I wander into Reddit?
tank baby
>I'm literally the FPS king
>can rocket jump
Actually she can take 20 damage and feel less knockback then firing a .22
>conc jump
>I push e and am pushed vertically
Thats not a tech skill, like rocket jumping, which would be gaining the height of her jetpack or distance of her conc, with the ability to chain these and combind them so long as you have rockets in your launcher and hp to spare.
>responding to people who filtered you
>pretending you filtered someone
Samefag check. Ignoring this is a confirmation.
>samefag checking when all 3 posts have the same ID
are you really that much of a newfag or is this some sort of new way of trolling people by being painfully obvious?
>IDs on Sup Forums
Damn I got tricked by a trickster!
You can and DO chain all of those together you smegma farming basement gremlin
>not having the greasemonkey script that assigns everyone an id on a per-thread basis that has existed since 2005, before fucking habbo hotel
stop the presses folks we have a huge newfag here
conc jumping isn't for vertical mobility you ignorant shit