Pass users in charge of having good taste

>pass users in charge of having good taste
Holy shit why do you faggots have to vote for the absolute worst banners?

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All the banners are fucking garbage

eh, most of them are pretty terrible, but i like at least two of them

At least those are the most neutral ones. Unlike that console war garbage.

I forget which one I voted for, but yeah most of them are fucking garbage redditor bullshit where you can tell the person that made it is a newfag

There isn't a single tortanic banner? What the fuck

The top 2 are pretty accurate for Sup Forums though. The 3rd would be more suited to /vr/, the rest should go in the trash.

Only pass users can vote, but anyone can submit; and all the submissions are shit.

Isn't the order random?

>no weeb banners
Redditors are the ones buying the passes