ITT: Things that don't or can't exist
>FPS with good boss battles
ITT: Things that don't or can't exist
>FPS with good boss battles
Other urls found in this thread:
>a souls game with good boss fights
>Abyss Watchers
Nice try dickhead
this boss was great
replace with Ludwig or Orphan
>anime mary-sue
>a boss short-ass hp that even helps you fight itself, and with no originality as it copies two other past games
L to the MAO
People need to stop throwing around Mary-sue without knowing what it means
fuck its third person i forgot
You're asking too much from Sup Forumstards.
>destiny vault of glass
It wasn't technically a boss fight, but I liked the 'King Boris' section of Zombi.
The Titanfall 2 bosses are alright, if quite easy.
>the first hunter's only apprentice who js also powerful katana wielding ninja, but she is also kind and compassionate and loved by her patients but she is also relative to the queen and she also has the dark power of fire blood of death of doom!!!11
This is actually true
VoG was the best raid
don't forget that she was better than gerhman who basically invented hunting.
Half life 3
A United Kingdom without Freedom of Movement, but with Single Market Access
>a nintendo console played by anything but manchildren or grrrl gamers
All 3 Metroid Prime games have pretty good bosses though
The NES, SNES, and N64 were played by literal children, so they count.
Cyberdemon in Doom
>FPS with good boss battles
You can shit on literally every other aspect of this game, but Destiny has good Raid bosses.
Metroid Prime also has some neat bosses, albeit not nearly as complex.
So you're wrong on that one.
Serious Sam you niggers, jesus christ.
>Another good Metal Gear Solid game
A thread that doesn't devolve into shitposting in less than replies
The worm thing in Crysis 2 was pretty cool imo.
>FPS RPG without bullet sponges
>Console exclusives
Bloodborne with flaws
>Dishonored is from the first person and has shooting, ergo FPS
>Every single enemy can be killed in a few swings or a single bullet or just stab them in the back, even the bosses that can take a shot in the head die within seconds
>Is an RPG by the current popular definition
A critically acclaimed game in 2016 with racial slurs AND LGBT hate present
Tartarus was alright.
I'll take it even though it's reaching, but I forgot Payday 2 exists where the only real bullet sponges are dozers and SWAT vans.
Genre's fucked.
>Your waifu not being a huge slut
This image upsets me for some reason.
Of all the souls bosses you pick those two?
What about
>old monk
>ornstein and smough
>sir alonne
>orphan of kos
>champion gundyr
>pontiff sulyvahn
>nameless king
>twin princes
a ps3 game
>FPS with good boss battles made after 2007
Fixed that for you
> games that have boss battles
Choose one
>A fight against an assassin organization's considerably stronger than average leader
>Corvo is Alpha-Max^3 when it comes to being manly
A literal boss fight