Why is grimdark and edgy deemed as a bad thing?
Why is grimdark and edgy deemed as a bad thing?
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Only retards trying to fit in on Sup Forums thing it's a bad thing.
Never played Final Fantasy but why are the protagonists a bunch of effeminate emo faggots?
>we want the "teleports behind you" audience
because manchildren
Pic related is the same character as in the OP and he's actually the most masculine FF protagonist to date.
Because the teens shitting on it are trying hard as fuck to look mature.
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis
Japanese culture
Squall was later voiced by David Boreanaz, so he retroactively becomes the most manly main character in the series.
thats actually Cecil
because it was the overarching theme of a lot of last generation. Given that a lot of Sup Forums stays away from mainstream games maybe you dont know, but dark realistic and edgy has had its time very recently and now its fading for a while
No he isn't. Squall is and always will be a faggot. Noctis is the most masculine FF protagonist and he also actually sounds like a man too.
Cecil literally looks like a woman.
FFXV looked like a better game when it was the more edgy Versus XIII
You must be a total fucking faggot if you don't want David Boreanaz to fuck you in the ass while playing Final Fantasy VIII. That's basically what you're saying.
FFXV is a better game now than it ever was, and darker than Versus ever was. youtu.be
he's like Griffith, pretty, but has some real cajones
also has a wife and kid, that's more than these preteens who still have trouble "confessing"
man what the fuck is wrong with liking both
what the fuck is wrong with any of you
why do any of you do this
Isn't that guy a literal cuckold?
>Inspired by XV
>we want the barney audience
I think he's more famous on the chan for being a loli fag.
Doesn't really matter because that quote is spot on.
Show me where on that image it says you can't like both
No Cecil just looks like a woman. And he only has a wife and kid in the sequel made more than a decade later.
Noctis ages into his 30s during XV itself when he becomes king and the start of the game literally starts with him going to marry his girlfriend.
I'd also say that in videogames it's not done right a lot of the time
the fact that Naruto is on there helps
when dark and edgy stuff is in videogames, it's usually in the same style as Naruto
Guess you can't read the description, it's Regis's omen of the future showing events in the game that they are trying to stop.
They said inspired because yes it is like those KH openings in that it takes various parts of of games setting and places and makes a short CG trailer with them.
Why'd you choose a katana when your opponent has a rapier? It's like that guy wants to be stabbed
>most masculine FF protagonist to date
that's not geralt
>""""girlfriend""""" he hadnt seen in years
>everyone knows its just political bullshit
>implying Yeah, sorry wasn't the pinnacle of writing
I actually liked coolest guy
>it's Regis's omen of the future
so it shows events that aren't actually going to take place in the game
Except Noctis and Luna sent letters back and forth with pictures in their secret diary for 12 years, sending Umbra and Pryna in secret to deliver the messages to each other.
Their marriage at the start of the game was done for political reasons, but the invasion happens in the 1st chapter, they are still getting married after that despite it originally being set up for the treaty.
No it shows events that do happen in the canon but they are trying to stop. Do you not know what a fucking omen is? A vision? It's not any different than Lavos destroying the world in CT and you trying to stop that.
Ardyn already beat it up senpai
Ardyn is only shown slapping her in the Altissia scene which is midway through the game.
What are you talking about, Sup Forums loves that shit.
Because grimdark done badly and with the pretense that it is mature or complex just because it's edgier or lacks a sense of humor is more insufferable than a normal mediocre story, specially if it's just juvenile nihilism and pessimism instead of a dark plot that it's actually trying to tell something meaningful about the dark corners of the human mind or something similar.
That's a Miaodao, a chinese sword that's longer and heavier than a katana. Either way, realism isn't in the description. One is a cyborg with a specialized body that allows him to channel internal energy just like someone with a real body, and the other guy is entirely human and inflicts major organ damage to himself by performing the same techniques without rest in-between. It's literally super powered cyborg kung fu madness with swords striking and slashing with the speed of light. Don't bring logic into it.
I love it when people say cajones, always makes me laugh
it's actually cojones, cajones is like slang for really big boxes
>supposed to be an "older" version
>not a single wrinkle or any sign of aging other than a beard and some gray hairs
>just b urself
I bet you play your 3DS in public too don't you?
like a shipping container?
>grimdark and edgy
Not this.
But the 2005 emo boy hair is. With the childish Naruto spikes and faggot bangs.
Yeah and you never play him except for 5 minutes. Nice post.
Are you blind or something? Going from his 20's to his 30's is him older.
yeah kinda, comes from the word caja that just means box and it's slang in Spanish to add the suffix "-eron" or "-erones" for plural
for example you have casa for a house but if you wanna express that it's a big ass house you say " damn homie look at that caseron
so you can use it to describe shipping containers if you want or even an abnormally large cardboard box
generally it's used for cardboard boxes though, I'm sure shipping containers have their own slang word
His real age is just 30 there. He'd be looking much younger if it weren't for the crystal cancer.
But that's wrong and also irrelevant.
> Being this scared of what other people think
>no one in this thread has actually given a real answer
Just what I'd expect from Sup Forums.
Anyway OP, it's because grimdark and edgy is usually the type of things boys like when they're 12-15 so a lot of people associate it with being a cringeworthy teenager that maybe even they themselves once were in the past. A lot of boys that age make up edgy characters or stories, just look at things like Sonic OCs, specifically the infamous Coldsteel. That type of edginess comes from the mind of a 13 year old boy.
You could have given your sister the D - the VN
I liked it
Excessive Grimdark can be a bad thing from a storytelling standpoint because it leads you to simply not care at all about the state of the world or any of its characters because the world infuses into you a sense that everything is terrible and you might as well not bother. There are no stakes and no hope to serve as a counterpoint to the ceaseless misery.
Two examples of that I can cite are Borderlands and Attack on Titan.
Edginess is a far more subtle affair. Some of it can be quite good [Dante can be an edgy bastard and has a literal demon form but no one says he's ruined because it it], but I suspect more people are put off by the idea of edginess than by the edge itself. They look at, say, Reaper from Overwatch and instantly conjure images of Coldsteel the Hedgehog and the type of young person who would draw that fanart and genuinely think of it as cool, and naturally want to distance themselves from it.
But OP, being edgy is not what makes this trailer so bad.
Being a wannabe Michael Bay movie does.
>I know shit about movies and literature: the image
I actually really like dystopian fiction and the knowledge that no asspull will ever save the protagonist or the world makes it a little bit more believable. While you will never hear me say that for example 40k makes sense or that it's perfect the mere fact that humanity is utterly fucked and the only thing left to do is to witness how the entire human species will die is kind of interesting in its own way.
>and the only thing left to do is to witness how the entire human species will die is kind of interesting in its own way.
Yes, and this is a point I was considering but didn't put into the post.
A world like 40k is just as excessively hopeless as the events I've cited, but they still manage to be entertaining because there are stakes on seeing how the entire thing will crash and burn and go down.
You want to know wether or not the Emprah has any chance of being reformed as a Chaos God once the Golden Throne fails, because that can happen and the world will be screwed regardless.
You want to know if the Eldar will ever manage to rebuild their god, because that can happen and the world will be screwed regardless.
You want to know what the hell the Tyranids are running from, because that can happen and the world will be screwed regardless.
And so on and so forth. If the setting was just, say, the Tau fighting against the Imperium of Man you would have no reason to care about the result.
Because it's not actually dark or grim type of thing, rather this faggy poser bullshit like emo/goth culture. It's pretending to have depth, while it doesn't have any
It has absolutely nothing to do with anything emo or goth you fucking faggot.
Emo/goth was just an example of similar phenomena. Basically, I meant posing.
It's relevent in every way and not wrong. Are you an idiot?
>Two examples of that I can cite are Borderlands and Attack on Titan.
But Attack on Titan always had some spring of hope beyond the initial few chapters and "We are trapped behind the walls with no way out."
>you will never be some braindead ugly fatass defending literal emo boy character and peopel that look like scrawny faggots literally 24/7.
My life isn't this shit after all.
>Why is grimdark and edgy deemed as a bad thing?
There are many reasons
A). It's usually a shallow poor attempt to make your product seem more mature when it isn't
B). Early 2000s Deviantart cringe is associated with it
C). Immature people think that having excessive blood,gore, and nudity = maturity and they sound autistic as fuck when they talk about it
D). Highschool tier philosophy and psychology that barely does much for depth and is just added as an aesthetic element
>Gets triggered over some nobody's opinion on Sudanese Skeleton Dance Fourm
>Life isn't sad.
No it isn't because it doesn't change the fact that he still is the most masculine. And it isn't wrong because nothing has ever been said about how long or even when the time skip is. Everything points to at least the last 1/4 of the game being in the future.
>l-le emo!?!
Grimdark and edgy if it doesn't go to DMC levels (fuck you and giving the fingers) is great.
Not liking it is what has happened to the world with what is called numales. People who are taught to not feel special and show signs of confidence. There is nothing wrong to believe in what you can do, how you look and be content with your sexuality.
Bishonen are not faggots and nothing about the cast is emo
kys, beeyotch
I secretly like it and wish it wasn't shit on so much. Raiden embracing his edgyness going batshit in MGR was entertaining to watch.
Didnt u hear? anything that's not roidraging bara shit is GAAAAAAY!
Too bad he's only playable for like two hours at most, and we have to spend more time with easily the most feminine protagonist to date.
kys fammo
Nice strawman, beeyotch
It isn't a bad thing. Just like it isn't a bad thing to have a game that's colorful and happy. Different tones work for different games, it all depends on what you're trying to do.
You threw a strawman at him first, you idiot.
More feminine than Lighting?
i fucking love this dude so much
Except """he""" LITERALLY said that everyone that didnt like grimdark is a numail.
So, uh, you can kill YOUR dumbass self, beeyotch.
It is a good thing, I love edgy and dark fantasy settings.
I love Devil May Cry because of its edgyness, I love Souls franchise for its dark fantasy setting, however, I can't bring myself to be interested in Final Autism, I have looked it up and it just looks way too autistic for my taste.
He provides top tier bantz too.
ITT: A beard makes you manly
because it transparently conflates maturity with being dark and edgy, and it's embarassing to see that happen
like every time some deviant art tween says things like paper mario is too childish while drawing dark mario avenging peach's rape by tearing out bowser's entrails with his bare hands while tears well up in his eyes.
it shows a fundamental misunderstanding about what makes something mature, while also betraying that the person is trying so very hard to appear mature when they clearly aren't.
all these people saying "hating grimdark is just pretending to be mature!" is pretty much the height of irony
Video games isn't a storytelling medium.
>Literally keeping the same hairstyle for over a decade.
What the fuck?
Interactive story telling
Because 99 times out of 100 it is immature rubbish that only appeals to stupid teenagers and loser manchildren. Like Warhammer 40k, only FF15, SMT and pretty much every attempt by Japan is even worse.
I actually like grimdark/edgy settings
>Warhammer 40k
>Souls and Bloodborne
>ASOIAF/Game of Thrones
>E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
>Killing Floor
>Diablo 1 and 2
>Path of Exile
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Dragon Age: Origins
It's a matter of taste really, and considering the tastes of at least half of Sup Forums userbase, you shouldn't be throwing stones at others for what they like
none of what you listed is grimdark/edgy
actually killing floor maybe
and wh 40k is but winkingly
Either you're that same autist user that spammed that phrase daily for weeks to try to get it to catch on
Or that shit finally caught on with all you retards.
Damn that sounds so autistic
No even in his younger self he's still the most masculine pretty boy out of FF pretty boys. Because he actually sounds like a man, acts like a man and does manly things.
>turn him into john wick
Blatant rip off
Noctis predates John Wick.
My hairstyle hasn't changed much since I was 13, only got slightly shorter. If it's comfortable and easy to maintain, then why change it?
The setting it's not bad, the problem is when people take it too seriously and pretend to look mature
Because we live in a libtard society where any form of violence and death is considered immoral. The ones being killed are always considered dindu nuffins and have some sob story to feel sorry for them. Then that subtle indocrination gets carried to the player to equate the same things they see in video games and movies into real life.
For example, there is a huge amount of support for Black Lives Matter. Even though they are a terrorist and hate group. There are many people who support them, because they've been influenced by liberal video games and movies that blacks are a bunch of dindu nuffins and whites are evil creatures. That being rich means you must of done something evil. That being successful is something to be ashamed up. That the poor are victims of circumstances.
I could go on, but you get the point. And, no this isn't something that is a mere coincidence or something in my mind.
fucking sheeple
His hair does not look easy to maintain.
That's his normal hair with 0 work done
So literally Kingdom Hearts