Is he our guy?

Is he our guy?

He browses here thats for sure.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. Current pewds is actually the least cancerous youtuber out there, strangely enough

He is so retarded he fits very well for this website

You say that but do you actually watch his videos. He may be a "cool" guy and all but his videos aren't entertaining unless you're some preteen with no friends

If you're 15, sure.

>if you like what I don't like you have to be some preteen with no friends

I've watched some of his videos years ago and he was a screaming retard. I recently watched his last 3 uploads and it was actually decent. Every other youtuber seems to emulating the old way he acted, so he's actually a step above them right now. Plus he seems to acknowledge the error in his past ways and the self loathing is refreshing 2bh

My lil bro is like that. I think you're up to something.

Yes! Here kind sir, have my upvote.

he's our guy now

t. Sup Forums


He's just copying FilthyFrank and idubbbz. His humor right now is in his editing, characters and exaggerations.

He used to be pretty terrible, but he's not so bad anymore.
I still don't watch his video very often, but I no longer have anything against them.

Is this one of those you tube cocksuckers?

Why are you guys obsessed with these people?

>makes retarded videos for kids
Why in the name of fuck would he ever be our fucking guy?

Surrogate friends.

He hates the Nintendo Switch, so he's our guy

Given the state of this board now, he is our guy

>He browses here thats for sure
That's literally the one metric to determine if a guy is ours.
It isn't if we like them or if we think they'd like us. It is if they literally are us. That's why Hotshot and Pobeezy were our guys, if you're into ASSFAGGOTS. Because they were literally our guys.

No you're a faggot

What did Pewdiepie do to be our guy right now?

End yourself, for fucks sake.

I always hated his "yout tube" personality, but as a professional I respect him.

Felix is a decent guy who just got lucky and used his opportunity to make himself bigger.

The man is about his money.

Half the kids online browse here, this is the most popular subreddit about video games.

He probably only browses here to see what the kids are into.

Literally the fucking scarface of youtube.

And you're underaged.

And you enjoy actually enjoy faggypie

From OP
>He browses here thats for sure.

What I'm saying is not a difficult concept, user. You are our guy if you are one of us. That's the only thing that you can do to make yourself our guy.

Who is gonna be this guy?

Reddit browses Sup Forums, are they our guy?

From the thumbnail it looks like he has a pink, thin dragon dildo in his mouth.

Is he our guy?

He browses here thats for sure.

Well Kripp just released art of him fisting a gaping ass while wearing gay pride symbols. And he will sell it for money too. I think that makes him more of a "our guy". At least he used to be good.

Yeah but how do you prove that?


no they are infidel

Either that or you have shit taste
He knew his viewer base grew up from preteens to teens, so he switched to Filthy Frank humor to pander.
He might pander to your le Idubbbbbbz tastes now, but he still makes the same content, just with a bit more dry humor now

He was a lot better before his bitch of a girlfriend existed
>he thought everyone upset by her was just "jealous"


He definitely isn't straight up copying them, but you can tell they've influenced him. I rarely watch his videos but they're much less cancerous than those fucking Happy Wheels videos I saw years ago.

i hope not
he's too good for you

>mfw e-celebs promote themself on Sup Forums again and the mods commited suicide weeks ago

>confirmed shill


Is he the guy?

She does not appear in his videos, at least.
Did you just assume her gender? Trannies are bitchy as fuck.

a based god

which person made that kripp fanart?

that's very disturbing

>Trannies are bitchy as fuck.
Is he really dating a Tranny?

Define "our". While you're at it, also define "is", "he" and "guy".

You mean you wouldn't buy it on a t-shirt?
Because he is selling it on a t-shirt.

>He browses here thats for sure.

He fucking started off streaming for Sup Forums you fucking newfag, jesus christ.

He got a taste of e-fame and turned into an obnoxious dipshit though.

What did he mean by this?

>least cancerous

He is nowhere near Leafy or those other faggots, but pewdiepie is just as bad in his own way.
He barely play games anymore. His popularity makes zero sense to me.

Yes user. A youtuber with over 48 million subs needs to shill himself on a shitty image board. Good on you for seeing the truth. I wish I was so enlightened.

if he is our guy, who is our girl?

>still stuck in the metroid part
I really didn't think the game as hard as people said

Give me a name

Long Mint

15 year olds are dumb, but they aren't THAT dumb. He was well into his popularity when I was 15 3 years ago and everyone I knew hated him.


lmao, isn't she that massive whore that dated some pedophile minecraft dude?

Oh well I'm Pre Wizard with no friends

Mr. Cyanide.


He doesn't screen into his mic while playing horror games anymore so i guess thats a plus?

But he's trying way too hard to be something he's not and it just feels forced and awkward.

>"Le he shares my political views so his content is good now XD"

Manipulating preteens with shitty humor to get rich. I mean I would too.

Felix is a cool guy, apparently. The videos where Felix shine through the Pewds persona are decent.

Hail Shitpost King.


That's because his fanbase have grown up and he have realized that.

This is the only 'non-cancerous' youtuber I know of.

The only guys I care about don't do stuff together anymore

Not hard when the most cancerous one is TB

We can agree that we like Ster and Cr1tikal right?

>if you watch YouTube channels with eceleb personalities, you have no friends
Where did this meme come from? Was there some sort of study done last year?

What? Hes an utter screaming faggot. This better be bait.

Sips is the best.


Haha, EPIC cancer joke, my dude!

Titty nipple asscheeks gets old after the first few videos

I got the cheetah, you can't spoil my victory now

Haha, you sure did my dude, very epic!

>it's not being gay... it's being fabulouuuus!!!!

It wouldn't surprise me since he's "pansexual"

>a guy this cool spawned out of yogscast

Based leafs

I wish he finished his final fantasy playthrough. I dunno why he just stopped.

I wish he'd finish half his playthroughs. He's stopped loads of them. I seem to remember he stopped Fallout right before the final boss.

All he does is stream now doesn't he?

So you were browsing here when you was underage?. MODS.

Is he "our" guy?

obviously anyone who isn't a retard wouldn't buy that shirt

unfortunately twitch and youtube e-celeb followers are known retards

>He browses here thats for sure.
he used to stream for Sup Forums, there is not guessing about it retard.

He browses Sup Forums not Sup Forums faggot.

>PDP got older, started thinking his older stuff was "cringey" when in reality he always knew what he was doing (entertaining 12 year olds), he's just a jew and got bored
>Sup Forums got younger, this board is like half Gen Z now, legitimately the youngest average poster age

Well, I knew this was coming.

I don't know but he has a fucking top tier taste in anime that's for sure

Yep, and TamashiiHiroka is /vp/'s our girl.

>He browses here thats for sure.
No shit, he started off on Sup Forums.

He's definitely our guy, for sure.

A lot of people here seem to like his videos, but I can't seem to get it. He's literally everything I hate about LPers minus the screaming.

this faggot added me on steam once telling me that I hacked his account